
单词 tanned
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔STICK OUT〕His face was tanned, the cheekbones high and prominent. 他的脸晒得黑黑的,两边的颧骨高高地凸起。朗文写作活用〔THIN〕He's a very handsome man: tall, lean and tanned with thick blond hair. 他很英俊,瘦高个儿,皮肤黝黑,长着一头浓密的金发。朗文写作活用〔advantage〕Her dress showed her tanned skin to great advantage.她的连衣裙很好地突出了她晒黑的肤色。朗文当代〔currier〕One that prepares tanned hides for use.制革工:制备鞣制皮革以供使用的人美国传统〔dark〕He was tanned and had dark curly hair.他晒得黑黑的,还长着一头黑色鬈发。麦克米伦高阶〔display〕The surfboard riders displayed their tanned physiques.冲浪运动员显露他们被晒成棕褐色的身躯。英汉大词典〔elk〕A light, pliant leather of horsehide or calfskin, tanned and finished to resemble elk hide.软鞣粗皮:一种鞣制得象麋鹿皮一样的轻盈、柔韧的马皮或小牛皮美国传统〔end〕The beach was filled from end to end with tanned bodies.整个海滩上到处都是晒得黑黝黝的身体。牛津搭配〔gleam〕Her teeth gleamed white against the tanned skin of her face.她的牙齿在褐色脸膛映衬下显得洁白明亮。牛津高阶〔hide〕The hide is tanned for leather.兽皮被鞣制成革。牛津搭配〔languidly〕A tanned blonde in a bikini swims languidly in the clear swimming pool.一位身穿比基尼泳装、皮肤晒成古铜色的金发女郎在清澈的泳池里慵懒地游着泳。柯林斯高阶〔lean〕He was lean and tanned.他清瘦而健康,有着棕褐色的皮肤。麦克米伦高阶〔leather〕Any of various articles or parts made of dressed or tanned hide, such as a boot or strap.皮制品:任一种由压平上光或鞣制过的皮制成的物品或部件美国传统〔leather〕Made of, relating to, or resembling dressed or tanned animal hide.皮制的:由压平上光或鞣制过的动物皮制成的;与压平上光或鞣制过的动物皮有关或相似的美国传统〔leather〕The dressed or tanned hide of an animal, usually with the hair removed.皮革:压平上光的或鞣制过的动物皮,尤指毛发已去除的美国传统〔leather〕To cover wholly or in part with the dressed or tanned hide of an animal.以皮革覆盖:整体或部分地用压平上光或鞣制过的皮覆盖美国传统〔majestically〕Anna looked tanned and majestic in her linen caftan.安娜穿着亚麻长袍,衬出其棕色的皮肤,显得十分高贵。柯林斯高阶〔majestic〕Anna looked tanned and majestic in her linen kaftan.安娜穿着亚麻长袍, 衬出其棕色的皮肤, 显得十分高贵。外研社新世纪〔morocco〕A soft, fine leather of goatskin tanned with sumac, used for book bindings and shoes.摩洛哥革:一种用漆树叶鞣制的山羊皮做成的柔软的优质皮革,用于做书的封面和鞋面美国传统〔muscled〕He had a good body, tanned and well-muscled.他体形很好,皮肤晒得黝黑,肌肉发达。朗文当代〔outdoors〕He was tanned from working outdoors in the sun.他在户外工作, 被晒黑了。外研社新世纪〔pallid〕Next to his tanned face, hers seemed pallid and unhealthy.与他那张晒得黑黑的脸相比,她的脸显得苍白不健康。剑桥高阶〔pelt〕They had the pelts tanned and plan to make hats and mittens.他们将生皮鞣制成皮革, 打算生产帽子和连指手套。外研社新世纪〔relaxed〕Bill came back from his holiday looking relaxed and tanned.比尔度假回来看起来很轻松很健康。麦克米伦高阶〔rested〕He looked tanned and well rested after his vacation.度假之后,他皮肤晒得黝黑,精神焕发。柯林斯高阶〔rugged〕He had a tanned rugged face.他有一张黝黑而粗犷的脸。麦克米伦高阶〔shearling〕The skin of a shearling or of a newly sheared sheep or lamb, tanned and with the wool on.新剪绵羊皮:这样的羊或新剪过的绵羊或羊羔的皮,经鞣制后仍保留羊毛美国传统〔sheepskin〕The skin of a sheep either tanned with the fleece left on or in the form of leather or parchment.绵羊毛皮:用留有羊毛的羊皮鞣制成的,或以皮革或羊皮纸的形式做出的绵羊皮美国传统〔sunlamp〕She spends several hours a week under a sunlamp to keep her skin looking tanned.她每周要在太阳灯下照射好几个小时以保持皮肤黝黑。剑桥高阶〔tanned〕He had a tough tanned face and clear eyes.他粗犷的脸庞晒得黝黑,双眸明亮有神。朗文当代〔tanned〕He was very tanned.他被晒得很黑。麦克米伦高阶〔tanned〕He's tanned and rested after his vacation.假期后他皮肤晒成了棕色,也休息好了。韦氏高阶〔tanned〕His blue eyes glittered in his deeply tanned face.他那双蓝眼睛在黝黑的脸上闪闪发亮。牛津搭配〔tanned〕She was naturally tanned with black hair.她全身晒得黝黑自然,一头黑发。牛津搭配〔tanned〕Their skin was tanned and glowing from their weeks at the sea.他们在海边呆了几个星期,皮肤晒得黝黑发亮。柯林斯高阶〔tanned〕You're looking quite tanned.你看上去晒黑了一些。外研社新世纪〔tannery〕An establishment where hides are tanned.制革厂:鞣制生皮的生产场所美国传统〔tan〕Tanned workmen were sitting around the dock.皮肤晒得黑黝黝的工人们围坐在码头上。剑桥高阶〔tan〕She was tanned to a deep terra umbra, which lifted ten years from her appearance.她晒得全身黑黝黝的,看上去年轻了10岁。英汉大词典〔torso〕He took off his T-shirt to reveal his tanned torso.他脱下 T 恤衫露出晒得黝黑的上身。牛津搭配Tanned workmen were sitting around the dock.皮肤晒得黑黝黝的工人们围坐在码头边。剑桥国际His face is thin and very tanned. 他的面孔瘦削,晒得黑黑的。译典通Next to his tanned face, hers seemed pallid and unhealthy.紧挨着他那张晒得黑黑的脸,她的脸显得苍白无力。剑桥国际She spends several hours a week under a sunlamp to keep her skin looking tanned.她每个星期在太阳灯底下照几小时以保持黝黑的肤色。剑桥国际The blazing sun quickly tanned their limbs.强烈的阳光很快把他们的胳膊和腿晒黑。剑桥国际

