
单词 基准
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔JUDGE〕In the 1960s and 1970s the Swedish political system was regarded as a benchmark for other European countries. 在20世纪60至70年代,瑞典的政治体制被视为其他欧洲国家的基准朗文写作活用〔JUDGE〕Under Coach Wooden, UCLA men's basketball was so successful it was the benchmark other teams measured themselves against. 在伍登教练的带领下,加州大学洛杉矶分校的男子篮球队非常成功,以至于成为其他篮球队的衡量基准朗文写作活用〔aged〕Geology Approaching the base level of erosion.【地质学】 接近侵蚀基准面的美国传统〔base level〕The lowest level to which a land surface can be reduced by the action of running water.基准水面:流动水将地表降至的最低高度美国传统〔base rate〕Bank base rates of 7 per cent are too high.7%的银行基准利率太高了。柯林斯高阶〔baseline〕It serves as a baseline from which you are able to make progress.那可用作供你改进的基准线。文馨英汉〔baseline〕The company's waste emissions were 14% lower than in 1998, the baseline year.公司污染物的排放比基准年 1998 年低 14%。朗文当代〔baseline〕The experiment is meant only to provide a baseline for other studies.这个实验只是为其他研究提供研究基准韦氏高阶〔baseline〕You'll need such information to use as a baseline for measuring progress.你会需要这些信息作为衡量进展的基准柯林斯高阶〔benchmark〕Projects are assessed and benchmarked against the targets.以这些目标作为对项目进行评估和检测的基准牛津高阶〔benchmark〕Tests at the age of seven provide a benchmark against which the child's progress at school can be measured.七岁时进行的测试为孩子在学校中的学习发展提供了一个测量基准牛津高阶〔benchmark〕The truck industry is a benchmark for the economy.卡车业是衡量经济的一个基准外研社新世纪〔benchmark〕The truck industry is a benchmark for the economy.卡车业是衡量经济的一个基准柯林斯高阶〔conformance〕You need to ensure conformance to strict quality guidelines.你得保证遵守严格的质量基准牛津高阶〔day trader〕A speculator who buys and sells securities on the basis of small short-term price movements.当天买卖投机者,短线投机客:以小短期的价格变动作为买卖证券的基准的投机商人美国传统〔decrease〕Bank base rates have fallen from 10 per cent to 6 per cent, a decrease of 40 per cent.银行基准利率从10%降到了6%, 下降了40%。外研社新世纪〔fiducial〕Regarded or employed as a standard of reference, as in surveying.基准的:在测量勘定时认为或作为基准美国传统〔guide〕A soldier stationed at the right or left of a column of marchers to control alignment, show direction, or mark the point of pivot.基准兵:位于一行士兵最左或最右的士兵,以使队列成一条直线、保持方向或标志出基准美国传统〔income tax〕They expect a cut in the basic rate of income tax.他们预计所得税基准税率会降低。外研社新世纪〔polar axis〕The fixed reference axis from which the polar angle is measured in a polar coordinate system.极轴:在极坐标系中用以测量极角的固定基准美国传统〔reinstatement〕He welcomed the reinstatement of the 10 per cent bank base rate.他对恢复10%的银行基准利率表示欢迎。柯林斯高阶A performance benchmark has been established for the team.这支团队已建立了业绩基准牛津商务Benchmark your skills against the standard of excellence in your field.以你所在领域的优秀标准作为基准改进你自己的技能。牛津商务I think this government operates on the basis of expediency, not of principle (= they do what they think will help them, not what they think they should do).我认为这个政府行事以自身利益为基准,而不是从原则出发。剑桥国际Lenders have already begun to reprice interest rates to reflect the change in the base rate.放款人已开始重新制订利率,而对基准利率的变化作出反应。牛津商务Revenue per available room is the key benchmark in the hotels sector.每间可供入住房间的收入是酒店业的基准尺度。牛津商务The FTSE 100 is London's benchmark index.英国富时 100 指数是伦敦的基准指数。牛津商务The manual is the industry standard for health and safety.这本手册是健康与安全的行业基准牛津商务

