
单词 字样
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BUSY/NOT BUSY〕It's all go around here this morning. Ten new orders, all marked "URGENT'. 今天上午这里真忙个不停。来了十张新订单,上面都标着“紧急”的字样朗文写作活用〔COMPLETE/NOT COMPLETE〕The bill had been stamped "Paid in Full'. 账单上已盖上“付讫”的字样朗文写作活用〔DETAIL〕To apply for a loan, first fill in the section marked ‘Personal Details’. 要申请贷款先要填写标有“个人详情”字样的部分。朗文写作活用〔FORBID〕The gate was locked and the sign said ‘No Trespassing’. 门锁上了,牌子上有“禁止擅入”的字样朗文写作活用〔PRIVATE〕There was a letter on Sarah's desk marked ‘personal’. 萨拉的桌子上有一封注有“私人”字样的信。朗文写作活用〔SHORT〕On a US ship, you see ‘USS’, standing for ‘United States Ship’. 美国的船只上写有USS字样,代表United States Ship〔美国船〕。朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕It was an engraved silver plate bearing the inscription ‘Made for His Majesty George III June 1737’. 这是只雕花银盘,刻有“乔治三世御用1737年6月”的字样朗文写作活用〔banner〕Protesters carried a banner reading ‘Save our Wildlife’.抗议者打着“救救我们的野生生物”字样的横幅。牛津高阶〔bearer〕The check was marked “payable to bearer.” 支票上写有“见票即付”字样韦氏高阶〔blazon〕He had the word ‘Cool’ blazoned across his chest.他的胸前饰有 Cool 的字样牛津高阶〔board〕Please board your flight through the gate marked 14:00.请从标有14点钟起飞字样的入口处登机。英汉大词典〔button〕They all wore buttons saying 'Stop the war'.他们全都戴着写有“停止战争”字样的徽章。牛津搭配〔confidential〕The envelope was marked 'Confidential'.信封上标有“机密”字样外研社新世纪〔door〕I went through the door marked 'Waiting Room'.我穿过标有“等候室”字样的门。牛津搭配〔envelope〕The envelope was marked 'Personal'.信封上标有“私人信件”字样牛津搭配〔hand-letter〕She handlettered a “no sale” sign.她用手印字模印上了“非卖品”字样21世纪英汉〔infanticide〕The woman had a large cardboard sign around her neck with 'Infanticide' scrawled across it.那个女人脖子上挂个大纸牌, 上面潦草地写着“杀婴犯”的字样外研社新世纪〔initial〕A stone bears the initials 'R.P.', which stand for 'Ralph Piggot'.石头上有 R.P. 字样,这是“拉尔夫・皮戈特”的首字母。牛津搭配〔inscription〕The medal bears the inscription 'For distinguished service'.奖章上刻有“功勋卓越”的字样柯林斯高阶〔made〕On the bottom of the watch it said "Swiss-made".手表底部有“瑞士制造”的字样剑桥高阶〔mark〕For more details about these products, send a postcard marked HB/FF.要了解这些产品的详细信息,请寄来标明HB/FF字样的明信片。柯林斯高阶〔mark〕The bank marks the check 'certified'.银行在支票上标有“保付”字样外研社新世纪〔mark〕The bank marks the check 'certified'.银行在支票上标有“保付”的字样柯林斯高阶〔modern〕Printing Any of a variety of typefaces characterized by strongly contrasted heavy and thin parts.【印刷术】 现代式印刷字型:铅字种类,其字样以强烈对比的重和细部分为特征美国传统〔notice〕A few guest houses had 'No Vacancies' notices in their windows.一些宾馆在窗户上张贴着“客满”字样的告示。外研社新世纪〔personal〕The envelope was marked 'Personal and Confidential'.信封上标着“私人密件”的字样朗文当代〔personal〕The letter was marked ‘Personal’.信上标注着“私人”字样牛津高阶〔pipe〕The cake had ‘Happy Birthday’ piped on it.蛋糕上裱了“生日快乐”的字样牛津高阶〔poste restante〕A notation written on a letter indicating that the letter should be held at the post office until claimed by the addressee.存局候领(写在邮件上的字样):写于信件上的字样,表明该信件须保存在邮局中,直到收信人去认领美国传统〔put up〕They put up a “for sale” sign in front of their house.他们在屋前竖起了一块写有“出售”字样的牌子。韦氏高阶〔read〕The cake read HAPPY BIRTHDAY.蛋糕上有“生日快乐”的字样英汉大词典〔sampler〕A decorative piece of cloth embroidered with various designs or mottoes in a variety of stitches, serving as an example of skill at needlework.刺绣样本:刺绣有多种不同花样或字样的一片装饰布,用来作为针线活技术的样本美国传统〔scrawl〕Someone had scrawled 'Scum' on his car.有人在他的车上涂写了“人渣”的字样柯林斯高阶〔sender〕He wrote “return to sender” on the package.他在包裹上写上“退回寄件人”的字样韦氏高阶〔sign〕I didn't see the sign saying 'Give Way'.我没看见写有“让行”字样的路标。外研社新世纪〔stamp〕Among the papers was a brown folder stamped 'SECRET'.那些文件中有一个盖有“机密”字样的棕色文件夹。朗文当代〔stamp〕He stamped “receipt”on the bill.他在发票上盖上了“收讫”字样21世纪英汉〔stamp〕It was stamped with the words ‘Made in China'.上面印有“中国制造”的字样麦克米伦高阶〔stamp〕This is an album with 'epic' stamped all over it.这张专辑上盖满了 epic 字样牛津搭配〔stitch〕He had “PUMA” stitched on his shirt pocket.他的衬衫口袋上绣了“PUMA”字样英汉大词典〔strictly〕Should I mark this letter to your accountant "strictly confidential"? 我是否应该把这封给你会计师的信标注上“绝密”字样剑桥高阶〔superscribe〕He took another look at the box superscribed “DANGER”in red once again.他又看了一眼标有红色“危险”字样的箱子。21世纪英汉〔tab〕Make a file folder for these documents and write "finance" on the tab.把这些文件归档,在标签上写明“财务”字样剑桥高阶〔up〕You can tell which way up the crates have to be because they all say "TOP".你可以看出板条箱该哪面朝上,因为每个箱子都写有“此面朝上”的字样剑桥高阶I tried to see you yesterday in your hotel but you had the “Do Not Disturb”(= do not knock or enter) sign up on your door.昨天我到旅馆想看看你,可你门上有“请勿打扰”的字样剑桥国际Put that letter in the file marked ‘Urgent’.把那封信放在标有“紧急”字样的文件夹里。牛津商务The campus at Heslington shows signs of his influence at every turn, from the lay-out of the colleges to the choice of lettering for the signs.黑斯灵顿校园处处有受他影响的迹象,从学院的结构到招牌字样的选择。剑桥国际The envelope had ‘Private’ stamped on it.信封上印有“私人”字样牛津商务The envelope was marked ‘Confidential’.信封上标有“机密”字样牛津商务The letter was marked ‘Private’.这封信标有“亲启”字样牛津商务The tickets were marked ‘Not Transferable’, so if you bought one you weren't allowed to sell it to anyone else.票子上标有“不许转让的”字样,所以如果你买了一张,你就不允许把它卖给任何人。剑桥国际When I opened my bank account, I was asked to provide a specimen signature.当我在开银行帐户时,被要求给出签名字样剑桥国际You can tell which way up the crates have to be because they all have ‘TOP’stencilled on the lid.你能知道大板条箱该哪面在上,因为盖子上都用模板印有‘上端’的字样剑桥国际

