
单词 狮子
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Androcles〕A legendary Roman slave held to have been spared in the arena by a lion that remembered him as the man who had once removed a thorn from its paw.安德鲁克里斯:传说中罗马的一个奴隶在竞技场上不为狮子所伤害,因为狮子记得他曾为其拔去足中的刺美国传统〔Cancer〕A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Leo and Gemini.巨蟹星座:北半球狮子座和双子座附近的一个星座美国传统〔Chimera〕Greek Mythology A fire-breathing she-monster usually represented as a composite of a lion, goat, and serpent.【希腊神话】 客迈拉:一种通常被描绘成狮子、山羊和蛇的组合体吐火的雌性怪物美国传统〔Leo〕A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Cancer and Virgo, containing the bright stars Regulus and Denebola.狮子(星)座:北半球的星座,靠近巨蟹座和处女座,包括轩辕十四和德尼波拉这两颗明亮的星美国传统〔Leo〕I was born under the sign of Leo.我是狮子座的。外研社新世纪〔Leo〕I'm Leo.我是狮子座的。外研社新世纪〔MEANING〕The lion symbolizes strength, the lamb symbolizes gentleness. 狮子象征力量,小羊象征温柔。朗文写作活用〔TYPE〕Children at this age commonly refer to being eaten up by tigers and lions and things of that nature. 这个年龄的孩童常常讲到被老虎和狮子吃掉以及类似的事情。朗文写作活用〔ancestor〕Lions and house cats evolved from a common ancestor (=the same ancestor) .狮子和家猫从共同的原种进化而来。朗文当代〔ask〕I asked why the lion didn't attack.我问为什么狮子没有发起攻击。外研社新世纪〔atypical〕The sociable behaviour of lions is considered atypical of the cat family.狮子的群居习性被认为是猫科动物中的特例。剑桥高阶〔bar〕The lion is now behind bars.狮子现已被关进牢笼。英汉大词典〔beal〕A lion was bealing.一头狮子在吼叫。21世纪英汉〔bite〕The lion grabbed his neck and bit down.狮子抓住他的头颈,一口咬下去。英汉大词典〔c.ross〕They crossed a tiger with a lion and bred a tiglon.他们将一只老虎与一只狮子杂交,结果生出一只虎狮。21世纪英汉〔chew〕The lion chewed the flesh off his face.狮子从他脸上咬下肉来。英汉大词典〔claw〕He was seriously injured when one of the lions clawed his back.他的后背被其中一只狮子严重抓伤了。剑桥高阶〔claw〕The lion growled and showed its claws.狮子咆哮起来,露出了爪子。牛津搭配〔cooperate〕Lions cooperate with each other when hunting game.狮子在捕猎时相互配合。朗文当代〔couchant〕The shield had a lion couchant.那个盾形纹章上有一只抬头蹲伏的狮子英汉大词典〔crouch〕The lion crouched in the tall grass, waiting to attack the gazelle.狮子蜷伏在深草丛中,伺机攻击那只羚羊。韦氏高阶〔devour〕The lions devoured their prey.狮子吞食了猎物。韦氏高阶〔draw〕The lion drew closer to its prey.那头狮子慢慢靠近猎物。韦氏高阶〔dress up〕We dressed the baby up as a lion.我们把宝宝装扮成狮子韦氏高阶〔entrap〕The hunters used nets to entrap the lion.猎人们以罗网诱捕狮子21世纪英汉〔escape〕The lion escaped from the zoo.狮子从动物园里逃了出来。外研社新世纪〔feline〕Of or belonging to the family Felidae, which includes the lions, tigers, jaguars, and wild and domestic cats; felid.猫科的:是或属于狮子、虎、美洲虎及野生和家养的猫等猫科动物的;猫类美国传统〔get〕The lion got out of its cage.狮子逃出了笼子。英汉大词典〔hunting〕He was killed by a lion while big-game hunting in Africa.他在非洲猎捕大型野兽时被狮子杀死了。牛津搭配〔hunt〕Lions sometimes hunt alone.狮子有时单独猎食。牛津高阶〔jaw〕The lion opened its jaws and roared.狮子张开大嘴咆哮起来。剑桥高阶〔king〕The lion is known as the king of the jungle.狮子被誉为森林之王。韦氏高阶〔king〕The lion is often called the king of the jungle.狮子经常被称为丛林之王。剑桥高阶〔knocker〕It was an attractive knocker, a new one, a shining brass lion's head.这是个引人注目的门扣, 一个新的闪亮的黄铜狮子头。外研社新世纪〔lash〕With a lash of its tail, the lion sprang at its prey.狮子尾巴一甩,朝猎物猛扑过去。朗文当代〔leap out〕The lion leaped out from behind a tree and captured its prey.狮子从树后跳出来抓住了猎物。21世纪英汉〔lift〕He lifted at a heavy stone lion.他用力举起一座沉重的石狮子21世纪英汉〔loosely〕A man-eating lion is on the loose somewhere in England.英格兰有一头吃人的狮子跑出来了。柯林斯高阶〔lope〕The lion loped across the grass.狮子大步跳跃着跑过了草地。剑桥高阶〔machine〕The lion is an efficient killing machine.狮子是高效的杀戮动物。麦克米伦高阶〔only〕A lion will attack a human being only when it is hungry.狮子只有在饥饿的时候才袭击人。英汉大词典〔park〕The lion was shot dead by a park ranger.那头狮子被公园管理员用枪打死了。牛津搭配〔part〕The Chimera is a monster in Greek mythology that is part lion, part goat, and part serpent.喀迈拉是希腊神话中的一个怪物,身体部分是狮子,部分是山羊,部分是蛇。韦氏高阶〔paw〕He barely escaped being pawed by the lion.他侥幸没被狮子抓着。英汉大词典〔paw〕He removed a thorn from the lion's paw.他从狮子的爪子里取出了一根刺。外研社新世纪〔pedigree〕He breeds pedigree poodles/cattle (= ones whose parents and other relations are all of the same breed).他饲养纯种狮子狗/牛。剑桥高阶〔pity〕The girl stood gazing in/with pity at the old lion in the cage.女孩站在那里,同情地盯着笼子里的老狮子剑桥高阶〔prey〕The lion seized its prey and ate it.狮子抓住并吃掉了它的猎物。英汉大词典〔pug〕A pug nose.扁鼻,狮子美国传统〔quarter〕Did you ever see a lion at close quarters when you were in Africa? 在非洲时你有没有在极近处看到过狮子? 英汉大词典〔release〕The lion was released from its cage.那只狮子从笼子里被放了出来。韦氏高阶〔rip into〕The lion ripped into the body of the animal that it had captured.狮子把它捕获的动物的尸体用牙齿撕裂。21世纪英汉〔ripple〕We could see the lion's muscles ripple.我们能看见这头狮子一起一伏的肌肉。韦氏高阶〔roar〕The lion let out a great roar.狮子大吼一声。牛津搭配〔roar〕The lion let out a loud roar.狮子发出一声吼叫。剑桥高阶〔roar〕The lion roared once, and sprang.狮子大吼一声,跳了起来。柯林斯高阶〔roar〕We could hear the lions roaring at the other end of the zoo.我们可以听到狮子在动物园的另一端咆哮。剑桥高阶〔roar〕We heard a lion roar in the distance.我们听到一头狮子在远处吼叫。韦氏高阶〔royal〕The lion is a royal beast.狮子是兽中之王。英汉大词典〔safety〕We were able to watch the lions in complete safety.我们可以绝对安全地观看狮子朗文当代〔side〕There were stone lions on either side of the door.门的两边都有石狮子麦克米伦高阶〔signify〕The image of the lion signified power and strength.狮子的形象代表权力和力量。朗文当代〔sinewy〕The lion has a sinewy body.这头狮子身躯健硕。韦氏高阶〔slink〕The lion slunk off into the bush.狮子悄悄走开钻进了灌木丛。英汉大词典〔spectacle〕Watching a lion chase its prey is one of nature's most exciting spectacles.观看狮子追捕猎物是自然界最激动人心的壮观场面之一。麦克米伦高阶〔spring〕The lion roared once and sprang.狮子大吼一声, 一跃而起。外研社新世纪〔squeak〕The zebra squeaked out shrill cries as it was caught by a lion.斑马在被狮子抓住时,发出了凄厉的叫声。21世纪英汉〔stalk〕Lions stalked the herd.狮子偷偷地靠近猎物群。韦氏高阶〔stalk〕The lion stalked its prey.狮子潜近猎物。牛津同义词〔stealth〕Lions rely on stealth when hunting.狮子捕食全凭偷袭。牛津高阶〔tame〕Lions can never be completely tamed.狮子永远不能被完全驯化。牛津高阶〔tear at〕The lion was tearing at his flesh.狮子正撕扯他的肉。外研社新世纪〔territory〕A lion will fearlessly defend its territory and family.狮子会勇敢地保卫自己的地盘和家庭。麦克米伦高阶〔traumatically〕In a third they were in a contest with a lion, and many had been traumatically injured by the battle.第三轮是他们与狮子较量, 很多人在搏斗中受了伤。外研社新世纪〔trophy〕A specimen or part, such as a lion's head, preserved as a token of a successful hunt.胜利纪念品:作为成功的狩猎象征而被保存下来的猎获物样品或部分,例如狮子美国传统〔vulture〕Vultures circled overhead as the lions fed.狮子进食的时候,秃鹫在上空盘旋。牛津搭配A cheetah can run faster than a lion.猎豹跑得比狮子快。剑桥国际A lion can lie in the same spot without moving for 12 hours at a stretch.狮子能在同一地点一动不动地连续躺上12小时。剑桥国际A lion is a wild animal, a dog is a domestic animal and a pig is a farm animal.狮子是野生动物,狗是家养动物,猪是饲养动物。剑桥国际A lion was caught in the toil. 狮子落入了陷阱。译典通He breeds pedigree poodles/cattle.他饲养纯种的狮子狗/牛。剑桥国际Lions and elephants are lords of the jungle. 狮子和大象乃丛林之王。译典通Lions and tigers are carnivores, while sheep and goats mainly eat grass.狮子和老虎是食肉动物,而绵羊和山羊主要吃草。剑桥国际Lions are flesh-eating animals. 狮子是肉食动物。译典通She tossed her leonine mane of hair indignantly.她愤怒地甩她那一头狮子般的卷发。剑桥国际The child was set on by a lion at the zoo.孩子在动物园里遭到了一头狮子的袭击。剑桥国际The company uses a lion as its symbol.公司使用狮子作为标识。牛津商务The hunter aimed at the lion and fired. 猎人瞄准了狮子开火。译典通The lion had a cavernous mouth.狮子有一张血盆大口。剑桥国际The lion let out a loud roar.狮子发出了一声响亮的吼叫。剑桥国际The lion opened its jaws and roared.狮子张开大嘴咆哮。剑桥国际The lion stumbled leaving the antelope to make good its escape.狮子绊倒了,使羚羊得以逃跑。剑桥国际The lions are the circus’main attraction.这个马戏团主要是靠狮子来吸引观众。剑桥国际The lions licked their chops after they had eaten.狮子在吃完食物后舔着它们的嘴角。剑桥国际The soldier was as brave as a lion. 那个士兵如狮子般勇猛。译典通They watched, horror-struck/horror-stricken (= full of horror) as the lion walked towards the sleeping baby.他们看着狮子向熟睡的婴儿走近,显得惊恐万状。剑桥国际We came across the carcass of a lion. 我们遇到了一具狮子的尸体。译典通We could hear the lions roaring at the other end of the zoo.我们可以听到动物园另一端狮子的吼叫。剑桥国际We went to see ‘The Lion King’ yesterday and I highly recommend it.昨天我们去看了《狮子王》,我对它高度称赞。剑桥国际We're both typical Leos.我俩都有典型的狮子座星相性格。剑桥国际

