
单词 未知数
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕It is still unclear whether dotcom companies will continue to thrive in the long-term future. 网络公司将来是否能够长期繁荣下去,仍是个未知数朗文写作活用〔air〕The trip to Moscow is still up in the air.去不去得成莫斯科还是未知数外研社新世纪〔be〕A is excellent, C is passing. Let n be the unknown quantity.A表示优秀,C表示及格。n表示未知数美国传统〔commercially〕Whether the project will be a commercial success is still uncertain.这个项目是否赚钱还是个未知数柯林斯高阶〔commercial〕Whether the project will be a commercial success is still uncertain.这一项目能否赚钱还是个未知数外研社新世纪〔denote〕The sign X denotes an unknown number.X符号表示一个未知数英汉大词典〔doubtful〕The company is facing a doubtful future.公司的未来还是未知数韦氏高阶〔fate〕The fate of the African wild dog hangs in the balance (= is uncertain).非洲野狗的命运还是个未知数牛津搭配〔flounder〕The country's economy is floundering and the future is uncertain.该国的经济正处于困境,未来还是未知数麦克米伦高阶〔geriatric〕There is a question mark over the future of geriatric care.老年护理的未来还是一个未知数外研社新世纪〔inconsistent〕Mathematics Not solvable for the unknowns by the same set of values. Used of two or more equations or inequalities.【数学】 不可解的:同一系列值的情况下由于有未知数而无解的。用于两个或两个以上的等式或不等式美国传统〔jump〕The new law is a jump into the unknown.这部新法律效果如何还是个未知数牛津搭配〔meeting〕It is unclear whether the meeting will take place as planned.会议是否会如期举行还是未知数牛津搭配〔open sentence〕An expression that contains at least one unknown quantity and becomes true or false when a test value is substituted for the unknown.开语句:至少包含一个未知数并且在测验值被替换时出现对或错的数学方程式美国传统〔quantity〕He is an unknown quantity for his rivals.对于对手们而言,他是个未知数柯林斯高阶〔quantity〕He is an unknown quantity for his rivals.对竞争对手而言, 他还是个未知数外研社新世纪〔quantity〕To her the outside world was a totally unknown quantity.对她说来,外部世界完全是个未知数英汉大词典〔represent〕X represents the unknown.X代表未知数英汉大词典〔uncertainty〕Life is full of uncertainties.人生充满了未知数剑桥高阶〔uncertain〕The future is uncertain.未来如何是个未知数外研社新世纪〔unknown quantity〕To Margaret the outside world was an unknown quantity.对玛格丽特而言, 外面的世界是个未知数外研社新世纪〔unknown〕Mathematics A quantity of unknown numerical value.【数学】 未知数:数值不明的一个数量美国传统〔unknown〕The length of the war is one of the biggest unknowns.战争要持续多久是最大的未知数之一。外研社新世纪〔unknown〕The length of the war is one of the biggest unknowns.战争要持续多久是最大的未知数之一。柯林斯高阶〔unknown〕The long-term effects of the drug are still an unknown.这种药品的长期效果还是个未知数朗文当代〔unknown〕There are so many unknowns in the proposal.这项提案中的未知数太多了。牛津高阶〔unknown〕What the weather will be like on the day is, as always, the great unknown.到时天气会怎样一向都是个未知数牛津搭配〔unknown〕X and Y in the equation are both unknowns.等式中的 X 和 Y 都是未知数牛津高阶〔x〕What is the value of x in the equation x - 4 = 3? 在方程式x-4=3中,未知数x的值是多少?韦氏高阶The third candidate for the party leadership is a relatively unknown quantity.党领导的第三个候选人是何许人物相对说来仍是未知数剑桥国际The unknown number can be calculated from the data. 透过已知数可以算出未知数译典通We use x as the symbol for an unknown quantity. 我们用x表示一个未知数译典通

