
单词 南和
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Guiana〕A region of northeast South America including southeast Venezuela, part of northern Brazil, and French Guiana, Suriname, and Guyana.圭亚那:南美洲东北部一地区,包括委内瑞拉东南部、巴西北部的部分地区及法属圭亚那、苏里南和盖亚纳美国传统〔Kattegat〕A strait of the North Sea between southwest Sweden and eastern Jutland, Denmark. It connects with the North Sea through the Skagerrak.卡特加特海峡:北海一海峡,位于瑞典西南和丹麦的日德兰东部,它通过斯加基拉克海峡与北海相连美国传统〔Khanka〕A lake between southeast Far Eastern U.S.S.R. and northeast China north of Vladivostock. Most of it lies within Soviet territory.兴凯湖:苏联远东东南和中国东北之间的一个湖,在符拉迪沃斯托克北部。湖的大部分在苏联境内美国传统〔Palk Strait〕A waterway between southeast India and northern Sri Lanka. It is known for its reefs and treacherous waters.保克海峡:位于印度东南和斯里兰卡北部之间的水道。以暗礁和变幻莫测的水域著称美国传统〔Tasman Sea〕An arm of the southern Pacific Ocean between southwest Australia and western New Zealand.塔斯曼海:南太平洋的一个狭长海湾,位于澳大利亚西南和新西兰西部之间美国传统〔how-to〕Visit our downloads page for free how-tos and tutorials.可到我们网页的下载区获取免费指南和教程。牛津高阶〔orbit〕In the late 1970s Laos fell within the orbit of Vietnam and the Soviet Union.20世纪70年代后期, 老挝被纳入越南和苏联的势力范围。外研社新世纪〔orbit〕In the late 1970s Laos fell within the orbit of Vietnam and the Soviet Union.20世纪70年代末,老挝被纳入了越南和苏联的势力范围。柯林斯高阶〔point〕The point SSW is between the points S and SW.罗盘方位南西南处于方位南和西南之间。韦氏高阶〔tutorial〕For new users, we have an on-line tutorial and a workbook.我们为新用户提供在线指南和操作手册。麦克米伦高阶Southwest is the opposite direction to northeast.西南和东北方向相反。剑桥国际

