
单词 工头
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EARN〕Milos earns good money as a foreman. 迈洛斯做工头收入很高。朗文写作活用〔IN CHARGE OF〕Time taken in unloading should be recorded by the foreman and paid at the agreed rate. 卸货时间应由工头做记录,并按照协议的规定付工资。朗文写作活用〔MANAGER〕Anton hated the foreman, who was never satisfied with anyone's work. 安东讨厌那个工头,他对任何人的工作都从没满意过。朗文写作活用〔MANAGER〕He spoke as though he were a rich landowner instead of just the foreman of a modest building firm. 他说起话来好像他是有钱的地主,而不是一家小建筑公司里的一个小工头朗文写作活用〔SAY〕The foreman had not informed us that the paraffin might explode. In fact he had categorically denied there was any danger. 工头没有告诉我们煤油可能会爆炸。事实上,他矢口否认有危险。朗文写作活用〔Simon Legree〕A brutal taskmaster.严酷残暴的工头美国传统〔TELL SB OFF〕The foreman reprimanded the workers severely for not following safety procedures. 工头严厉地把工人训斥了一顿,因为他们不遵守安全程序。朗文写作活用〔abuse〕The foreman abused the workmen in the foulest language.工头用最肮脏的语言辱骂工人。外研社新世纪〔anger〕The strike can be traced to the personal resentment of the foreman against the factory owner.罢工的原因,可归结为工头个人对工厂老板的不满。美国传统〔beast〕They hate that beast of a foreman.他们恨那畜生般的工头英汉大词典〔chew ... out〕The foreman chewed him out thoroughly,saying,“If you don't work harder you can just walk out that door and never come back.”工头狠狠地训斥了他一顿,说:“如果你不加点劲干活,那你就从那扇门滚出去,永远也别再回来了”。21世纪英汉〔consequence〕As an overseer, he suddenly found himself a person of consequence.作为工头, 他突然觉得自己是个重要人物。外研社新世纪〔consequence〕As an overseer, he suddenly found himself a person of consequence.作为工头,他突然觉得自己是个重要人物。柯林斯高阶〔exacting〕Lean was an exacting taskmaster.利恩是个严厉的工头外研社新世纪〔foreman〕A man who serves as the leader of a work crew, as in a factory.工头:一个工组的领袖,如在工厂中美国传统〔foreman〕He still visited the dairy daily, but left most of the business details to his manager and foreman.他仍然每天到乳品场看看,但把生意上大部分琐碎事务交给经理和工头打理。柯林斯高阶〔foreperson〕The leader of a work crew, as in a factory.工头:一个工组的领袖,如在工厂中美国传统〔forewoman〕A woman who serves as the leader of a work crew, as in a factory.女工头:一个工组的女领袖,如在工厂中美国传统〔gaffer〕Chiefly British A boss or foreman.【多用于英国】 雇主,工头美国传统〔gaffer〕The gaffer said he'd been fined for not doing the contract on time.工头说他因为没有按时履行合同而被罚款。柯林斯高阶〔general〕The building and plumbing work will be done by a general contractor.总承包商/总承保人/包工头麦克米伦高阶〔level ... at〕The worker level(l)ed their looks at the foreman.工人们用目光逼视着工头21世纪英汉〔overman〕A person having authority over others, especially an overseer or a shift supervisor.监工,工头:有权指挥别人的人,尤指工头或监督工人轮班的人美国传统〔overseer〕I was put in the tailor shop, and I loved it. I was promoted to overseer.我被安排到缝纫车间, 我很喜欢这项工作, 后来还晋升为工头外研社新世纪〔overseer〕I was put in the tailor shop, and I loved it. I was promoted to overseer.我被安排到缝纫车间,结果我很喜欢这项工作,后来还晋升为工头柯林斯高阶〔padrone〕A man who exploitatively employs or finds work for Italian immigrants in America.招募意大利工人的包工头:为了剥削为在美国的意大利移民而雇用或寻找劳动力的人美国传统〔set〕They have set him over the workers as a foreman.他们已派他当工头去监督工人。英汉大词典〔slackness〕He had never let a foreman see him slacking.他从未在哪个工头面前表现出丝毫懈怠。柯林斯高阶〔slack〕He had never let a foreman see him slacking.他从未在哪个工头面前表现出丝毫懈怠。外研社新世纪〔slave driver〕A severely exacting employer or supervisor.苛刻的工头:严厉苛求的雇主或监工美国传统〔straw boss〕A worker who acts as a boss or crew leader in addition to performing regular duties.工头助手:除执行日常责职外还充当老板或领头的工人美国传统〔tab〕The foreman kept tab on the workmen.工头监视着工人们。英汉大词典〔taskmaster〕He's a hard/tough/stern taskmaster.他是一个严厉的工头韦氏高阶〔taskmaster〕She was a hard taskmaster.她是个严厉的工头牛津高阶〔taskmaster〕They're both tough taskmasters, but Stephen is much more supportive.他们俩都是严厉的工头,不过斯蒂芬更喜欢帮助他人。柯林斯高阶〔tunnel〕The tunnel collapsed on top of the miners.矿工头顶上的平硐坍塌了。外研社新世纪〔well in〕The foreman was well in with the management.工头与领导层的关系很好。外研社新世纪Each group of construction workers who are working on the building is supervised by its own foreman.每一组负责施工的建筑工人都由各自的工头监督管理。剑桥国际He gave the foreman a carton of cigarettes as a sop. 他给工头一条香烟以表心意。译典通I don't know if there are any jobs going--ask the gaffer, mate, he's over there.我不知道现在有没有活儿干----去问工头吧,老兄,他在那边。剑桥国际The foreman ganged the men together. 工头把工人集合在一起。译典通The foreman swore at one of the workers. 工头大骂一个工人。译典通The foreman violently laced into Jack. 工头狠狠地抽打杰克。译典通

