
单词 trite
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔USE〕I know it might sound like a trite remark, but mothers usually know best. 我知道这听起来也许老生常谈,可还是要说母亲一般知道得最清楚。朗文写作活用〔airy〕Some will think I am referring to the trite, fluffy, airy stuff that today passes for devotional writings.一些人会认为我指的是现今宗教作品普遍表现出的陈腐、肤浅、空洞。外研社新世纪〔aside from〕The movie has been praised by most people, aside from a few critics who have called its happy ending trite and predictable.那部电影获得了多数人的赞誉,只有几个评论家认为该片的圆满结局有些落入俗套。韦氏高阶〔banality〕Something that is trite, obvious, or predictable; a commonplace.平庸之事:平庸陈腐的、明显的或可预见的事;平凡的事美国传统〔corny〕Trite, dated, melodramatic, or mawkishly sentimental.陈腐的,过时的,伤感的或感情脆弱的美国传统〔corn〕Slang Something considered trite, dated, melodramatic, or unduly sentimental.【俚语】 陈词滥调:某些被认为是陈腐的、过时的、闹剧或的或过分伤感的东西美国传统〔criticize〕The editor criticized the author's work as trite.编辑批评那位作家的作品毫无新意。韦氏高阶〔hackney〕Banal; trite.陈腐;平庸美国传统〔hackney〕To cause to become banal and trite through overuse.使变平凡:由于过于频繁的使用使…变陈腐和平庸美国传统〔trite〕Her remarks sounded trite and ill-informed.她的话听起来没有新意,孤陋寡闻。朗文当代〔trite〕His lyrics about love and peace are too trite for me to take them seriously.他写的关于爱情与和平的歌词太陈腐了,我可不拿它当回事。剑桥高阶〔trite〕I know it will sound trite, but I've loved being part of this club.我知道这听起来很老套,可我还是要说,加入这个俱乐部给我带来了快乐。剑桥高阶〔trite〕That argument has become trite.那个论点已经很老套了。韦氏高阶〔trite〕The movie is teeming with obvious and trite ideas.这部电影充斥着乏味、陈腐的观念。外研社新世纪〔trite〕The movie is teeming with obvious and trite ideas.这部电影充斥着平铺直叙的陈腐观点。柯林斯高阶〔trite〕The simple concepts he had been taught now sounded trite and naive.他曾经学到的那些简单概念现在听起来乏味而幼稚。外研社新世纪〔trite〕The simple concepts he had been taught now sounded trite and naive.他曾经被教导的简单观念如今听起来陈腐而幼稚。柯林斯高阶〔trite〕Your alibi is pretty trite.你的托辞实在不怎么新鲜。英汉大词典〔unoriginal〕Lacking originality; trite.缺乏独创性的;陈腐的美国传统〔well-worn〕Repeated too often; trite or hackneyed.陈腐的:重复太多的;陈词或滥调的美国传统He ended his lecture with a trite morality. 他以陈腐的说教结束了演讲。译典通It can be very hard to tell someone you love them without sounding trite.很难对一个人说你爱他而话语听上去又不觉得俗气。剑桥国际My speech seemed lively and interesting as I was writing it, but it came out trite, dull and ridiculous.当我在写演讲稿时它似乎显得生动有趣,但是到头来却变得平淡、无趣和可笑。剑桥国际The sentiments about love and peace in the lyrics of his songs are too trite for me to take them seriously.他的抒情歌里所表达的爱与和平的情感对我来说太陈腐了,不能当真。剑桥国际

