
单词 撤军
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LEAVE〕Troops began pulling out of the region as soon as the order was given. 军队一接到命令就开始从该地区撤军朗文写作活用〔LOSE〕The New York Times described the withdrawal of troops as a resounding defeat for the government. 《纽约时报》称这次撤军是政府的惨败。朗文写作活用〔adopter〕Parliament adopted a resolution calling for the complete withdrawal of troops.议会采纳了要求全部撤军的决议。柯林斯高阶〔adopt〕Parliament adopted a resolution calling for the complete withdrawal of troops.议会通过了要求全面撤军的决议。外研社新世纪〔argue〕Croft argued that a date should be set for the withdrawal of troops.克罗夫特提出理由说明应该确定撤军的日期。朗文当代〔beat〕To make a hasty withdrawal.匆忙撤军美国传统〔dictate〕The UN will dictate the terms of troop withdrawal from the region.联合国将决定军队从该地区撤军的条件。剑桥高阶〔disengage〕More vigorous action is needed to force the federal army to disengage.需要更强有力的行动来迫使联邦军队撤军柯林斯高阶〔exit strategy〕The President convinced people that he had a workable exit strategy to free his forces from the conflict.总统让人们相信他有切实可行的退出策略从这一冲突中撤军朗文当代〔exit strategy〕The fear is that we have no exit strategy from this conflict.可怕的是对于这场冲突我们没有撤军计划。外研社新世纪〔fall〕Croatian army troops retreated from northern Bosnia and the area fell to the Serbs.克罗地亚军队从波斯尼亚北部撤军后,该地区落入塞尔维亚人手里。柯林斯高阶〔force〕Both countries have now withdrawn their forces from the area.两国现在都已从该地区撤军麦克米伦高阶〔isolation〕The country could face international isolation if it does not withdraw its troops.该国若不撤军就会面临国际社会的孤立。牛津搭配〔precondition〕An army withdrawal is a precondition for peace talks.撤军是和谈的先决条件。麦克米伦高阶〔precondition〕They insist on full withdrawal as a precondition for any cease-fire.他们坚持把完全撤军作为停火的前提。外研社新世纪〔pull back〕He pulled back forces from Mongolia, and he withdrew from Afghanistan.他从蒙古撤军,并且撤离阿富汗。柯林斯高阶〔pull out〕His government decided to pull its troops out of Cuba.其政府决定从古巴撤军柯林斯高阶〔raise〕To end (a siege) by withdrawing troops or forcing the enemy troops to withdraw.撤军:把部队撤走或迫使敌人把部队撤走以结束(一场围困)美国传统〔represent〕The withdrawal was represented as a military success.这次撤军被视为军事上的胜利。外研社新世纪〔resolution〕He replied that the UN had passed two major resolutions calling for a complete withdrawal.他答复说联合国已经通过了两项号召全面撤军的重要决议。柯林斯高阶〔resolution〕The U.N. passed two major resolutions calling for a complete withdrawal.联合国通过了两项要求全面撤军的重大决议。外研社新世纪〔retreat〕Napoleon's retreat from Moscow in 1813 拿破仑1813年从莫斯科的撤军麦克米伦高阶〔specify〕The peace treaty clearly specifies the terms for the withdrawal of troops.和平条约明确规定了撤军的条件。剑桥高阶〔tactically〕The security forces had made a tactical withdrawal from the area.安全部队已从该地区战术性撤军柯林斯高阶〔tactical〕The security forces made a tactical withdrawal from the area.安全部队已从该地区战术性撤军外研社新世纪〔timetable〕The administration refused to set out a specific timetable for troop withdrawal.政府当局拒绝制订撤军的具体时间表。牛津搭配〔troops〕Washington is talking about pulling out its troops next year.华盛顿正在谈论其明年的撤军牛津搭配〔troop〕Both countries agreed to withdraw their troops .两国都同意撤军朗文当代〔troop〕They announced the withdrawal of 12 000 troops from the area.他们宣布从这个地区撤军 12 000 人。牛津高阶〔vacuum〕The withdrawal of troops from the area has created a security vacuum which will need to be filled.部队撤军之后,那个地区出现了一个有待填补的安全真空。剑桥高阶〔way〕The withdrawal of troops should clear the way for a peace settlement.撤军将为和平解决争端开辟道路。牛津搭配〔withdrawal〕The UN were faced with an ignominious withdrawal or a long-term military presence.联合国要么选择不光彩地撤军,要么选择维持长期驻军。牛津搭配〔withdrawal〕The party is calling for the phased withdrawal of troops from the island.该党呼吁分阶段从岛上撤军牛津搭配〔withdrawal〕Troop withdrawals will take place immediately.马上就要撤军了。麦克米伦高阶〔withdraw〕The UN has withdrawn its troops from the country.联合国已从该国撤军剑桥高阶〔withdraw〕The government has agreed to withdraw its troops.政府已经同意撤军牛津搭配Our armies are pulling back on all fronts.我们的军队在从前线撤军剑桥国际The President refused to accept any linkage between Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait and Israeli withdrawal from the Golan Heights.总统拒绝接受伊拉克从科威特撤军与以色列从戈兰高地撤军存在必然联系的说法。剑桥国际The U.S. army will complete the phased withdrawal in four months. 美国军队将在四个月内完成分阶段撤军译典通The UN will dictate (= state exactly) the terms of the withdrawal of troops from the region.联合国将决定军队从此地区撤军的条件。剑桥国际The government seems to be spinning out the withdrawal of troops from the war zone.政府似乎在拖延从战区撤军的时间。剑桥国际The peace treaty clearly/exactly/precisely specifies the terms/conditions for the withdrawal of troops.和平条约清楚/明确说明了撤军的条件。剑桥国际The withdrawal of troops will be carried out under United Nations’auspices.撤军将在联合国主持下进行。剑桥国际There's been a lot of debate about whether the UN should withdraw its troops from the country.关于联合国是否应该从这个国家撤军有很多争论。剑桥国际They are trying to negotiate the withdrawal of 20,000 troops. 他们正打算协商有关两万人的部队的撤军问题。译典通

