
单词 淡绿色
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COLOUR〕This is a nice jacket and we also do it in a light green. 这是件漂亮的夹克。这种式样的我们还有淡绿色的。朗文写作活用〔SURFACE〕The plant has light green leaves with silver marks on their upper surfaces. 这种植物的叶子呈淡绿色,叶面有银白色的斑点。朗文写作活用〔alexandrite〕A greenish chrysoberyl that appears red in artificial light, used as a gemstone.变石,紫翠玉:一种淡绿色的金绿宝石,在人工灯光下呈红色,用作宝石美国传统〔crocidolite〕A fibrous, lavender-blue or greenish mineral, a sodium iron silicate that is used as a commercial form of asbestos.青石棉:一种纤维状的淡紫蓝色或淡绿色矿物,是被作为工业用石棉使用的纳铁硅酸盐美国传统〔greenness〕Yellow and green together make a pale green.黄色与绿色混合能调配出淡绿色柯林斯高阶〔iceberg lettuce〕A crisp, round, compact head of lettuce with light green, tightly folded leaves.球叶莴苣:长有紧叠的淡绿色叶子的一种有脆而结实的圆头的莴苣美国传统〔iron gray〕A dark gray with a slightly greenish tinge.铁灰色:略带淡绿色的黑灰美国传统〔jade〕Either of two distinct minerals, nephrite and jadeite, that are generally pale green or white and are used mainly as gemstones or in carving.玉石:两种主要用作装饰或用于雕刻的淡绿色或白色矿石(软玉和硬玉)之一美国传统〔lightly〕We know he has a light green van.我们知道他有一辆淡绿色小货车。柯林斯高阶〔ochre〕There were many colours − pale green, red, a bright rust-red, ochre.有许多颜色——淡绿色、红色、明亮的铁锈红和赭色。外研社新世纪〔paint〕We painted the walls light green.我们将墙壁粉刷成了淡绿色牛津搭配〔paper〕She picked a light green paper for the living room.她为客厅挑选了淡绿色的壁纸。韦氏高阶〔pond scum〕Any of various freshwater algae that form a usually greenish film on the surface of stagnant water.绿藻:一种淡水藻,它在死水表面形成一个通常为淡绿色的薄膜美国传统〔reseda〕Color A grayish or dark green to yellow green or light olive.【色彩】 淡绿色:从略带灰色的绿色或暗绿色到黄绿色或浅黄绿色美国传统〔start〕The leaves start out a pale green, and later get darker.树叶开始是淡绿色,后来颜色变深了。朗文当代〔velvet〕Her velvet was of a pale green with a very full skirt.她的连衣裙是淡绿色的,下摆宽大。英汉大词典The dancers are dressed in soft purples, light blues, and pastel greens.舞蹈演员们身穿淡紫、淡蓝和淡绿色服装。剑桥国际The paint was a lovely shade of light green.该油漆有一种很恬适的淡绿色的色调。剑桥国际

