
单词 怒吼声
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔distinguishable〕He put his ear to the floor and heard angry shouts, but no words were distinguishable他把耳朵贴在地板上, 听到了怒吼声, 可是一个字也听不清。外研社新世纪〔except〕Not a sound was heard except the wind howling.除了风的怒吼声之外其他什么声音都听不见。麦克米伦高阶〔growl〕He gave an angry growl of contempt.他发出了轻蔑的怒吼声外研社新世纪〔roar〕The shouting grew into an angry roar.喊叫声变成了怒吼声牛津搭配〔swell〕The shouts swelled to a roar.叫喊声渐渐增强,最终变成了怒吼声麦克米伦高阶〔thousand〕The question was answered by an angry roar from the assembled thousands.成千上万的集会者以怒吼声回答了那问题。英汉大词典The dog stared at me suspiciously and low growls came from its throat.这条狗怀疑地瞪着眼看我,从它的喉咙里发出了低沉的怒吼声剑桥国际

