
单词 失去了兴趣
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TIME〕It wasn't long before Gemma lost all interest in the new puppy. 杰玛不久就对那只新来的小狗失去了兴趣朗文写作活用〔burst〕After an initial burst of enthusiasm, she lost interest in her job.刚开始的一阵热情过后,她对工作失去了兴趣麦克米伦高阶〔ditch〕The series was ditched after the star of the show quit.在明星演员退场后观众就对这部系列片失去了兴趣麦克米伦高阶〔enthusiasm〕After an initial burst of enthusiasm for jogging, I gradually lost interest.一时的热情过去之后,我对慢跑逐渐失去了兴趣牛津搭配〔food〕The dog is off its food.那只狗对它的食物失去了兴趣牛津搭配〔grow out of〕I eventually grew out of Star Trek.我最终对《星际迷航》失去了兴趣外研社新世纪〔have no interest〕The kids listened to the speaker for a little while, but then lost interest.那些小孩听了一小会儿演讲者的讲话,但很快就失去了兴趣韦氏高阶〔interest〕I watched the first few episodes, but soon lost interest .我看了前几集,但很快就失去了兴趣朗文当代〔interest〕Our survey reveals a disturbing lack of interest in teacher training.我们的调查显示人们对教师培训失去了兴趣,这很令人不安。朗文当代〔interest〕She'd liked him at first, but soon lost interest.她刚开始是喜欢他,但很快就失去了兴趣柯林斯高阶〔interest〕Unfortunately, I lost interest half way through the film.遗憾的是,这部电影我才看了一半就失去了兴趣剑桥高阶〔line〕Somewhere along the line, Errol seemed to have lost interest in her.这期间有一段时间,埃罗尔似乎对她失去了兴趣朗文当代〔lose〕Carol lost interest in ballet in her teens.卡萝尔在十几岁的时候对芭蕾舞失去了兴趣朗文当代〔lose〕The public seems to have lost interest in the case.公众似乎已经对这个案子失去了兴趣韦氏高阶〔loss〕This did not explain his apparent loss of interest in his wife.这不能解释他明显对妻子失去了兴趣朗文当代〔motivation〕She said she had lost her motivation.她说她已经失去了兴趣麦克米伦高阶〔off〕He's been off his food ever since he had the stomach upset.自从他得了胃病后,就对食物失去了兴趣剑桥高阶〔sour on〕Many fans have soured on the team after years of losing.连年失利之后,球迷对这个球队失去了兴趣韦氏高阶〔take〕Roger took painting up for a while, but soon lost interest.罗杰有段时间对绘画产生了兴趣,但很快就又失去了兴趣朗文当代〔talk〕At first there was a lot of talk, but people soon lost interest.刚开始时流言蜚语很多,但很快人们就失去了兴趣麦克米伦高阶〔turn off〕What turns teenagers off from science and technology?是什么让青少年对科学技术失去了兴趣外研社新世纪〔turn〕Consumers are turning away from credit cards.消费者对信用卡逐渐失去了兴趣朗文当代〔typical〕It's just typical of Dan to spend all that money on the equipment and then lose interest two months later.丹就是这种人,先把所有的钱花在买装备上,两个月以后又失去了兴趣剑桥高阶〔wear〕Some of Wilson's eccentricities are beginning to wear thin.人们逐渐对威尔逊的古怪行为失去了兴趣柯林斯高阶〔with〕As with many of her generation, she had lost interest in politics.与许多同龄人一样,她对政治失去了兴趣韦氏高阶He was put off applying for the job by the severity of the competition.竞争太激烈,这使他对申请那份工作失去了兴趣剑桥国际It's just typical of Ian to spend all that money on the equipment and then lose interest half way through the course.伊恩就是这号人,把所有的钱都花在设备上, 中途又失去了兴趣剑桥国际She used to like tennis but lately she's lost interest in it.她曾一度爱好网球,但最近对其失去了兴趣剑桥国际Some students are put off studying his work because of the ornate language of the poetry.一些学生因诗歌过于华丽的语言而对学习他的作品失去了兴趣剑桥国际The long and anti-social hours demanded by this job put off many people.这种职业所要求的漫长的、有违社会惯例的工作时间使许多人失去了兴趣剑桥国际Unfortunately, I lost interest half way through the film.不幸的是,我才看了一半电影就失去了兴趣剑桥国际When he lost three races in a row, some observers began to write him off.他接连输掉3场比赛之后,一些观众们开始对他失去了兴趣剑桥国际

