
单词 变色
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕It was the end of September, and the leaves on the trees were starting to change color. 9月底了,树上的叶子开始变色朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕You can alter the color and size of the image using a remote control. 使用遥控器可以改变色彩和图像大小。朗文写作活用〔COLOUR〕The chameleon is able to change colour to protect itself. 变色龙能够变换肤色保护自己。朗文写作活用〔DISAPPEAR〕These creatures can change colour in order to blend into their surroundings. 这些动物能变色,这样就能与其周围环境融为一体。朗文写作活用〔abrash〕The natural and variable change in color that occurs in an Oriental rug over time when different dyes are used.变色:用不同的染料做成的东方地毯,其颜色多样的及自然的变化美国传统〔agama〕Any of various small, long-tailed, insect-eating lizards of the family Agamidae, found in the Old World tropics.鬣蜥,变色龙:任何细小、长尾、吃虫的板鳞蜥科蜥蜴,发现于东半球的赤道地区美国传统〔black eye〕A bruised discoloration of the flesh surrounding the eye.黑眼眶:眼部周围青肿变色美国传统〔black-and-blue〕Discolored from coagulation of blood below the surface of the skin.青肿的,淤血的:皮肤表面下面血液凝结而变色美国传统〔blend in〕The chameleon survives by blending in with its background.变色蜥蜴因能与环境融为一体而生存下来。21世纪英汉〔blend in〕The toad had changed its colour to blend in with its new environment.蟾蜍已经变色,和新的环境融为一体。柯林斯高阶〔bulge〕The bruise made a discoloured bulge under his skin.他的皮肤因受挫伤而在皮下出现变色的肿块。牛津同义词〔chameleon〕Any of various tropical Old World lizards of the family Chamaeleonidae, characterized by their ability to change color.避役:避役科旧大陆赤道地区蜥蜴的一种,以其变色能力为特征美国传统〔change〕The leaves are already starting to change colour.树叶已经开始变色麦克米伦高阶〔chloasma〕A patchy brown or dark brown skin discoloration that usually occurs on a woman's face and may result from hormonal changes, as in pregnancy.褐黄斑:通常出现在妇女的脸上的一种褐色或深褐色有染斑的皮肤变色,可能由怀孕等引起的激素变化所导致美国传统〔color〕To change color.变色美国传统〔color〕To impart color to or change the color of.上色:给…上色或变色美国传统〔colour〕Fry the onions till they start to colour.将洋葱煎至变色剑桥高阶〔colour〕Leaves have already started to colour; it will soon be winter.树叶已开始变色,冬季即将来临。21世纪英汉〔colour〕The chameleon changes colour to match its surroundings.变色龙变换颜色以适应环境。牛津搭配〔cyanosis〕A bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes resulting from inadequate oxygenation of the blood.发绀,青紫:由于血液中的氧不充足而产生的皮肤和黏膜的带青色的变色美国传统〔discolo(u)r〕The chromium finish is discolo(u)red in some places.镀的铬有几处变色了。英汉大词典〔discolo(u)r〕These materials will not discolo(u)r or stain if given reasonable care.这些材料如使用得当是不会变色或玷污的。英汉大词典〔discoloration〕A discolored spot, smudge, or area; a stain.变色点,污渍,污处;污迹美国传统〔discoloration〕A tooth which has been hit hard may discolour.受过重击的牙齿可能会变色柯林斯高阶〔discoloration〕The act of discoloring.变色;褪色:变色的过程美国传统〔discoloration〕The condition of being discolored.已变色(褪色)的状态美国传统〔discolor〕The carpet had discoloured over the years.地毯用过多年后已变色了。21世纪英汉〔discolor〕The wine stain discolored the rug.酒渍使地毯变色韦氏高阶〔discolor〕To alter or spoil the color of; stain.使变色,使褪色;玷污美国传统〔discolor〕To become altered or spoiled in color.变色,褪色美国传统〔discoloured〕His left temple was bruised and discoloured.他左太阳穴淤青变色了。外研社新世纪〔discolour〕A tooth which has been hit hard may discolour.受过重击的牙齿可能会变色外研社新世纪〔discolour〕Once cut, apples quickly discolour.苹果切开后很快就会变色朗文当代〔dye over〕Black will dye over most other colours.黑颜色可以使大多数颜色变色21世纪英汉〔electrochromic〕Of or relating to a substance that changes color or transparency when subjected to charged electrodes, as in the liquid crystal display of many calculators.电致变色的:如计算机液晶显示器之类的,接上充电的电极就会改变颜色或变成透明的物质的或其相关的美国传统〔footage〕Woody Allen's movie "Zelig" contains early newsreel footage.伍迪‧艾伦的电影《变色龙》中有早期的新闻短片片断。剑桥高阶〔foxy〕Discolored, as by age or decay; foxed.变色的:使褪颜色的,如由于年龄变大或体质衰败而引起的;生黄褐斑点的美国传统〔inside〕The insides of aluminium pans often discolour.铝质平锅的内侧往往会变色英汉大词典〔livid〕Discolored, as from a bruise; black-and-blue.青黑色的:尤指由于瘀伤而变色的;青黑色的美国传统〔macle〕A dark spot or discoloration in a mineral.矿物中暗斑或变色美国传统〔merge〕Like a chameleon, he could merge unobtrusively into the background.他就像一条变色龙,可以神不知鬼不觉地隐藏在背景中间。柯林斯高阶〔metachromatism〕A change in color caused by variation of the physical conditions to which a body is subjected, especially such a change caused by variation in temperature.变色反应性:因身体状况的变化而引起的变色反应,尤指由于温度变化而引起的美国传统〔mildew〕A superficial coating or discoloration of organic materials, such as cloth, paper, or leather, caused by fungi, especially under damp conditions.变色,退色:某些有机物质,如布料、纸张或皮革,其表面由菌类作用而形成的薄层或褪色,尤其在潮湿的环境中美国传统〔opal〕A translucent mineral of hydrated silica, often used as a gem.蛋白石:一种非晶质氧化硅,含有明显的变色晕彩,常被用来当作宝石美国传统〔photoaging〕The long-term effects of this process on the skin, as wrinkles, discoloration, or susceptibility to cancer.光致老化现象:光致老化过程对皮肤所造成的长期影响,像是皱纹、变色或是罹患癌症美国传统〔replicate〕The chameleon's skin replicates the pattern of its surroundings.变色龙的皮肤可随环境的模式而改变颜色。21世纪英汉〔scald〕A superficial discoloration on fruit, vegetables, leaves, or tree trunks caused by sudden exposure to intense sunlight or the action of gases.表皮变色:由于突然曝露于强光下或毒气中造成的植物果实、蔬菜、叶子或树干的表皮变色美国传统〔scorch〕A discoloration caused by heat.枯焦:由于热引起的变色美国传统〔scorch〕The surrounding buildings were scorched by the heat of the explosion.周围建筑被爆炸产生的高温熏得变色了。剑桥高阶〔stain〕A discolored or soiled spot or smudge.污迹:变色,脏的污迹或点美国传统〔start〕The leaves are starting to change colors.树叶开始变色了。韦氏高阶〔streak〕Botany Any of various viral diseases of plants characterized by the appearance of discolored stripes on the leaves or stems.【植物学】 条纹病:植物的一种病毒性疾病,特点为在其叶子或茎杆上有变色的条纹美国传统〔take〕The chameleon can take on the colours of its background.变色龙可以变成周围环境的颜色。牛津高阶〔turn〕The leaves have turned.叶已经变色美国传统A chameleon takes on the colour of its surroundings.变色龙呈现它周围环境的颜色。剑桥国际Ayers Rock is best seen at sunset when it seems to change colour.艾尔斯岩日落时最好看,这时它似乎会变色剑桥国际The chameleon survives by blending in with (= looking similar to) its background.变色蜥蜴通过与周围颜色相融合生存下来。剑桥国际The insect can take on the color of its surroundings. 这种昆虫能随环境而变色译典通

