
词组 heavy
释义 heavy /ˈhevi/ SEE ALL
get ˈheavy (informal) become very serious, because strong feelings are involved (因情绪激动而)变得严重They started shouting at me and it soon got very heavy.
hang/lie ˈheavy (on sb/sth)1. (of a feeling or sth in the air 情感或空气中的物体) be very noticeable in a particular place in a way that is unpleasant 明显郁积;明显悬浮于Smoke lay heavy on the far side of the water.
Despair hangs heavy on the air.
2. make sb/sth feel uncomfortable or anxious 使不安;使焦虑;使担忧The crime lay heavy on her conscience.
ˌheavy ˈgoingboring, tiring, difficult, etc. 枯燥无聊的;费劲的;难以理解的I do find her novels very heavy going.
The last part of the journey was rather heavy going because of the muddy paths.
NOTE The going is the condition of the ground, especially in horse racing. * going 指地面状况,尤指赛马场的路况。
heavy ˈhanda way of doing sth or of treating people that is much stronger and less sensitive than it needs to be 过于严厉的手段;粗暴的方式;高压手段the heavy hand of management
OPP a light touch ˌheavy-ˈhanded


a heavy-handed approach / manner
the ˈheavy mob/brigade (BrE, informal) a group of strong, often violent people employed to do sth such as protect sb 打手队;保镖团I had to laugh when he turned up at the meeting with his heavy mob, as if he was a mafia boss or something.
a heavy ˈsilence/ˈatmospherea situation when people do not say anything, but feel embarrassed or uncomfortable 令人尴尬(或不安)的沉默/气氛There was a heavy silence for a few minutes before anybody spoke.
make heavy ˈweather of sth/of doing sthmake sth seem more difficult than it really is 把事情弄复杂;小题大做You’re making very heavy weather of repairing that bike. What’s the problem?
OPP make light work of sth
with a ˌheavy/ˌsinking ˈheartwith a feeling of sadness or fear 悲哀地;害怕地It was with a heavy heart that he left the school for the last time.他最后一次离开学校时心情十分沉重。 OPP with a light heart time hangs/lies ˈheavy (on your ˈhands)time seems to pass very slowly because you are bored or have nothing to do 时间过得很慢;(某人)感到无所事事;度日如年In prison, time hangs heavy.在监狱里真是度日如年。

