
单词 不易
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BURN〕Hard woods generally don't burn well. 硬木一般都不易燃烧。朗文写作活用〔CLEAN〕Three out of five people in developing countries have no easy access to clean water. 发展中国家有五分之三的人口不易获得清洁的水。朗文写作活用〔FOOD〕The food in Suzie's Café tends to be stodgy rather than fresh and light. 苏茜小餐馆的食物大都油腻不易消化,而不是新鲜清淡的。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕We are often faced with dilemmas or problems which have no easy answers. 我们常常得面对不易解决的两难问题或麻烦。朗文写作活用〔ache〕It was quite an achievement to keep smiling when his heart must have been aching.虽然经受着内心的煎熬,但他仍强作欢颜,这实属不易柯林斯高阶〔belt〕A band of tough reinforcing material beneath the tread of a tire.保护带:轮胎面下面的不易磨损的加固带美国传统〔bonding〕Diamond may be strong in itself, but it does not bond well with other materials.钻石本身可能很坚固,但却不易与其他物质很好地黏合。柯林斯高阶〔bond〕Diamond may be strong in itself, but it does not bond well with other materials.钻石本身可能很坚硬, 但却不易与其他物质很好地黏合。外研社新世纪〔camouflage〕Fabric or a garment dyed in splotches of green, brown, tan, and black so as to make the wearer indistinguishable from the surrounding environment.迷彩服:将织物或衣物染成有绿色、棕色、褐色和黑色的斑纹,从而使穿戴者不易被从周围环境中区分开来美国传统〔chromophobe〕Not staining readily with dye. Used of a cell or cell structure.难染色的,难着色的:染料不易着色的。用于细胞或细胞结构美国传统〔classifiable〕The information was not easily classifiable.此信息不易分类。牛津高阶〔combine〕Oil and water do not readily combine.油和水不易混合。英汉大词典〔counter〕Such arguments are not easily countered.这种论点不易反驳。牛津高阶〔cowlick〕A projecting tuft of hair on the head that grows in a different direction from the rest of the hair and will not lie flat.反毛:头上翘着的一绺头发,与其他头发的方向不一致且不易压平美国传统〔curl〕She has hair that refuses to curl.她的头发不易出卷。外研社新世纪〔curve〕A small, unobtrusive smile curved the cook's thin lips.厨师的薄唇一弯,露出一丝不易察觉的微笑。柯林斯高阶〔curve〕A small, unobtrusive smile curved the cook's thin lips.厨师薄薄的嘴唇一弯, 露出一丝淡淡的、不易察觉的微笑。外研社新世纪〔deadly〕It is here that most students fall into a subtle and deadly trap.大多数学生就是在这里掉进了不易察觉的致命陷阱。外研社新世纪〔describable〕The process is not easily describable.这个过程不易说清楚。韦氏高阶〔difficult〕It's difficult being a woman in motor racing.做女赛车手不易外研社新世纪〔digest〕Cheese doesn't digest easily.干酪不易消化。英汉大词典〔equanimity〕These nouns denote the state of a person who is calm and not easily agitated emotionally.这些名词指一个人处在平静且不易感情冲动的状态。美国传统〔evadable〕These obligations are not easily evadable.这些义务是不易逃避的。英汉大词典〔fall out of〕Bad habits are easy to fall into but not easy to fall out of.恶习易染而不易戒。21世纪英汉〔fixed〕Not readily evaporating; nonvolatile.不挥发的;不易挥发的美国传统〔fix〕Color is fixed in dyeing.染印时颜色被固定住,不易再褪。21世纪英汉〔forgive〕I've never found it easy to forgive and forget (= to behave as if something wrong had never happened).我觉得不念旧恶殊为不易剑桥高阶〔get ... up〕The ball is getting up and is not easy to hit.球迅速反弹起来,不易击中。21世纪英汉〔hard-won〕She was not going to give up her hard-won freedom so easily.她不会这么轻易地放弃得来不易的自由。牛津高阶〔hard〕Our victory was hard won(= won with great difficulty).我们的胜利来之不易牛津高阶〔hard〕Prejudice dies hard.偏见不易消除。英汉大词典〔hieroglyphic〕Difficult to read or decipher.字迹模糊的,不易辨认的美国传统〔imperturbable〕Thomas, of course, was cool and aloof and imperturbable.当然, 托马斯沉着超然、不易激动。外研社新世纪〔imperturbable〕Thomas, of course, was cool and aloof and imperturbable.当然,托马斯沉着、冷漠,不易激动。柯林斯高阶〔inconvenient〕Not accessible; hard to reach.不好接近的;不易达到的美国传统〔incorruptible〕Not subject to corruption or decay.不堕落的:不易腐蚀或毁坏的美国传统〔indefectible〕Having the ability to resist decay or failure; lasting.不易损坏的,永存的:有能力抵抗腐朽或失败的;永存的美国传统〔independence〕She doesn't want to lose her hard-won independence.她不想失去自己来之不易的独立。牛津搭配〔invariable〕Not changing or subject to change; constant.不变的:不变的或不易变的;始终如一的美国传统〔keep〕Fish doesn't keep well.鱼不易保鲜。 英汉大词典〔keep〕The dessert won't keep.沙拉不易久放美国传统〔kind〕Soft water is kinder to your hair.软性水质不易损伤头发。牛津高阶〔lax〕Loose and not easily retained or controlled. Used of bowel movements.不易控制的:松弛的并且不容易保持或控制的。用于排便美国传统〔liquor〕An aqueous solution of a nonvolatile substance.溶液:不易挥发物质的水溶液美国传统〔livable〕She's not livable with.她不易于相处。文馨英汉〔lodge〕Early-sown crops tend to lodge less.播种早的庄稼不易倒伏。外研社新世纪〔lodge〕This new strain of wheat does not tend to lodge in rainy season.这一小麦新品种在雨季不易倒伏。英汉大词典〔multitude〕Patterned carpet can hide a multitude of sins (=the carpet is dirty, but the pattern hides it) .有图案的地毯不易脏。朗文当代〔naturally〕Japanese business skills do not come naturally to Westerners.日本人的商业技巧对西方人来说是不易学会的。麦克米伦高阶〔nearness〕It would appear that the legal profession is the nearest thing to a recession-proof industry.司法行业看来是最不易受经济萧条影响的领域了。柯林斯高阶〔nonflammable〕Not flammable, especially not readily ignited and not rapidly burned.不易燃的:不易燃的,尤指不容易点燃或不能快速燃烧的美国传统〔nonperishable〕The students collected nonperishables to give to the poor.学生收集了不易变质的食物分发给穷人。韦氏高阶〔pat〕Games Being a poker hand that is strong enough to make drawing cards unlikely to improve it.【游戏】 不要牌的:十分强的扑克手的,以致所抽牌不易再好了美国传统〔peel away〕Use durable materials with artwork that won't peel away.选择耐用、图案不易剥落的材料。外研社新世纪〔pliable〕Willow twigs are pliable.柳枝易弯不易断。英汉大词典〔polycarbonate〕Any of a family of thermoplastics characterized by a high-impact strength, used in making unbreakable windows.聚碳酸脂:一种热塑性物质,具有很强的抗冲击力的特点,被用来制造不易击碎的窗户美国传统〔refractory〕After recovery they were refractory to infection.病愈之后,他们便不易受感染了。英汉大词典〔renitent〕Resistant to physical pressure; not pliant.抵拒的:抵抗有形压力的;不易弯曲的美国传统〔scrambled〕The latest machines scramble the messages so that the conversation cannot easily be intercepted.最新的机器对信号作扰频处理,通话就不易被侦听了。柯林斯高阶〔set〕Setting out in business is no easy job.经商伊始事业不易英汉大词典〔shot〕Her eyes were very dark and yet seemed to be shot with hidden colours.她的眼睛黑亮, 不过似乎也夹杂着其他不易发现的颜色。外研社新世纪〔spot〕Most of these fossils are too small to be easily spotted.这些化石大多数都太小了,不易发现。牛津搭配〔spread〕Don't make the paste too thick, or it will not spread evenly.不要把酱弄得太稠,否则不易涂均匀。牛津搭配〔stable〕Chemistry Not easily decomposed or otherwise modified chemically.【化学】 稳定的:不易分解或起化学反应的美国传统〔stable〕Not subject to mental illness or irrationality.不易犯精神疾病或不易导致非理性的美国传统〔stiffened〕The stiffened fabric will not fray.这种浆硬的织物不易磨损。外研社新世纪〔stiff〕Difficult to bend; rigid.硬的:不易弯曲的;硬的美国传统〔stiff〕Nautical Not heeling over much in spite of great wind or the press of the sail.【航海】 不易倾倒的:尽管有很大的风或帆承受的压力很大也没有移动多少的美国传统〔still water〕A flat or level section of a stream where no flow or motion of the current is discernible and the water is still.静水:一条河流的平和部分,其中的流水运动不易被察觉并且水是静止的美国传统〔tame〕It's hard to tame a tiger.驯虎不易21世纪英汉〔tearing〕It's waterproof and resistant to tearing.它是防水的, 不易被撕开。外研社新世纪〔technical〕Personally, I found some parts of the book a little too technical to follow.我个人认为,书中有些部分过于专业化,一般人不易看懂。剑桥高阶〔tend〕In older age groups women predominate because men tend to die younger.在老年群体里女性占大多数,因为男性通常不易高寿。柯林斯高阶〔thick-skinned〕Not easily offended.厚脸皮的:不易被触怒的美国传统〔thickskinned〕Thickskinned people are not easily offended.感觉迟钝的人不易动气。英汉大词典〔throw off〕She tried to throw off her reputation as being difficult to work with.她努力摆脱不易合作的名声。韦氏高阶〔tireless〕Not yielding to fatigue; untiring or indefatigable.不知疲倦的:不易于疲惫的;不疲劳的或不屈不挠的美国传统〔tree〕Money doesn't grow on trees.谚 钱来之不易英汉大词典〔unsayable〕Something unfit to be said.不易被说出的某件事物美国传统〔up〕Divorce settlements often involve property that can't be split up easily.离婚问题的解决常常涉及不易分割的财产。麦克米伦高阶〔vitalization〕Her weakened body cannot be easily vitalized.她衰弱的身体不易重新获得活力。21世纪英汉〔wash〕Permanent dyes won't wash out.永久性染料不易洗掉。麦克米伦高阶〔water〕Building can be difficult where the water table lies close to the surface.在地下水位接近地表的地方不易建楼。牛津搭配〔way〕Her funny ways take some getting used to.她的奇怪癖性别人不易适应。牛津同义词〔withdrawn〕Not readily approached; remote.偏僻的:不易走近的;遥远的美国传统〔worth〕Most things worth having never come easy.大部分值得拥有的东西都来之不易柯林斯高阶Certain people find that they cannot digest meat easily.某些人发现自己不易消化肉类。剑桥国际Having my elderly mother to live in my house is a cross I'm not going to find easy to bear.让年迈的母亲住在我家,我知道是不易承担的事。剑桥国际He's the kind of person who finds it difficult to make friends (=form relationships with people he likes a lot).他是一种不易和人结交朋友的人。剑桥国际Octopus can taste a bit rubbery --tough and difficult to chew.章鱼肉吃起来有些像橡皮----坚韧且不易咀嚼。剑桥国际Our capital is all tied up in property (= it can not easily be turned into money).我们的所有资产都被套在房地产上,不易变现。牛津商务Over-eating or eating food difficult to digest often causes indigestion. 暴食或食用不易消化的食品常常会引起消化不良。译典通She doesn't like the stodginess of traditional British food and so eats a lot of fresh fruit and salads.她不喜欢传统英国食物,它们不易消化,因此她吃许多新鲜水果和色拉。剑桥国际She will be remembered for her asperity of speech which was both amusing and provocative.她说话气势汹汹,既让人生气,又令人可笑,这是不易被人忘记的。剑桥国际Stubborn stains can be removed using a small amount of detergent.只需使用一点清洁剂就能将不易洗掉的污点除去。剑桥国际The soil had got too hard over the summer and it wouldn't drain properly (= the water couldn't enter the ground).土壤夏天的时候变得很硬,不易渗水。剑桥国际Watch out for blind intersections. 留神不易看清的道路交叉口。译典通Water pipes used to be made out of elm (= wood from an elm tree) , because it does not decay easily.水管过去是用榆木做的,因为它不易腐烂。剑桥国际We are jealous of our hard-won freedom. 我们珍惜得来不易的自由。译典通We should all cherish this momentous progress as it is hard to come by. 我们应该珍惜这项重大的进步,因为它来之不易译典通

