MAMA9- (N-Methyl-Aminomethyl) Anthracene
MAMAMetadata Analysis and Mining Application
MAMAMountain Area Medical Airlift (Asheville, NC)
MAMAMothers Against Methamphetamine
MAMAMothers Against Misuse and Abuse
MAMAMadison Area Music Awards
MAMAMulti-Anode Microchannel Array
MAMAMovimento Articulado de Mulheres da Amazonia (Portuguese: Articulated Movement of Women from the Amazon)
MAMAMuseum of Ancient and Modern Art (Penn Valley, CA)
MAMAModesto Area Music Association
MAMAMothers Against Murder and Aggression
MAMAMetropolitan Atlanta Musicians Association (Atlanta, GA)
MAMAMountain Acoustic Music Association
MAMAMothers Against MSBP Allegations
MAMAmemory allocator for multithreaded architectures
MAMAMobile Automatic Message Accounting
MAMAMicro Adhesion Measurement Apparatus (contact mechanics)
MAMAMobile Area Modelers Association (Alabama)
MAMAMTV (Music Television) Africa Music Awards (est. 2008)
MAMAMoral Advancement Movement of America (Dragnet)