组词“an old fogey/fogy”的意思

词组 an old fogey/fogy
释义 an old ˈfogey/ˈfogy (usually disapproving) (usually of an older person) a person with very old-fashioned or traditional views, opinions, etc. 守旧的人,老顽固(通常指老人)I’m not such an old fogey that I can’t remember what it was like to be a student.我还没有古板到不记得做学生的感觉。 NOTE A young person with old-fashioned views, style of dress, etc. is sometimes called a ‘young fogey’. 有守旧思想或穿着保守的年轻人被称为 young fogey:He’s one of the young fogies who write for the ‘Spectator’.他是《旁观者》周刊观点保守的青年撰稿人之一。

