
单词 toll
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COST〕In 1871 they built a toll bridge from the mainland to the island. 1871年,他们建造了大陆至该岛的收费大桥。朗文写作活用〔COST〕You have to pay tolls on many of the major roads in France. 在法国,许多主要公路都收取通行费。朗文写作活用〔DIE〕The latest death toll in the Turkish earthquake is over 2000. 在土耳其地震中,最新的死亡人数超过2,000人。朗文写作活用〔EFFECT/AFFECT〕Bad working conditions eventually take a toll on staff morale. 恶劣的工作环境最终使员工士气大挫。朗文写作活用〔EFFECT/AFFECT〕Years of civil war and drought have taken their toll, and the population of the region is greatly reduced. 多年的内战和干旱造成了重大的损失,这个地区人口大减。朗文写作活用〔EXPERIENCED/NOT EXPERIENCED〕The inexperience of the teaching staff has taken its toll on student test scores. 教员经验不足,已经对学生的考试成绩产生了重大的影响。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕The death toll soars to 376 in Chicago from last week's heat wave. 上周的热浪使芝加哥的死亡人数增至376人。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕This toll booth is for drivers with exact change only. 司机使用这个收费亭需要备好够数的零钱。朗文写作活用〔NUMBER〕The death toll from the earthquake has risen still further in the worst disaster since 1952. 这次地震的死亡人数仍继续上升,这是1952年以来最严重的灾难。朗文写作活用〔NUMBER〕The final toll was 83 dead and more than 100 injured. 最终的伤亡人数是83人死亡,超过100人受伤。朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕The funeral procession left the church as the bells began to toll. 钟声开始敲响,送葬队伍离开了教堂。朗文写作活用〔WORK〕The relentless grind of hard labour and ill-health had taken its toll on Booth. 没完没了的苦活重活加上身体不好已对布思造成极大损害。朗文写作活用〔bankruptcy〕The toll of bankruptcies was rising daily.倒闭的公司与日俱增。剑桥高阶〔bell〕The church bells tolled for the funeral.教堂响起缓慢低沉的丧钟。牛津搭配〔boom〕The great bell tolled with a deep boom.大钟嘡嘡地发出低沉的回响。英汉大词典〔born〕The toll of babies born with AIDS is rising.出生即为艾滋病携带者的婴儿在不断增加。剑桥高阶〔bridge〕Charges for the toll bridge are set to rise.收费桥的收费很可能要涨。牛津搭配〔by〕The death toll from the hurricane was climbing minute by minute/by the minute.随着每分钟的过去,飓风造成的死亡人数一直在增加。剑桥高阶〔curfew〕The curfew tolls the knell of parting day.暮钟鸣, 昼已暝。外研社新世纪〔death toll〕As the unrest continued, the death toll rose .随着动乱的持续,死亡总数在上升。朗文当代〔death toll〕The day after the explosion the death toll had risen to 90.爆炸后的第二天死亡人数已上升到了90人。剑桥高阶〔death toll〕The death toll is expected to rise to over 500.预计死亡人数将上升到500以上。外研社新世纪〔death toll〕The official death toll stands at 53.官方公布的死亡人数为 53 人。朗文当代〔death toll〕The virus's death toll is expected to rise.这种病毒的致死人数预计还会增加。韦氏高阶〔death toll〕Three people who were injured in the accident have died, pushing the death toll up to 116.事故中的3名伤者已经死亡,使死亡人数攀升至116人。韦氏高阶〔death〕The death toll in the earthquake has been put at over one thousand.地震死亡人数据估计超过 1,000 人。牛津搭配〔downwards〕The death toll was later revised downwards to 689.后来死亡人数经修正减少到 689 人。朗文当代〔drop off〕The daily toll of casualties has dropped off sharply.单日伤亡人数显著下降。外研社新世纪〔drop off〕The daily toll of casualties has dropped off sharply.每日伤亡人数已经大大减少。柯林斯高阶〔exact〕Politics has exacted a heavy toll on my family.政治已经让我的家庭付出了惨重的代价。外研社新世纪〔exact〕The strain of a violent ground campaign will exact a toll on troops.激烈的地面战役带来的紧张压力将让军队付出代价。柯林斯高阶〔exact〕The war has exacted a terrible toll.这场战争造成重大灾难。韦氏高阶〔exact〕Unrestrained litigation exacts a terrible toll on the US economy.无限制的诉讼让美国经济付出高昂的成本。外研社新世纪〔execution〕A bell was tolled when executions took place.执行死刑时会鸣钟。牛津搭配〔fatigue〕Clarke says his team could have lasted another 15 days before fatigue would have begun to take a toll.克拉克说,他的团队本来还可以再坚持 15 天,只是疲劳可能会造成严重后果,只好作罢。柯林斯高阶〔fatigue〕Fatigue had begun to take its toll on the team.疲劳已开始给团队造成危害。外研社新世纪〔ferriage〕The toll charged for a ferry passage.摆渡费:乘坐渡船而征收的费用美国传统〔freeway〕A highway without tolls.免费高速公路美国传统〔gouge〕The latest price gouge will see tolls rise another 12.6%.在最近的价格敲诈中, 路桥费又要上涨12.6%。外研社新世纪〔heavy〕The stress has taken a heavy toll on his health.压力严重损害了他的健康。韦氏高阶〔impractical〕The road toll scheme was dismissed as impractical.公路收费计划由于不切实际而搁浅。朗文当代〔initially〕The death toll was initially reported at around 250, but was later revised to 300.最初报道死亡人数约 250,后修订为 300。牛津高阶〔knell〕The sound of a bell knelling; a toll.鸣钟通报:缓慢而庄严地鸣钟的声音;鸣钟通报美国传统〔knell〕To ring slowly and solemnly, especially for a funeral; toll.缓慢地敲钟(尤指敲丧钟):缓慢而庄严地鸣响,特别是在葬礼上;鸣钟通报美国传统〔knell〕To signal, summon, or proclaim by tolling.鸣钟传信号,鸣钟召集:用敲钟的方式指示、召集或宣布美国传统〔lockage〕A toll paid for the use of a lock.水闸通行税:为使用一个水闸而交的费用美国传统〔mount〕The death toll continues to mount.死亡人数持续增加。牛津高阶〔pass〕The death toll has already passed 200.死亡人数已超过200。麦克米伦高阶〔personally〕This has taken a great toll on me personally and professionally.这使我在私人生活和工作上都受到重创。外研社新世纪〔personally〕This has taken a great toll on me personally and professionally.这给我的个人生活和我的工作都造成了严重的不良影响。柯林斯高阶〔pike〕A toll paid.通行税,通过费:已付的通行费美国传统〔productivity〕The strike took a heavy toll in lost productivity.这次罢工使生产力受到严重的损失。牛津搭配〔publican〕A collector of public taxes or tolls in the ancient Roman Empire.税吏:古罗马帝国收取公共税或通行税的人美国传统〔reality〕Reports put the death toll at 50, when in reality it was closer to 200.报告上说死亡人数是50人,而实际上已接近200人。麦克米伦高阶〔relieve〕New toll roads could help relieve congestion on other routes.新建的收费道路可以帮助缓解其他道路的拥堵情况。剑桥高阶〔replacement〕Combat attrition was taking a steep toll, and to send green replacements into the skies was fruitless.战斗消耗使伤亡激增,把没有经验的新兵飞行员送上天空又完全于事无补。英汉大词典〔request〕To request more information, please call our toll free number.欲知详情,请拨打我们的免费电话。朗文当代〔road〕Road tolls can make driving expensive.道路通行费会使开车变得很昂贵。牛津搭配〔scorch〕Death toll rises as heat wave scorches southern Europe.由于热浪炙烤, 欧洲南部死亡人数上升。外研社新世纪〔shunpike〕A side road taken to avoid the tolls or traffic of a turnpike.支路:为了避开公路上的收费或交通拥挤而采用的一条支路美国传统〔soar〕The death toll soared past 100 000.死亡人数激增,超过了 10 万人。牛津搭配〔sound〕They could hear the sound of a bell tolling in the distance.他们能听到远处的钟声。剑桥高阶〔stand〕The death toll for the previous 24 hours stood at 96.过去24小时内的死亡人数为96人。英汉大词典〔strain〕After weeks of uncertainty, the strain was beginning to take its toll.几个星期的忐忑不安之后,压力开始让人受不了了。牛津搭配〔surpass〕The death toll may eventually surpass two thousand.死亡人数最终可能会超过两千。牛津搭配〔take a toll〕Her illness has taken a toll on her marriage.她的疾病已严重影响了她的婚姻。韦氏高阶〔take a toll〕The stress will take its toll on you.压力会把你压垮的。韦氏高阶〔take its/a toll〕The deepening recession has also taken its toll in the south of the country, where unemployment is rife.日益加剧的经济衰退也严重影响到了该国南部地区,那里的失业率居高不下。剑桥高阶〔take its/a toll〕The problems of the past few months have taken their toll on her health and there are shadows under her eyes.过去几个月里的问题影响了她的健康,她眼睛出现了黑眼圈。剑桥高阶〔take〕A war could take a terrible toll on the economy.战争会对经济造成极严重的损失。韦氏高阶〔tintinnabulation〕All the church bells tolled his knell in a quivering, melancholy tintinnabulation.所有教堂的钟都颤动着为他鸣响了哀伤的丁当丧钟声。英汉大词典〔toll bridge〕A bridge at which a toll is charged for crossing.收费桥:交费以后才能通过的桥梁美国传统〔toll road〕The government plans to build more toll roads and high-speed rail links.政府计划兴建更多的收费道路和高速铁路。剑桥高阶〔tolled〕There are plans to build a tolled motorway around the perimeter of the city.有计划要沿该市周边修建收费的高速公路。剑桥高阶〔tollgate〕A gate barring passage to a road, tunnel, or bridge until a toll is collected.收费门:挡在道路隧道或桥梁上的一扇门直到缴纳费用以后门才打开美国传统〔tollhouse〕A house adjoining a tollgate and occupied by a toll collector.收费处:靠近关卡有收费人的一个屋子美国传统〔toll〕Tolls are now collected electronically on most motorways.现在绝大部分高速公路采用电子收费。剑桥高阶〔toll〕All this stress takes its toll.这样的压力会对人非常不利。外研社新世纪〔toll〕Bells tolled the congregation to church.钟声召唤会众去教堂。21世纪英汉〔toll〕Bells tolled the congregation to church.钟声召唤着会众去教堂。英汉大词典〔toll〕Bells tolled the president's death.鸣钟宣布总统逝世。21世纪英汉〔toll〕But such high wages have also taken their toll on the Swedish economy.但是,这样的高工资也给瑞典的经济带来了危害。英汉大词典〔toll〕Church bells tolled and black flags fluttered.教堂丧钟敲响,黑色的旗帜飘动。柯林斯高阶〔toll〕Church bells tolled as people gathered for the service.人们聚在一起做礼拜时,教堂的钟声缓缓敲响。韦氏高阶〔toll〕Church bells tolled the death of the bishop.教堂为主教的去世鸣钟。英汉大词典〔toll〕He tolled the bell at funerals.他在丧礼时敲丧钟。文馨英汉〔toll〕He counted the tolls of the bell.他数了数钟声。韦氏高阶〔toll〕Higher fuel prices took their toll.燃料提价产生了恶果。柯林斯高阶〔toll〕His hard work has taken its toll on his stomach.艰苦的工作对他的胃造成了危害。英汉大词典〔toll〕Illness had taken a heavy toll on her.疾病对她的身体造成极大的损害。牛津高阶〔toll〕Illness has taken a heavy toll on her.疾病对她的身体造成了极大的损害。牛津搭配〔toll〕In the distance, a church bell tolled the hour (= showed the time by ringing).远处传来教堂报时的钟声。剑桥高阶〔toll〕Independent sources say that the death toll from the earthquake runs into thousands.独立消息人士称地震中的伤亡人数达到数千人。剑桥高阶〔toll〕Is Bayonne a toll call (= a more expensive phone call) from New York? 从纽约打电话到贝约纳是长途吗?剑桥高阶〔toll〕Rising rivers in the South and the Midwest in mid-April took a heavy property toll.4月中旬发生在南部和中西部的河水上涨造成了重大的财产损失。英汉大词典〔toll〕The toll of the bells sounded throughout the village.缓缓的钟声响彻整个村子。韦氏高阶〔toll〕The toll was 200 persons dead or missing.伤亡人数为两百人或失踪。文馨英汉〔toll〕The Abbey bell tolled for those killed in the war.大教堂为战争中的死难者鸣钟。牛津高阶〔toll〕The act of tolling.敲(钟):敲钟,鸣钟的行动美国传统〔toll〕The bell tolled six [his death].钟鸣报六时[通知他的死亡]。文馨英汉〔toll〕The bell tolled the hour.鸣钟报时。牛津高阶〔toll〕The bells were tolled for the service.礼拜的钟声敲响了。韦氏高阶〔toll〕The bombings took a heavy toll , killing hundreds of Londoners.爆炸造成严重伤亡,有几百名伦敦人丧生。朗文当代〔toll〕The casualty toll could reach 200.伤亡人数可能会达到 200 人。牛津搭配〔toll〕The church bell tolled the hour.教堂敲钟报时。21世纪英汉〔toll〕The church bells tolled the hour.教堂鸣钟报时。韦氏高阶〔toll〕The clock tolls the hour.时钟报时。英汉大词典〔toll〕The conflict and confusion of the last decade have already taken a toll.过去10年中发生的冲突和骚乱已经造成了损失。英汉大词典〔toll〕The daily death toll fell to an average of 50.死亡人数下降到日平均50人。英汉大词典〔toll〕The death toll from yesterday's crash is still rising.昨天车祸的死亡人数仍在增加。牛津搭配〔toll〕The death toll has risen to 80.死亡人数已升到八十。文馨英汉〔toll〕The death toll has risen to 83.死亡人数已上升到 83 人。朗文当代〔toll〕The death toll stands at 37.死亡人数为 37 人。牛津搭配〔toll〕The economic toll is heavy.经济损失严重。英汉大词典〔toll〕The famine took a toll of 3,000,000 lives.那场饥荒夺去了300万人的生命。英汉大词典〔toll〕The full/final toll of the disaster is not yet known.尚未得知此次灾难的伤亡总人数/最终伤亡人数。韦氏高阶〔toll〕The funeral bell tolled solemnly.丧钟庄严肃穆地敲响。英汉大词典〔toll〕The latest estimates put the death toll at 15 000.最新估计的死亡人数为 15,000 人。牛津搭配〔toll〕The official death toll has now reached 7 000.官方公布的死亡人数现已达 7 000 人。牛津高阶〔toll〕The pilgrims tolled the bell.朝圣者缓缓敲响了钟。柯林斯高阶〔toll〕The pressure of fame can take a terrible toll.名声的压力能造成可怕的伤害。牛津搭配〔toll〕The recession has taken a heavy toll .经济不景气造成了很大的损失。麦克米伦高阶〔toll〕The recession is taking its toll on the housing markets.经济衰退使住房市场遭受着重大损失。牛津高阶〔toll〕The recession is taking its toll.经济衰退正造成重大损失。牛津搭配〔toll〕The revolution tolled the death knell(= signalled the end)for the Russian monarchy.那场革命敲响了俄国君主制的丧钟。牛津高阶〔toll〕The stress was beginning to take its toll on their marriage.这种压力开始影响到他们的婚姻。麦克米伦高阶〔toll〕There are fears that the casualty toll may be higher.有人担心伤亡总数可能会更高。柯林斯高阶〔toll〕This brings the death toll to 86.这使死亡人数达到 86 人。牛津搭配〔toll〕To announce or summon by tolling.鸣钟通知或召集美国传统〔toll〕To exact as a toll.收费美国传统〔toll〕We had to stop to pay the toll.我们不得不停下来交通行费。韦氏高阶〔toll〕Winter takes its toll on your health.冬天对健康不利。柯林斯高阶〔toll〕Years of smoking have taken their toll on his health.多年的吸烟习惯已对他的健康造成了严重的影响。朗文当代〔turnpike〕A toll road, especially an expressway with tollgates.收费公路:收费的公路,特指设立收费关卡的高速公路美国传统〔unofficially〕Official reports put the death toll at under one hundred, but unofficial estimates speak of at least two hundred dead.官方报道说死亡人数在100人以下,但非官方估计至少有200人死亡。柯林斯高阶Any lengthy period of separation inevitably takes its toll on a relationship.任何长时间的分离无可避免地损害了相互的关系。剑桥国际Anyone travelling across the bridge has to pay a toll. 过这座桥的人都要付通行费。译典通At Cathedral Square, the bell of the medieval tower tolled.在大教堂广场上,中世纪塔楼的钟敲响了。剑桥国际At the news of victory, church bells were tolled across the land.听到胜利的消息,教堂的钟声传遍全国各地。剑桥国际Falling stock markets have taken their toll.股市下跌使他们蒙受了巨大损失。牛津商务He's just got a job collecting tolls at the start of the motorway.他刚得到了在高速公路的起点收取通行费的工作。剑桥国际In the distance, a church bell tolled the hour (= announced the time by ringing).远处,一座教堂的钟声在报时。剑桥国际Independent sources say that the civilian death toll runs into thousands.独立消息人士说平民死亡人数达数千。剑桥国际Malaria exacts a heavy toll of illness and death in this region, especially among children.疟疾在这个地区,尤其在孩子们中间,造成了严重的疾病和死亡。剑桥国际The toll of babies born with AIDS is rising.得先天性艾滋病的婴儿人数在不断增加。剑桥国际The toll of bankruptcies was rising daily.破产的损失日益增加。剑桥国际The advantage of toll roads is that they raise money from car users instead of general tax-payers.收取道路通行费的好处是他们向开车的人而不是普通的付税者收钱。剑桥国际The casualty toll from the invasion was surprisingly low.这次入侵引起的伤亡人数惊人地低。剑桥国际The church bell tolled the hour. 教堂的钟声报时。译典通The company produced 35 000 tonnes of refined copper under tolling agreements in the first half of the year.这家公司根据今年上半年的设施使用协议生产了 3.5 万吨精炼铜。牛津商务The day after the explosion the death toll had risen to 90.爆炸发生后的第二天,死亡人数升至90人。剑桥国际The death toll from the plane crash is expected to mount (= rise) to over 100.这次飞机坠毁中的死亡人数预计将增至100以上。剑桥国际The death toll has risen to 200. 死亡人数已上升到两百人。译典通The deepening recession has also taken its toll in the south of the country, where unemployment is rife.经济不景气的状况越演越烈同样也给国家南部造成了危害,在那里失业盛行。剑桥国际The long-distance call tolls amount to quite a sum. 长途电话费数目相当可观。译典通The opening of the superstore will toll the death knell for (= cause the failure of) hundreds of small independent shops.超市的兴起将使数百个小型的独立商店倒闭。剑桥国际The problems of the past few months have taken their toll on her health and there are shadows beneath her eyes.过去几个月里的难题给她的健康造成了损害,她眼部底下出现了黑影。剑桥国际There are plans to build a tolled motorway (= one which you pay to use) around the perimeter of the city.计划建筑一条收费的环城高速公路。剑桥国际There's a two-pound toll to cross the bridge.过这座桥要付2英镑的通行费。剑桥国际They could hear the sound of a bell tolling in the distance.他们听得见远处的钟声。剑桥国际Traffic was light on the expressway, and I cleared the suburbs to the northbound Milwaukee toll road in forty-five minutes.高速公路上车不多,我45分钟就穿过郊区来到了朝北的密尔沃基收费公路上。剑桥国际Unofficial reports said the death toll could be much higher.非正式报告说死亡数字可能会更高。剑桥国际You have to pay a toll to drive on a turnpike. 在收费公路上开车要缴通行税。译典通

