
词组 halfway
释义 halfway BrE /ˌhɑːfˈweɪ/
NAmE /ˌhæf-/
a ˌhalfway ˈhouse1. a place where prisoners, mental patients, etc. can stay for a short time after leaving a prison or hospital, before they start to live on their own again (为出狱者或出院的精神病人而设的)重返社会训练所,中途之家,过渡宿舍We’re opening several halfway houses for people who’ve been in this hospital.
2. something that combines the features of two plans, wishes, etc. 折中方案;妥协办法We really wanted to build a completely new hospital, but we didn’t have the money, so this extension is a kind of halfway house.
ORIGIN A halfway house was originally a place such as an inn (= a pub where you can stay the night) that was halfway between two places, or in the middle of a journey. * halfway house 原指两地之间或旅程半途中歇脚的客栈或类似场所。
meet sb halfˈwayreach an agreement with sb by giving them part of what they want 和某人妥协;迁就;迎合I can’t agree to all your suggestions, but I am prepared to meet you halfway.我不能同意你所有的条件,但是我可以作出某些让步。

