
单词 sacrificator
释义 sacrificator rare.|ˈsækrɪfɪkeɪtə(r)|
[a. L. sacrificātor, agent-n. f. sacrificāre: see sacrify v. Cf. F. sacrificateur.]
One who sacrifices. Also fig.
1548tr. Viret's Expos. XII Art. Chr. Faith E j b, He is called Christe bycause of the same oyntment, by the whyche he hathe ordeyned hym prophete, kynge, and sacrificatour.1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. v. xiv. 255 It is not probable the Priests..would have permitted it, and that not onely in regard of the subject or sacrifice it selfe, but also the sacrificator.1818Bentham Ch. Eng., Ch. Eng. Catech. Exam. 361 The Noble Reformer, in the character of Arch-Sacrificator.1859All Year Round No. 28. 30 Here was evidently a grand Sacrificator, and an unexceptionable Altar.
So ˈsacrificatory a., sacrificing, belonging to sacrifice. ˈsacrificature, the office or function of sacrificing.
1581J. Bell Haddon's Answ. Osor. 344 He seeth no markette of pardons,..no sacrificatory masses.1593Nashe Christ's T. 22 The sky-perfuming prayers, & profuse sacrificatory expences of ful-hand oblationers.1612W. Sclater Minister's Portion 9 A second sort [of tithes] which wee may call sacrificatory.1699Burnet 39 Art. vii. (1700) 99 Those Sacrificatory Phrases that they use in speaking of the Messiah.1779Horne Disc. (1799) I. 107 Such were the ritual observances regarding sacrificature.a1812McLean Comm. Heb. x. (1847) II. 80 The sacrifice of Christ's body once offered has for ever abrogated the whole of the Mosaic sacrificature.1827G. S. Faber Orig. Expiat. Sacr. 64 This grossly-corrupt mode of sacrificature is alluded to and justly castigated by Solomon.

