
单词 同时进行
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔READY/NOT READY〕When everything is in place, the building work begins, even if it means running two massive projects at the same time. 一切就绪之后建筑工程就会启动,尽管这意味着两项巨大的工程将同时进行朗文写作活用〔TIME〕AIDS education can be tied in with existing health education programs. 艾滋病教育可以和现有的健康教育课程同时进行朗文写作活用〔TIME〕So you want to talk to them, identify that they are a candidate, and then give them the test all at the same time? 那么你是想和他们谈谈,确认他们是候选人,然后对他们同时进行测试?朗文写作活用〔all at once〕She had several projects going on all at once.她同时进行着几个项目。韦氏高阶〔contemporary〕Opponents of nuclear power tried to organize simultaneous demonstrations in all the major cities.核动力反对者们试图在所有大城市里组织同时进行的示威活动。美国传统〔explosively〕A referendum next year would coincide explosively with the election campaign.明年的全民公决将和竞选活动同时进行, 届时局势会十分紧张。外研社新世纪〔explosively〕A referendum next year would coincide explosively with the election campaign.明年的全民公决将和竞选活动同时进行,届时局势会十分紧张。柯林斯高阶〔parallel〕Parallel experiments are being conducted in Rome, Paris and London.类似的试验正在罗马、巴黎和伦敦同时进行剑桥高阶〔pursue〕The implication seems to be that it is impossible to pursue economic reform and democracy simultaneously.言外之意似乎是经济改革和民主化进程是不可能同时进行的。柯林斯高阶〔run〕The two experiments run in parallel.这两个实验是同时进行的。牛津搭配〔sidestroke〕A swimming stroke in which a person swims on one side and thrusts the arms forward and downward alternately while performing a scissors kick.侧泳:一种游泳姿势,游泳者侧身向前游,胳膊交替向前、向下划水,同时进行两腿交叉蹬出美国传统〔sixty-nine〕Oral-genital sex between two people at the same time.六九式:两人同时进行的口交美国传统〔sound camera〕A movie camera equipped to record sound and visual image synchronously.同步摄影机:在拍摄影像时能同时进行录音的电影摄影机美国传统〔telecast〕The event will be telecast simultaneously to nearly 150 cities.这一盛事将向近 150 个城市同时进行电视广播。牛津高阶〔tie〕The concert will tie in with the festival of dance taking place the same weekend.音乐会将和周末举行的舞蹈会演同时进行牛津高阶Parallel experiments are being conducted in Rome, Paris and London.类似的试验正在罗马、巴黎和伦敦同时进行剑桥国际Working on two concurrent (=happening at the same time) projects can be very exhausting for an author.对一名作者来讲,同时进行两个项目是很累人的。剑桥国际

