
单词 夸赞
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔admire〕To have a high opinion of; esteem or respect.夸赞,恭维,褒奖:对…很高的评价;尊重或尊敬美国传统〔applaud〕To express approval, especially by clapping the hands.夸赞,鼓掌:赞许,尤指鼓掌赞许美国传统〔boast〕Despite his boasts that his children were brilliant, neither of them went to college.尽管他夸赞他的两个孩子聪明,他们却都没念上大学。牛津高阶〔compliment〕He told her he admired her paintings and she returned/repaid the compliment by saying that she was a fan of his sculptures.他夸赞说他很欣赏她的画,她回敬说她是他的雕刻作品的崇拜者。韦氏高阶〔ensemble〕The strength of the ensemble playing makes it difficult to praise any one actor in particular.合演的效果让人很难只单独夸赞哪一个演员。外研社新世纪〔extravagantly〕She had on occasions praised him extravagantly.有时候她过分夸赞他。柯林斯高阶〔fête〕The supporters fêted him for his skills and commitment.支持者夸赞他水平高、肯奉献。外研社新世纪〔poetic〕Critics are raving about Sokurov's poetic new film.评论家们正在对索库罗夫充满诗情画意的电影新作大加夸赞麦克米伦高阶〔puff〕A piece of writing, as on the jacket of a book, containing often exaggerated praise, used for promotional purposes.过分夸赞的文章:一篇通常写在书的封皮页上以促销的充满夸张赞扬之词的文章美国传统〔rhapsodize〕I could hear Sophie rhapsodizing about her new job.我听到索菲在热烈地夸赞她的新工作。朗文当代〔ring〕The whole city rang with his praises.全市都在大大地夸赞他。文馨英汉〔sing the praises of sb/sth〕The newspapers have been singing the praises of Italy's new star player.报纸一直在夸赞这位意大利的体育新星。剑桥高阶〔speak of〕He spoke well/highly/favorably of both job candidates.他夸赞了两位应聘者。韦氏高阶I hardly deserve the praises that were bestowed upon me. 我当不起这样的夸赞译典通The guests raved about dinner. 客人们极力夸赞可口的饭菜。译典通

