
单词 军中
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕The president has failed to stand firm on his promise to allow gays to serve in the military. 总统未能坚守诺言允许同性恋者在军中服役。朗文写作活用〔Distinguished Flying Cross〕A British military decoration awarded to officers of the Royal Air Force for extraordinary achievement.(英国的)优异飞行十字勋章:(英国)授予在皇家空军中有杰出成就者的特等军功章美国传统〔Distinguished Service Cross〕A British military decoration awarded to officers of the Royal Navy for gallantry in action.(英国将军的)优异服务十字勋章:英国海军中对皇家海军中表现英勇的军官授予的军功章美国传统〔General of the Army〕The highest commissioned rank in the U.S. Army.美国陆军五星上将:美国陆军中的最高军阶美国传统〔PEACE〕The rebels have ended a 17-month-old truce, and could strike at any time. 叛军中止了17个月的休战协定,随时可能发起攻击。朗文写作活用〔PROTECT〕An army lieutenant and 14 soldiers were guarding the air strip. 一名陆军中尉和十四名士兵守护着简易机场。朗文写作活用〔Provo〕One of the members of the extremist faction of the Irish Republican Army.极端分子:爱尔兰共和军中的极端主义团体的成员之一美国传统〔SHOW〕The fact that there are no black officers in the entire regiment reveals that the army is not serious about its anti-discrimination policies. 整个军团里没有一个黑人军官,这个事实揭示出军中的反歧视政策并不是认真的。朗文写作活用〔ace〕A military aircraft pilot who has destroyed five or more enemy aircraft.王牌驾驶员:空军中击落五架或五架以上敌机的飞行员美国传统〔adjutant general〕Adjutant General The chief administrative officer, a major general, of the U.S. Army. Adjutant General 陆军副官长:美军中主要的行政长官,少将美国传统〔admiral〕One who holds the rank of admiral, Admiral of the Fleet, rear admiral, or vice-admiral.海军将军:拥有海军上将,海军五星上将,海军少将或海军中将军衔的人美国传统〔air marshal〕Air Marshal Gordon Black 空军中将戈登 · 布莱克牛津高阶〔airman basic〕An enlisted rank in the U.S. Air Force that is below airman and is used for recruits.空军列兵军衔:美国空军中在士兵之下的军衔,用来指新兵美国传统〔airman first class〕An enlisted rank in the U.S. Air Force that is above airman and below sergeant.空军一等兵军衔:美国空军中士兵之上,军士之下的军衔美国传统〔airman〕An enlisted rank in the U.S. Air Force that is above airman basic and below airman first class.空军士兵军衔:美军空军中在列兵之上,一等兵之下的军衔美国传统〔airy〕Giving them an airy wave of his hand, the Commander sailed past.这位海军中校随意地朝他们挥挥手便扬帆而过。柯林斯高阶〔base〕The U.S. squadron was based on the carrier.美国空军中队以这艘航空母舰为基地。21世纪英汉〔big〕Their father was very big in the army.他们的父亲在军中很有影响力。外研社新世纪〔big〕Their father was very big in the army.他们的父亲在军中很有影响力。柯林斯高阶〔cadence〕The measure or beat of movement, as in dancing or marching.步调:舞蹈或行军中的步调和节拍美国传统〔canteen〕A bar or small general store formerly established for the patronage of soldiers.军中福利社:原为招揽士兵而建的酒吧或小型百货商店美国传统〔captain〕A commissioned rank in the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard that is above commander and below rear admiral.上校:美军海军或海岸警备队的经过委任授予的军衔,位居海军中校之上海军少将之下美国传统〔chief master sergeant〕A noncommissioned rank in the U.S. Air Force that is above senior master sergeant.一级军士长:美国空军中位于高级军士长之上而未授军官官衔的军阶美国传统〔chief petty officer〕An enlisted rank in the U.S. Navy that is above petty officer first class and below senior chief petty officer.军士长:美国海军中位于海军上士以上,二级军士长以下的士兵军阶美国传统〔class-consciousness〕There was very little snobbery or class-consciousness in the wartime navy.战时的海军中很少有势利眼,阶级意识也不强。柯林斯高阶〔commander〕A commissioned rank in the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard that is above lieutenant commander and below captain.海军中校:美国海军和海岸自卫队军衔,高于少校但低于上校美国传统〔commander〕Commander Phillips/James Phillips 菲利普斯海军中校/詹姆斯·菲利普斯剑桥高阶〔compose〕At that time, women composed only 1.6 percent of the US forces.那个时期,美军中的女性只占1.6%的比例。剑桥高阶〔conscript〕Even many young students were conscripted into the army.甚至很多年轻的学生也被征召到陆军中服兵役。21世纪英汉〔cream〕Its crew were the cream of the navy.其船员都是海军中的精英。外研社新世纪〔ecumenical〕Both chaplains work as part of an ecumenical team.两位军中牧师都以教会团结小组的一分子而工作。文馨英汉〔ensign〕A commissioned rank in the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard that is below lieutenant junior grade.海军少尉:美海军或海岸警卫队中比海军中尉职低一级的军衔美国传统〔fall〕Not a single man fell out in the long march.在长途行军中没有一个人掉队。英汉大词典〔finger〕He said he wasn't pointing an accusing finger at anyone in the government or the army.他说他并不是在指责任何政府工作人员或军中人士。外研社新世纪〔first lieutenant〕A commissioned rank in the U.S. Army, Air Force, and Marines that is above second lieutenant and below captain.中尉:美国陆军、空军和海军中受委任的一个比少尉高而比上尉低军衔美国传统〔flag officer〕An officer in the navy or coast guard holding a rank higher than captain, such as rear admiral, vice admiral, or admiral.海军将官:在海军或海岸巡逻队中比海军上校衔高的军官,例如海军少将、海军中将或海军上将美国传统〔flagship〕A ship that carries a fleet or squadron commander and bears the commander's flag.旗舰:装有舰队或海军中队指挥官并悬有指挥官旗帜的船只美国传统〔flight〕A number of aircraft in the U.S. Air Force forming a subdivision of a squadron.飞行小队:组成美国空军中队分队的一批飞机美国传统〔flying officer〕Flying Officer Ian Wall 伊恩 · 沃尔皇家空军中牛津高阶〔general officer〕An officer in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps ranking above colonel.高级军官:美国陆军、空军或海军中一军官,军阶高于上校美国传统〔general〕A commissioned rank in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps that is above lieutenant general.一级上将:美国陆军、空军或海军中在上尉之上一军阶美国传统〔grade〕I was a naval officer, lieutenant junior grade.我是一名海军中尉军官。柯林斯高阶〔group〕A unit of two or more squadrons in the U.S. Air Force, smaller than a wing.空军大队:美国空军中的编制,由两个或两个以上的中队组成,小于飞行联队美国传统〔guardroom〕A room in which military prisoners are confined.军中禁闭室:关押军事犯人的房间美国传统〔hour〕In the military, 4:00 p.m. is called 1600 hours.在军中,下午4点被称为16点。韦氏高阶〔identify〕Eye witnesses identified the gunman as an army sergeant.目击者认出了枪手是一名陆军中士。朗文当代〔join〕Helen has joined the ranks of the unemployed.海伦已经成为失业大军中的一员。麦克米伦高阶〔lieutenant commander〕A commissioned rank in the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard that is above lieutenant and below commander.海军少校:美国海军或海岸警卫队的军衔,高于海军上尉,低于海军中美国传统〔lieutenant general〕One who holds this rank.陆军中将:有此军衔的人美国传统〔lieutenant junior grade〕A commissioned rank in the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard that is above ensign and below lieutenant.海军中尉:美国海军或海岸警卫队的军衔,高于海军少尉,低于海军上尉美国传统〔lieutenant junior grade〕One who holds this rank.海军中尉:有此军衔的人美国传统〔lieutenant〕Abbr. Lt.A commissioned rank in the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard that is above lieutenant junior grade and below lieutenant commander.缩写 Lt.海军上尉:美国海军或海岸警卫队的军衔,高于海军中尉,低于海军少校美国传统〔lieutenant〕Lieutenant Paul Fisher 保罗 · 费希尔陆军中牛津高阶〔major general〕A commissioned rank in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps that is above brigadier general and below lieutenant general.少将:美国陆军、空军或海军中在准将之上中将之下的军衔美国传统〔master sergeant〕A noncommissioned rank in the U.S. Air Force that is above technical sergeant and below senior master sergeant.二级军士长:美国空军中高于上士、低于二级军士长的未委任军衔美国传统〔master sergeant〕A noncommissioned rank in the U.S. Army that is above sergeant first class and below the position of sergeant major.二级军士长:美国陆军中高于三级军士长、低于士官长的未经委任的军衔美国传统〔military〕I wasn't surprised to learn that he'd served in the military.得知他在军中服过役,我并不感到意外。牛津搭配〔mission〕The squadron flew on a reconnaissance mission.这支空军中队执行一项侦察任务。牛津高阶〔muster roll〕The official roll of persons in a military or naval unit.名册:陆军或者海军中的正式的个人名册美国传统〔prefer〕He was preferred to lieutenant.他被晋升为陆军中尉。21世纪英汉〔prefer〕He was preferred to lieutenant.他被晋升为陆军中尉。英汉大词典〔rank〕A captain ranks a commander in the navy.在海军中,上校的军衔高于中校。21世纪英汉〔rank〕He never rose above the rank of lieutenant.他一辈子只是个陆军中尉。牛津搭配〔rank〕In British army a field marshal ranks above a general.在英国陆军中,元帅的军衔比上将高。21世纪英汉〔rank〕Marty has joined the ranks of the (= become) unemployed.马蒂也成了失业大军中的一员。剑桥高阶〔rank〕The fleet admiral ranks in the navy of the United States.在美国海军中,最高的军衔是元帅。21世纪英汉〔rating〕Chiefly British An enlisted person in the navy.【多用于英国】 海军士兵:在海军中服役的人美国传统〔readiness〕Four tactical air squadrons were placed at readiness for an air strike.4个战术空军中队被置于空袭准备状态。英汉大词典〔rear admiral〕A commissioned rank in the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard that is above commodore and below vice admiral.海军少将衔:美国海军右海军陆战队高于海军准将而低于海军中将的现役军衔美国传统〔redoubtable〕He is the most redoubtable admiral in the navy.他是海军中最令人敬畏的上将。英汉大词典〔second lieutenant〕The lowest commissioned rank in the U.S. Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps.少尉:在美国陆军、空军和海军中最低军衔的职称美国传统〔see〕Bill saw service in the Army.比尔在陆军中服过兵役。英汉大词典〔senior chief petty officer〕A noncommissioned rank in the U.S. Navy that is above chief petty officer and below master chief petty officer.二级军士长:美国海军中高于军士长而低于一级军士长的未任命的年衔美国传统〔senior master sergeant〕A noncommissioned rank in the U.S. Air Force that is above master sergeant and below chief master sergeant.二级军士长:美国空军中,军阶高于军士长而低于总军士长的未受任命的军衔美国传统〔sergeant first class〕A noncommissioned rank in the U.S. Army that is above staff sergeant and below master sergeant.陆军上士:美国陆军中一种未任命的军衔,它高于参谋军士而低于军士长美国传统〔serve〕He served for five years in the army. = He served in the army for five years.他在军中服役五年。韦氏高阶〔service〕She was in the service for 20 years.她曾在军中服役20年。韦氏高阶〔ship fitter〕A sailor in the U.S. Navy who does sheet-metal work and plumbing on board a ship.舰艇管子工:美国海军中在船上做极金工和铺设水管的水手美国传统〔squadron〕The government said it was preparing a squadron of eighteen Mirage fighter planes.政府曾称正在筹建一个由18架“幻影”战斗机组成的空军中队。外研社新世纪〔squadron〕The government said it was preparing a squadron of eighteen Mirage fighter planes.政府称其正筹建一个由18架“幻影”战斗机组成的空军中队。柯林斯高阶〔staff sergeant〕A noncommissioned rank in the U.S. Air Force that is above sergeant and below technical sergeant.空军上士:在美国空军中高于中士低于技术军士的一种未授衔的军职美国传统〔staff sergeant〕A noncommissioned rank in the U.S. Army that is above sergeant and below sergeant first class.陆军上士:在美国陆军中高于中士低于军士的一种未授衔的军职美国传统〔staff sergeant〕A noncommissioned rank in the U.S. Marine Corps that is above sergeant and below gunnery sergeant.海军上士:在美国海军中高于中士低于枪炮军士的一种未授衔的军职美国传统〔subaltern〕Chiefly British A subaltern officer.【多用于英国】 陆军中美国传统〔subaltern〕Chiefly British Holding a military rank just below that of captain.【多用于英国】 陆军中尉的美国传统〔technical sergeant〕A noncommissioned rank in the U.S. Air Force that is above staff sergeant and below master sergeant.空军技术军士:美国空军中一种未任命的军衔,比参谋军士高而比军士长低的美国传统〔triple〕The troops are watching a triple feature: hygiene, military courtesy and something else.部队在看一部包括卫生、军中礼节和其他等三个方面内容的影片。英汉大词典〔vice admiral〕A commissioned rank in the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard that is above rear admiral and below admiral.海军中将:美国海军或者海岸巡逻队的军街,比海军少将高,比将军低美国传统〔vice-admiralty〕The office, rank, or command of a vice admiral.海军中将的职位、军衔或者命令美国传统〔wing commander〕Wing Commander Brian Moore 空军中校布赖恩 · 穆尔牛津高阶〔wing commander〕Wing Commander Christopher Moran.空军中校克里斯托弗·莫兰柯林斯高阶〔wing commander〕Wing Commander Christopher Moran空军中校克里斯托弗•莫兰外研社新世纪〔wing〕An air force unit larger than a group but smaller than a division.联队:空军中比空军大队高又低于师的一个军队单位美国传统〔yeoman〕A petty officer performing chiefly clerical duties in the U.S. Navy.文书军士:美国海军中,主要做文书工作的小军官美国传统A sergeant has three stripes. 陆军中士军服上有三条袖纹。译典通At the end of the Vietnam war, women composed only 1.6% of the US forces, but the percentage is much higher now.越战结束时,美军中的女性只占1.6%的比例,而现在女性百分比已经大大提高了。剑桥国际Colonel is the military rank between lieutenant-colonel and brigadier.上校是在陆军中校之上、准将之下的军衔剑桥国际Over half the army was com-posed of conscripts.军中一半以上是被征入伍者。剑桥国际There are rumblings of annoyance throughout the workforce.整个劳动大军中都有烦躁的抱怨声。剑桥国际They belonged to the same scout troop.他们属于同一童子军中队。剑桥国际

