
单词 某特定
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔appropriate〕Suitable for a particular person, condition, occasion, or place; fitting.适合于…的:适合于某特定的人,条件,事件或地点的;适宜的美国传统〔artificial language〕A language invented for a specific purpose and based on a set of prescribed rules.人造语言:一种为某特定目的并以一套特定规则为基础而发明的语言美国传统〔artificial language〕Computer Science A language designed for use in a specific field.【计算机科学】 人工语言:一种为某特定领域使用而设计的语言美国传统〔billing〕Often billings The total amount of business done in a specific period, as by an advertising agency or a law firm. 常作 billings 营业额:在某特定时期内所做业务的总量,如一家广告公司或法律公司美国传统〔cross-index〕To index (a particular item) under more than one heading.注索引:在多于一个标题下为(某特定条目)注索引美国传统〔dealership〕A franchise to sell specified items in a certain area.商品经销特许权:在某一区域内出售某特定商品的特许权美国传统〔deal〕To give (a specific card) to a player while so distributing.发牌时给(某特定的一张牌)美国传统〔descendant〕A person, an animal, or a plant whose descent can be traced to a particular individual or group.子孙,后代:其血统可追溯到某特定个体或群体的人、动物或植物美国传统〔drop〕To leave or set down at a particular place; unload.卸下:在某特定地点放下;卸下美国传统〔endemic〕Ecology Native to or confined to a certain region.【生态学】 某特定地区的,局限于某特定地区的美国传统〔engagement〕A promise or agreement to be at a particular place at a particular time.约会:在某特定时间某特定地点的承诺或协定美国传统〔entail〕To bestow or impose on a person or a specified succession of heirs.赠与,限嗣继承:限制某人或按某特定顺序继承美国传统〔fly-over〕A flight over a specific location, usually at low altitude, as by a formation of military aircraft.低空编队飞行:在某特定地点上空飞行,通常在低空,如有军用飞机编队进行的美国传统〔focal infection〕A bacterial infection localized in a specific part of the body, such as the tonsils, that may spread to another part of the body.病灶感染:如鼻孔等某特定器官的区域性细菌感染,可能会蔓延到身体的其他部位美国传统〔frontier〕A region just beyond or at the edge of a settled area.边缘地带:刚刚超出或恰好在某特定地区的地带美国传统〔guaranty〕A guarantee to perform something in a specified way.保障:对某事以某特定方法完成的保证美国传统〔heroine〕A woman noted for special achievement in a particular field.女杰出人物:在某特定领域因特殊成就而著名的女人美国传统〔in-joke〕A joke originated or appreciated by the members of a particular group.内部笑话:指起源于某特定集团内部并只为某成员领会的笑话美国传统〔lecture〕An exposition of a given subject delivered before an audience or a class, as for the purpose of instruction.演讲:就某特定主题讲解给听众或班级听,如为了教育的目的美国传统〔line breeding〕Selective inbreeding to perpetuate certain desired qualities or characteristics in a strain of livestock.系统育种:为保持特定品质或特征而进行某特定血统范围内的优生育种美国传统〔overage〕Older than usual for a particular position or activity.超龄的:对于某特定职位或活动年龄过大的美国传统〔overqualified〕Educated or skilled beyond what is necessary or desired for a particular job.资历过高的:受的教育或掌握的技能超过了某特定工作的需要的美国传统〔process〕The total quantity of summonses or writs issued in a particular proceeding.发出传票的总数:在某特定诉讼程序中发行的传票或令状的总数量美国传统〔ranger〕A member of an armed troop employed in patrolling a specific region.巡逻队队员:被雇佣来在某特定区域巡逻的武装部队的成员美国传统〔topectomy〕Surgical removal of specific areas of the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex as a treatment of certain mental disorders.额叶皮质局部切除术:治疗某些神经疾病时施行的切除大脑皮层外叶中某特定部位的外科手术美国传统〔topographer〕One who describes and maps the surface features of geographic regions.地志学者:描叙某特定地理地区的表面特点并绘地图的人美国传统〔topology〕Medicine The anatomical structure of a specific area or part of the body.【医学】 局部解剖:身体某特定区域或部分的解剖后的结构美国传统〔whip〕To bring to a specified state or condition, vigorously and often forcefully.使进入某特定状态:强劲且常用暴力地使进入某特定状态或条件美国传统

