
词组 late
释义 late /leɪt/ SEE ALL
ˌlate in the ˈday (disapproving) (do sth) later than you should 为时已晚;已失时机It’s a bit late in the day to tell me you can’t come. I’ve already bought the tickets.
late of… (formal) until recently working or living in the place mentioned 直至最近在…工作(或居住)Professor Jones, late of York University
of ˈlate (formal) recently 最近;近来He has been feeling rather unwell of late. He ought to see the doctor.
ˌbetter ˌlate than ˈnever (saying) it is better to arrive, do sth, etc. late than not to arrive, do sth, etc. at all 迟到总比不到强;迟做总比不做好You were supposed to be here an hour ago, still better late than never, I suppose!你本应该一个小时以前到这里,不过我想,迟到总比不到强!have an early/a late ˈnightgo to bed earlier or later than usual (比平时)睡得早/晚I’d better have an early night if I want to get up at 6 o’clock.如果我明天要 6 点钟起床,今晚得早点睡。I’ve had a lot of late nights recently.最近我常常睡得很晚。

