
单词 但只有一
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔greenstick fracture〕A partial bone fracture, usually occurring in children, in which the bone is bent but only broken on one side.旁弯骨折,青枝骨折:一种不完全性骨折,常见于儿童,表现为骨头弯曲,但只有一面断裂美国传统〔kind〕Elections of a kind are held, but there is only one party to vote for.举行了所谓的选举,但只有一个政党可选。朗文当代〔upend〕He upended the champagne bottle over his glass, but only a drop or two ran out.他把香槟酒瓶子倒覆在自己的杯子上,但只有一两滴酒流出。英汉大词典He knows a lot of people, but only one or two that he'd call close friends.他认识很多人,但只有一、两个被他当作亲密朋友。剑桥国际Teaching about human reproduction was widespread in schools but only half of all 16-year-olds had discussed ‘personal relationships’in the classroom.学校中广泛讲授人类的繁殖,但只有一半的16岁学生在课堂中讨论过‘个人的关系’。剑桥国际

