
单词 bulldoze
释义 bulldoze v 1 [Tn] remove or flatten (sth) with a bulldozer (用推土机)推掉或推平(某物)     The area was bulldozed to make way for a new road. 那片地已被推土机推平用以修筑新路. 2 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (into doing sth) (fig 比喻) force sb to do sth, esp by frightening him 强迫某人做某事物(尤指用威胁手段); 胁迫     They bulldozed me into signing the agreement. 他们胁迫我签约. 3 [Tn.pr] push sth with force in the specified direction (朝某方向)强力推动某事物     (fig 比喻) He bulldozed his way into the room. 他硬闯进房间里.     She bulldozed her plans past the committee. 她硬使委员会通过了她的计划.

