
单词 攫取
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔audacious〕They are raking in the profits from each more audaciously violent movie.通过一部部更加大胆的暴力电影,他们攫取了巨额利润。柯林斯高阶〔capture〕The act of catching, taking, or winning, as by force or skill.俘获,赢得:抓获、攫取或夺得,如通过武力或技艺美国传统〔door〕The government would not allow anyone to sneak in by the back door and seize power by force.政府不会允许任何人偷偷混进来并用暴力攫取政权。柯林斯高阶〔door〕The government would not allow anyone to sneak in by the back door and seize power by force.政府不会允许任何人偷偷混进来并用武力攫取政权外研社新世纪〔fish〕To try to take advantage of a confused situation.混水摸鱼:在一片混乱中攫取好处美国传统〔grasping〕Exceedingly eager for material gain; avaricious.贪婪的:过分渴求物质攫取的;贪财的美国传统〔gravity〕Those who grab power through violence deserve punishment which matches the gravity of their crime.那些通过暴力行径攫取权力的人应该受到与他们的严重罪行相应的惩罚。外研社新世纪〔hent〕To take hold of; seize.抓住;攫取美国传统〔hog〕The privilege was usually hogged by the more senior staff.特权通常为资历较深的职员所攫取英汉大词典〔hog〕They did their utmost to hog as much profit as possible.他们拼命攫取利润。21世纪英汉〔jealousy〕Professional and local jealousies are preventing councils from exploiting the benefits of collaboration.行业和地方给予的保护将阻止地方议会攫取合作带来的利益。外研社新世纪〔plunder〕To seize wrongfully or by force; steal.抢掠,偷取:非法或用武力攫取;偷窃美国传统〔pounce〕To seize with or as if with talons.用爪抓住:用爪攫取或好象用爪攫取美国传统〔raid〕An entrance into another's territory for the purpose of seizing goods or valuables.侵入:为了攫取货物或财宝而闯入他人领地美国传统〔raven〕To seek or seize as prey or plunder.攫取:猎取或抓住,作为战利品或食物美国传统〔raven〕To seek or seize prey or plunder.攫取:猎取或抓住战利品或食物美国传统〔seize〕Political instability helped the army to seize power.政治动荡使军队攫取了权力。剑桥高阶〔seize〕To lay sudden or forcible hold of.抓住,夺取,攫取:突然或有力地抓住美国传统〔seizure〕The act or an instance of seizing or the condition of being seized.攫取,捕捉:攫取或捕捉的行为或过程或被抓住的状况美国传统〔supremely〕The lady conspired to seize supreme power.该女士图谋攫取最高权力。柯林斯高阶〔swoop〕The act or an instance of swooping.飞扑,攫取:飞扑或攫取的行为和事实美国传统〔swoop〕To seize or snatch in or as if in a sudden sweeping movement.以或似以出其不意的动作抓起或攫取美国传统〔usurp〕Local control is being usurped by central government.地方的权力被中央政府攫取了。剑桥高阶Economic collapse and political instability helped the army to seize power.经济的崩溃和政治的动荡使军队攫取了权力。剑桥国际He was scheming to get the top job from the moment he joined the firm.他一加入公司就在密谋攫取最高职位。剑桥国际Stealing of the soldiers’meagre rations by officers was common.军官攫取士兵稀少的口粮是非常普遍的现象。剑桥国际The company grew by snaffling up (= taking control of) several smaller businesses.这家公司是靠攫取一些小公司而发展起来的。剑桥国际The company launched a dawn raid on its rival, snapping up around 10 per cent of its shares, and it is expected to make a full takeover bid soon.这家公司对其竞争对手采取开盘买断,攫取到约10%的股份,并有望很快投标进行全面接收。剑桥国际The powers of local councils are being usurped by central government.地方市政会的权力被中央政府攫取了。剑桥国际Too many employers skim off profits while not paying their workers enough.有太多的雇主都最大限度地攫取利润,仅向工人支付低额薪水。牛津商务

