
单词 前体
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔defection〕A report has pointed out the defects of the present system.一份报告指出了当前体制存在的毛病。柯林斯高阶〔foretaste〕The summer job had given her a foretaste of office work.暑假的工作使她提前体验了办公室的工作。麦克米伦高阶〔lipotropin〕A hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland that promotes the utilization of fat by the body and is a precursor to the endorphins.促脂素:一种垂体前叶腺产生的激素,可促进身体对脂肪的利用,是内啡肽的前体美国传统〔money〕There's money in sport these days.目前体育市场有利可图。剑桥高阶〔myoblast〕An undifferentiated cell in the mesoderm of the vertebrate embryo that is a precursor of a muscle cell.成肌细胞:未分化细胞,在作为肌细胞前体的脊椎动物胚胎的中胚层内美国传统〔plasmablast〕The precursor or stem cell of a plasma cell.成浆细胞:浆细胞的前体细胞或干细胞美国传统〔plasminogen〕The inactive precursor to plasmin that is found in body fluids and blood plasma.血纤维蛋白溶酶原:血纤维蛋白溶酶不活跃的前体,常发现于体液和血浆中美国传统〔prodrug〕An inactive precursor of a drug, converted into its active form in the body by normal metabolic processes.药物前体,潜药:药物的静止性前体,通过正常的新陈代谢过程在体内转化成其活性形态美国传统〔proinsulin〕A single-chain polypeptide that is the precursor of insulin, converted into insulin by enzymatic action.胰岛素原:单健的多酞,是胰岛素的前体,通过酶的作用变成胰岛素美国传统〔prosoma〕The anterior or cephalic portion of the body of certain invertebrates, such as arachnids, in which segmentation is not evident.前体:某些无脊椎动物比如蜘蛛类动物的头部或前面部分,在这一部位环节不明显美国传统〔provitamin〕A vitamin precursor that the body converts to its active form through normal metabolic processes. Carotene, for example, is a provitamin of vitamin A.维生素原:一种由身体通过正常新陈代谢过程,将其转化成活跃形式的维生素的前体,比如,胡萝卜素是维生素A的维生素原美国传统〔remark〕Please don't interpret my remarks as support for the current system.请不要把我的讲话理解成对当前体制的支持。牛津搭配〔trypsinogen〕The inactive precursor of trypsin, produced by the pancreas and converted to trypsin in the small intestine by enterokinase.胰蛋白酶原:胰蛋白酶的惰性前体;由胰制造并由肠激酶在小肠内转化为胰蛋白酶美国传统

