
词组 speed
释义 speed /spiːd/ SEE ALL
a ˌturn of ˈspeeda sudden increase in speed 突然加速She put on a turn of speed at the end of the race and won easily.
up to ˈspeed (on sth)1. (of a person, company, etc. 人、公司等) performing at an expected rate or level 达到应有的速度(或水平);达标the cost of bringing the chosen schools up to speed
2. (of a person ) having the most recent and accurate information or knowledge 了解最新情况;跟上形势I’ll bring you up to speed on the latest developments.
(at) full ˈpelt/ˈspeed/ˈtiltwith great speed, force, etc. 全速;大力地The police were chasing him so he ran full pelt down the road.警察正在追捕他,他飞快地顺着马路逃去。We drove down the road at full tilt.我们在路上疾驰。full steam/speed aˈheadwith as much speed or energy as possible 全速;尽力We were working full steam ahead to finish the project by the end of April.为了赶在 4 月底以前完成这个项目,我们全力以赴。 ORIGIN This expression refers to the order given on a ship by the captain to the engine room. 这个表达法原指船长给机舱下达“全速前进”的指令。ˌmore ˈhaste, ˌless ˈspeed (BrE, saying) if you try to do sth quickly, you are more likely to make mistakes and so take a longer time than necessary 欲速则不达I had to send the email twice because I forgot to add the attachment. More haste, less speed!我忘了加附件,只好再发一次邮件。真是欲速则不达!at/with ˌlightning ˈspeedvery fast 非常快;以闪电般的速度;风驰电掣地The lecturer talked at lightning speed.演讲者语速飞快。They’re a very efficient company. They reply to your letters with lightning speed.他们公司效率很高,他们回复信函的速度快极了。pick up ˈspeedgo faster 加速The train began to pick up speed.火车开始加速。

