
单词 wordless
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔drone〕All voices were reduced to a wordless drone.所有人的说话声都成了听不清字句的嗡嗡声。英汉大词典〔expressly〕Sumner would greet us with frowns and grimaces, doing his best to express wordless disapproval.萨姆纳会冲我们皱眉,做苦脸,竭力表示他无言的反对。柯林斯高阶〔pantomime〕A play, dance, or other theatrical performance characterized by such wordless storytelling.哑剧:以无言的表述故事为特征的戏剧、舞蹈或其它剧场表演美国传统〔wordlessly〕He shrieked a long, wordless cry.他只是无语地发出长长的一声尖叫。柯林斯高阶〔wordlessly〕Here and there, husbands sit in wordless despair.丈夫们各处坐着,默默无言,绝望至极。柯林斯高阶〔wordlessly〕She stared back, now wordless.她凝视着后面,一时无语。柯林斯高阶〔wordless〕He watched her in wordless admiration.他用赞赏的目光默默地注视着她。外研社新世纪〔wordless〕Her look was a wordless question.她的神情是一种无言的质问。英汉大词典〔wordless〕She threw her arms around him in wordless grief.她满怀无言的悲痛,张开双臂一把抱住他。朗文当代〔wordless〕The chant of the demonstrators was audible but at that distance still wordless.示威者们单调而有节奏的叫喊声可以听见,但距离那么远,语句仍听不清。英汉大词典〔wordless〕We sat in wordless contemplation of the view.我们默默无言地坐着凝视这番景象。剑桥高阶The first half of the second act is largely wordless.第2幕的前半场大部分是沉默。剑桥国际We sat in wordless contemplation of the view.我们坐着默默无言地凝视着这一景象。剑桥国际

