
单词 卫生部长
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ASK〕A petition signed by 1000 hospital doctors will be handed to the Minister of Health at lunchtime today. 由1,000名医院医生签名的一份请愿书将在今日午饭时递交给卫生部长朗文写作活用〔REPRESENT〕The health ministers agreed to meet a delegation of heart patients. 卫生部长同意会见心脏病人代表团。朗文写作活用〔RESPONSIBLE〕The health minister has overall responsibility for Britain's hospitals. 卫生部长对英国的医院全面负责。朗文写作活用〔caught in the crossfire〕The Health Minister, who resigned today, claims she is an innocent victim caught in the crossfire of the current battle over inflation.今日辞职的卫生部长称自己是当前通货膨胀引起的纷争的无辜受害者。剑桥高阶〔noise〕The health minister seems to be making all the right noises.卫生部长似乎只是在随声附和。朗文当代〔person〕The government, in the person of the Health Minister, has taken a lot of criticism.卫生部长代表政府听取了许多批评。麦克米伦高阶〔shake〕The reforms announced by the health minister aim to win back confidence in a system shaken by a major scandal.卫生部长宣布的改革措施旨在挽回人们对于一个因重大丑闻而发生动摇的体制的信心。柯林斯高阶〔strategy〕Next week, health ministers gather in Amsterdam to agree a strategy for controlling malaria.下周,卫生部长们将在阿姆斯特丹聚首共商防治疟疾的策略。柯林斯高阶〔tender〕The health minister has tendered her resignation (= has offered to leave her job).卫生部长已提交辞呈。剑桥高阶〔warning〕The Health Minister issued a warning about the dangers of sunbathing.卫生部长就日光浴的潜在危险发布了一条警告。剑桥高阶The Health Minister has proposed that smoking should be banned in enclosed (= inside) public places.卫生部长提议在公共场所内禁止吸烟。剑桥国际The Health Secretary stated that a dramatic decline in promiscuity would greatly reduce the number of cases of HIV and AIDS.卫生部长声明性乱交的显著下降将大大减少人体免疫缺损和爱滋病患者的人数。剑桥国际The health minister has tendered her resignation (= has offered to leave her job).卫生部长已提交她的辞呈。剑桥国际The health minister made a personal appearance at the hospital.卫生部长亲自去了医院。剑桥国际The health minister said it was irresponsible of the press to print scare stories about the mystery virus.卫生部长说报界发表关于神秘病毒的骇人报导是不负责任的。剑桥国际

