
单词 拾到
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BIG〕She received a handsome reward for finding the wallet. 她拾到钱包,得到了一大笔酬金。朗文写作活用〔clean up〕We stayed late to help them clean up.我们帮他们收拾到很晚才睡。韦氏高阶〔if〕If anyone has found a bunch of keys, would they please leave them on my desk.若有人拾到一串钥匙,请放在我桌上。麦克米伦高阶〔inhibit〕The girl's honesty inhibited her impulse to keep the ring she found.这姑娘诚实的秉性抑制了她一时想把拾到的戒指据为己有的冲动。英汉大词典〔lost and found〕A repository in a public place, as in a school or theater, where found items are kept for reclaiming by their owners.失物招领栏:公共场所,如学校或剧院的一种陈列栏,拾到的物品在此保管等待失主认领美国传统〔pick〕He picked up a wallet in the street and gave it to a policeman.他在街上拾到一个钱包,把它交给了警察。21世纪英汉〔silverware〕There was a serving spoon missing when Nina put the silverware back in its box.尼娜将银餐具收拾到盒子里去的时候发现少了一把调羹。柯林斯高阶I found a wallet at the bus stop and then tried to look for the loser. 我在公车站拾到一个钱包后,便设法寻找失主。译典通

