
单词 心力
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACE inhibitor〕Any of a class of drugs that cause vasodilation and are used to treat hypertension and heart failure.血管收缩转化酶抑制剂:可使血管扩张的一类药,用于治疗高血压和心力衰竭美国传统〔MIND〕After months of overworking, Briggs was suffering from mental and physical exhaustion. 几个月的过度工作后,布里格斯感到心力交瘁。朗文写作活用〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕By the end of the tour, the band was totally stressed out. 巡回演出结束时,这支乐队完全是心力交瘁。朗文写作活用〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕I'm trying to have a few early nights because I'm feeling stressed out at the moment. 这几天我尽量晚上早点睡,因为这阵子我感到心力交瘁。朗文写作活用〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕One of my adult students was a stressed-out working mother. 我的成人学生里,有一个是一位心力交瘁的在职妈妈。朗文写作活用〔brand〕His face is branded with the lines of pressure and exhaustion.他的脸上刻划着心力交瘁留下的条条皱纹。英汉大词典〔burn out〕Teaching can be very stressful, and many teachers eventually burn out. = Teaching can be very stressful, and many teachers eventually burn themselves out.教书会给人很大压力,许多老师到最后都心力交瘁。韦氏高阶〔burnout〕Teaching can be very stressful, and many teachers eventually suffer/experience burnout.教书会给人很大压力,许多老师到最后都心力交瘁。韦氏高阶〔cancel〕The awful effort involved in travel canceled out the possible pleasure she'd have.她为旅行所费的许多心力抵消了她可能得到的愉快。英汉大词典〔catharsis〕A release of emotional tension, as after an overwhelming experience, that restores or refreshes the spirit.精神发泄:紧张情绪的宣泄,如在心力交瘁的经历过后借以重蓄或恢复精神美国传统〔centrifugal force〕The juice is extracted by centrifugal force.果汁是通过离心力榨取出来的。外研社新世纪〔centrifugal force〕The juice is extracted by centrifugal force.果汁是通过离心力榨取的。柯林斯高阶〔centrifugal〕Operated by means of centrifugal force.受离心力作用的美国传统〔centripetal force〕The component of force acting on a body in curvilinear motion that is directed toward the center of curvature or axis of rotation.向心力:作用于曲线运动中物体上的力的组成部分,指向曲线的中心或旋转轴心美国传统〔centripetal〕Operated by means of centripetal force.受向心力作用的美国传统〔chlorothiazide〕A thiazide diuretic used in the treatment of hypertension, heart failure, and edema to promote the excretion of excess salt and water from the body.氯噻嗪:一种用于治疗高血压、心力衰竭及水肿噻嗪类利尿剂,能促使体内多余盐分和水的排泄美国传统〔condition〕Riis devoted his life to improving conditions in urban slums.里斯为改善城市贫民窟的生活条件倾注了大量心力剑桥高阶〔cyclone〕Any of various devices using centrifugal force to separate materials.旋风器:一种利用离心力分离物质的仪器美国传统〔drained〕My emotional turmoil had drained me.纷乱的情绪让我心力交瘁。柯林斯高阶〔exhaust〕The experience had exhausted her physically and emotionally.这一经历使她心力交瘁。牛津搭配〔heart failure〕He remained in a critical condition after suffering heart failure.他发生心力衰竭后病情一直危重。柯林斯高阶〔inculcate〕Great care was taken to inculcate the values of nationhood and family.花费了很多心力反复灌输国家与家庭观念。柯林斯高阶〔jobless〕We have to do more for the poor and the jobless.我们应该为那些贫民和失业者多尽些心力文馨英汉〔lead to〕Heart failure led to her father's death.心力衰竭导致她父亲的死亡。21世纪英汉〔long〕Without the pacemaker, he might long since have died of heart failure.要是没有起搏器的话,他可能早就死于心力衰竭了。英汉大词典〔nephropathy〕Heart failure is common in diabetic patients with nephropathy.在同时患有肾病的糖尿病人身上心力衰竭很常见。剑桥高阶〔nerve〕Caring for him while he was so ill has been a great strain on her nerves.照顾重病的他使她心力交瘁。牛津搭配〔overtired〕I've been feeling overtired and stressed out.我一直感到极度疲劳,心力交瘁。韦氏高阶〔piece〕She went to pieces when her husband died.丈夫死时她悲痛欲绝,心力交瘁。英汉大词典〔play〕He took great pains to play up to Joan's mother.他费了好大的心力去取悦琼的母亲。麦克米伦高阶〔press〕He was hard pressed with toil and worry.他心力交瘁。 英汉大词典〔prevail〕Your inner strength will enable you to prevail over life's obstacles.内心力量将促使你战胜生活中的困难。朗文当代〔probable〕The probable cause of death was heart failure.死因很可能是心力衰竭。剑桥高阶〔pulse〕The politician was able to take the pulse of the grassroots voters without becoming overly absorbed.这位政治家可以不费太多心力就把其选民的心态摸清美国传统〔shambles〕John was a shambles when he arrived at the office the next morning — sleep-starved, full of doubts.第二天早晨约翰来到办公室时,因睡眠不足和满腹疑虑而心力交瘁。英汉大词典〔shattered〕I felt drained and emotionally shattered after my ordeal.经受了这次折磨之后我感到心力交瘁。牛津搭配〔stressed〕I was just totally stressed out and afraid I couldn't continue.那时我整个人心力交瘁,担心自己坚持不下去了。牛津搭配〔strongly〕These are conditions said by doctors to be strongly indicative of heart failure.这些症状都是医生们说的心力衰竭的明显前兆。柯林斯高阶〔ventricular assist device〕Ventricular assist devices may be fitted in cases of severe heart failure which cannot be controlled by other means.如果有严重心力衰竭而无法用其他手段控制,可以植入心室辅助装置。剑桥高阶〔weigh sb down〕I thought she looked somehow older, weighed down by all her new responsibilities.我觉得她被那些新职责弄得心力交瘁,看上去都老了些。剑桥高阶〔zero gravity〕The condition of apparent weightlessness occurring when the centrifugal force on a body exactly counterbalances the gravitational attraction on it.失重状态:当作用在物体上的离心力与万有引力相抵消时出现的明显失重状态美国传统He died of heart /liver failure.他死于心力/肝脏衰竭。剑桥国际The centrifugal force of a rotating object decreases when it slows dwon. 旋转物体的离心力在减速时降低。译典通The doctor said that the most probable cause of death was heart failure.这个医生说最可能引起死亡的原因是心力衰竭。剑桥国际We returned home from the funeral feeling physically and emotionally depleted (= weakened).我们从葬礼上回到家,感到心力交瘁。剑桥国际

