
单词 发行
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BETTER〕The new magazine's circulation of 210,000 outstrips that of all of its closest competitors. 新杂志的发行量为210,000本,这远远超过了所有实力接近的竞争对手。朗文写作活用〔Eurobond〕A bond of a U.S. corporation issued in Europe.欧洲债券:美国公司在欧洲发行出售的债券美国传统〔Eurocurrency〕Funds deposited in a bank when those funds are denominated in a currency differing from the bank's own domestic currency.欧洲货币:存储在某一银行的资金,这种资金被命名为与银行所在国发行货币名称不同的货币名称美国传统〔GAY〕We regularly publish a magazine that celebrates lesbian poetry and other women's literature. 我们定期发行一本杂志,推崇女同性恋者的诗歌以及其他女性文学。朗文写作活用〔Krugerrand〕A one-ounce gold coin of the Republic of South Africa.克鲁格金币:南非共和国发行的一盎司金币美国传统〔NAME〕The film was released in the UK under the title ‘Maybe Baby’. 这部电影用《宝贝喜临门》为片名在英国发行朗文写作活用〔READ〕It is a specialist journal with a relatively small circulation. 这是一份专业刊物,发行量相对较小。朗文写作活用〔SPEND MONEY OR TIME|花钱/时间〕The paper started on a shoestring, but soon had a circulation of over 100,000 readers. 这家报社白手起家,但是发行量很快就超过了10万份。朗文写作活用〔UP〕Hobson's novel has risen steadily up the bestseller list since it's release last August. 自去年8月发行以来,霍布森的小说在畅销书排行榜上稳步攀升。朗文写作活用〔bond〕The company raised money through a bond issue.发行债券麦克米伦高阶〔buck〕While other newspapers are losing circulation, we are bucking the trend.其他报纸的发行量在下滑, 我们却在逆势上升。外研社新世纪〔burst onto/on/upon the scene〕They burst onto the music scene in 1995 with a very successful debut album.他们在1995年凭借其成功发行的首张专辑一夜成名。韦氏高阶〔circulation〕It has the highest circulation of any periodical in the country.它在本国的期刊中发行量最高。文馨英汉〔circulation〕The local paper had a circulation of only six thousand.这份当地报纸的发行量只有6,000份。外研社新世纪〔circulation〕The magazine has a weekly circulation of about 70,000 subscribers nationwide.这份杂志每周在全国发行,订阅量约为7万份。韦氏高阶〔circulation〕The newspaper has a daily circulation of 55,000.这份报纸的日发行量是 5.5 万份。朗文当代〔circulation〕The number of copies of a publication sold or distributed.发行量:卖出或分发的发行物的数量美国传统〔come out〕It's just come out on DVD.它刚刚以DVD的形式发行外研社新世纪〔compact disc〕The movie's soundtrack will be released on compact disc at Easter.这部电影的原声光盘将于复活节发行外研社新世纪〔compilation〕His latest album release is a compilation of his jazz works over the past decade.他最新发行的专辑汇集了其过去10年中创作的爵士乐作品。外研社新世纪〔compile〕They took the best submissions and compiled them in a single issue of the magazine.他们采用了最好的稿件,把它们汇编成一期杂志单独发行韦氏高阶〔conception〕Most movies take at least a couple of years from conception to release.大多数电影从构思到发行要一两年。外研社新世纪〔condor〕A gold coin of some South American countries bearing the figure of one of these vultures.神鹰金币:南美洲国家发行的刻有兀鹫像的金币美国传统〔crusado〕An old Portuguese coin of gold or silver having a cross pictured on the reverse.克鲁扎多:旧时葡萄牙发行的一种金币或银币,其背面刻有十字架图形美国传统〔due〕The band's first album is due for release later this month.这个乐队的第一张唱片预定在本月下旬发行牛津高阶〔edition〕A limited edition of 2000 copies has been published.2000 册的限量版已发行朗文当代〔falling-off〕This is due to the economic downturn and a falling-off of interest in flotations.这是由经济下滑以及人们对发行股票筹资兴趣下降所导致的。外研社新世纪〔fixed〕They issue a fixed number of shares that trade publicly.他们发行了一定数量的可公开交易股票。外研社新世纪〔hit〕They are about to release an album of their greatest hits.他们即将发行收录他们最热门歌曲的专辑。牛津高阶〔hype〕After months of promotional hype, the band finally released their new album.经过数月的宣传炒作,乐队终于发行了他们的新专辑。韦氏高阶〔indent〕A U.S. certificate issued at the close of the American Revolution for interest due on the public debt.有息公债证书:美国在大革命即将结束时发行的有息公债的证书美国传统〔issue〕A flood of currency issued each year.每年发行大量货币。 英汉大词典〔issue〕The bank will be issuing a new credit card.银行将发行一种新的信用卡。韦氏高阶〔issue〕The company plans to raise money by issuing more stock.这家公司计划发行更多股票以筹集资金。韦氏高阶〔issue〕To be circulated or published.发行,出版美国传统〔laser disc〕Getting Hollywood's latest films released on laser-disc has also helped.通过激光视盘发行好莱坞最新电影也起到了一定作用。柯林斯高阶〔live〕The band are releasing a live album of their recent Japan tour.该乐队将发行一张他们最近在日本演出时录制的现场音乐会专辑。麦克米伦高阶〔newsweekly〕A weekly newsmagazine or newspaper that reports current events.新闻周刊:每周发行的报道时事的新闻杂志和报纸美国传统〔outsell〕This year the newspaper has outsold its main rival.今年该报的发行量已超过了它的主要对手。牛津高阶〔pour off〕A spate of English reading materials began to pour off the presses.大量英语读物开始泛滥发行21世纪英汉〔publish〕Most of our titles are also published on CD-ROM.我们的大部份书籍也制成光盘发行牛津高阶〔publish〕The first edition was published in 2007.第一版于 2007 年发行牛津高阶〔quadrangle〕The area of land shown on one atlas sheet charted by the U.S. Geological Survey.标准地形图上的一方格:由美国地理测绘局发行的地图册上标出的一块陆地美国传统〔reissue〕To issue again, especially to make available again.重新发行:再次发行,特别是再次有货可供美国传统〔release〕I've been eagerly awaiting this film's release on DVD.我一直在急切地等待发行该电影的数字影碟。牛津搭配〔release〕The band's latest album will be released next week.该乐队的最新专辑将在下周发行剑桥高阶〔release〕The band's latest release is called ‘White Clouds'.乐队最新发行的专辑叫做《白云》。麦克米伦高阶〔release〕The new CD releases will be out on Friday.新发行的激光唱片将于星期五面世。牛津搭配〔release〕The picture is scheduled for midsummer release.该片定于仲夏发行英汉大词典〔release〕Under the current release schedule, the series will be available on DVD early next year.按照目前的发行时间表,该连续剧的数字影碟将于明年年初面世。牛津搭配〔review〕Richard Coles reviews all of the latest video releases.理查德·科尔斯为所有最新发行的录影带都写了评论。柯林斯高阶〔samizdat〕The secret publication and distribution of government-banned literature in the Soviet Union.禁书:苏联的秘密出版和发行政府禁止的出版物美国传统〔schedule〕The release of the movie/album is scheduled for next month.这部电影/这张专辑计划下个月上映/发行韦氏高阶〔securitize〕To buy (loans, such as mortgages) from lenders, arrange them in groups, and issue bonds on the groups.证券交易:从出借者处购买(贷款,如抵押),把它们按组排列并按组发行债券美国传统〔sell out〕Many stores sold out quickly when the book was first published.这本书首次发行时,大部分的书店很快就销售一空。韦氏高阶〔semiyearly〕Issued or occurring twice a year or once every half year.半年的:一年两次或每半年一次发行或发生的美国传统〔send forth〕A great number of books have been sent forth by the press.该出版社已发行了大量图书。21世纪英汉〔share〕A share issue has been launched to finance the restoration of the building.已发行了股票为修复这栋大楼融资。牛津搭配〔silver certificate〕A bill formerly issued as legal tender by the U.S. government in representation of deposited silver bullion.银元券:美国政府以前发行的作为法定货币代表国家银块储量的钞票美国传统〔slate〕Her latest album is slated for release in July.她的最新专辑预计七月发行韦氏高阶〔spoiler〕A rival publisher brought out a spoiler.一家对手出版社发行了一份竞争刊物。外研社新世纪〔suppress〕To keep from being revealed, published, or circulated.禁止发行:禁止发表、出版或发行美国传统〔unashamedly〕She released an album of unashamedly romantic songs.她发行了一张极其浪漫的歌曲专辑。外研社新世纪〔video〕The group's new video will be released next month.这个音乐组合的新录像将在下个月发行牛津搭配〔video〕The movie has not yet been released on video .这部电影还没有录像带发行朗文当代〔video〕The movie will be released on video in June.这部电影的录像带将于六月份发行牛津高阶〔water〕To increase (the number of shares of stock) without increasing the value of the assets represented.发行虚股:增加(股票的数量)却并没有提高所代表的资产价值美国传统〔white-hot〕The band was white-hot after the release of their first album.发行了首张专辑后,这个乐队很受欢迎。韦氏高阶〔wi.〕When issued (financial stock).(财政股票)发行美国传统〔with a bang〕She took some time off last year, but she's back with a bang with her new album.她去年休息了一段时间,但是今年强力回归,发行了新专辑。剑桥高阶〔yearly〕A publication issued once a year.年刊:一年发行一次的刊物美国传统〔yearly〕The magazine is issued twice yearly(= twice every year).这份杂志每年发行两期。牛津高阶A special magazine was produced to tie in with the event.为配合这一活动发行了特刊。牛津商务Capital One Financial, the credit-card issuer 信用卡发行商第一资本金融公司牛津商务During the war, the government vetted all newspaper, television and radio reports before they were published.战争期间,政府对所有的报纸、电视和无线电广播在发行或播出前都进行审查。剑桥国际Fungibles have been issued by several multinational companies to raise funds from different markets at the same time.几家跨国公司已发行了一些股票,目的是同时在不同市场上筹集资金。牛津商务It's a short promo, made to accompany the release of the group's latest record.它是一部为配合这个小组最新唱片的发行而制作的广告短片。剑桥国际Methods of financing include borrowing from banks and issuing loan stock.筹资方式包括从银行借款和发行借贷股票。牛津商务Several large euro-zone companies have recently issued 30-year securities.几家大型的欧元区公司最近已发行了 30 年期的证券。牛津商务The band enjoyed a resurgence in popularity when a compilation of their greatest hits was released last year.这支管乐队的精选集于去年被公开发行后,重新受到了大家的欢迎。剑桥国际The band's latest album will be released next week.该乐队的最新唱片集将于下周发行剑桥国际The bond issue and loan will give the firm access to about $1.65 billion of debt capital.通过发行债券和贷款将使这企业获得约 16.5 亿元的借入资本。牛津商务The bonds will be issued on an ex-interest basis.即将发行的债券不附利息。牛津商务The book was published at home and abroad but it sold better in the home market (=in the country in which it was produced).这本书在国内外同时发行,但它在国内市场上销路更好。剑桥国际The central bank is considering higher denomination coins.中央银行正考虑发行更高面额的硬币。牛津商务The company intends to distribute new common stock to its old preferred shareholders.公司打算向旧有的优先股股东发行新的普通股。牛津商务The company is offering to buy back up to 10% of its issued capital.这家公司主动回购不超过 10% 的已发行股本。牛津商务The company said it would postpone the issuance of new stock.这家公司表示将推迟发行新股。牛津商务The group has announced a $100 million offering (= sale) of convertible notes.集团宣布发行 1 亿元的可转换票据。牛津商务The group has just released a compilation of their greatest hits (=their most successful songs).乐队刚发行了一张上榜歌曲的精选集。剑桥国际The introduction of a common currency needs to be preceded by effective political union among the member states.成员国间有效的政治联盟应是发行共同货币的先导。剑桥国际The issue has now been fully subscribed.本次发行的股票目前已经被全部认购。牛津商务The new shares will be offered at 66 cents each.新股以每股 66 分发行牛津商务The share issue was undersubscribed by 50%.此次股票发行认购不足缺额为 50%。牛津商务The shares were offered through public issue.股票通过公开发行的方式销售。牛津商务This paper has a circulation of more than a million. 这一报纸的发行量达一百多万份。译典通Treasury notes (= notes issued by the US government) (美国政府发行的)国库券牛津商务Under the takeover deal, the shares issued will be subject to a cap and collar of $20 to $28.根据收购协议,所发行股票的价格限定在 20 元至 28 元之间。牛津商务Vehicle manufacturers are among the largest corporate issuers of dollar bonds.汽车制造商身居最大的美元债券发行企业之列。牛津商务When the novel was published some people claimed it was corrupt and said it should be banned.小说出版后有人声称其败坏道德,应被禁止发行剑桥国际

