“to be arranged”例句

单词 to be arranged
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔around〕Why does everything have to be arranged around what Callum wants to do? 为什么每一件事都要迁就卡勒姆?朗文当代〔imbricate〕To be arranged with regular overlapping edges.成鳞状:安排成带有规则叠盖的边缘美国传统〔march〕To be arranged in an orderly fashion that suggests steady, rhythmical progression.稳定前进:排成整齐的队列,使人想到平稳而有节奏行进美国传统〔swirl〕To be arranged in a spiral, whorl, or twist.回曲:被排列成螺旋状、螺纹状或盘旋状美国传统The paper was covered in a string of characters (=a line of marks, esp. one which does not appear to be arranged into words with meanings).纸上涂了一串符号。剑桥国际

