
单词 火炮
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔artillery〕Large-caliber weapons, such as cannon, howitzers, and missile launchers, that are operated by crews.大炮:大口径武器,如火炮,榴弹炮,及导弹发射器,由炮手组操作美国传统〔artillery〕Using tanks and heavy artillery, they seized the town.他们倚仗坦克和重型火炮占领了这个镇。柯林斯高阶〔artillery〕Using tanks and heavy artillery, they seized the town.他们倚仗坦克和重型火炮占领了这座城镇。外研社新世纪〔battery〕They stopped beside a battery of abandoned guns.他们在一排废弃火炮旁停了下来。柯林斯高阶〔bombard〕Our artillery fire bombarded the enemy post.我们炮火炮击敌人兵营。21世纪英汉〔caisson〕A horse-drawn vehicle, usually two-wheeled, used to carry artillery ammunition and coffins at military funerals.弹药箱车:一种通常是两轮的马拉交通工具,用于在军事葬礼上运输火炮弹药和灵柩美国传统〔cannonade〕An extended, usually heavy discharge of artillery.炮轰:连续的、通常是重型的火炮射击美国传统〔cannonade〕To assault with heavy artillery fire.连续炮轰:用重型火炮的火力进行攻击美国传统〔cannoneer〕A soldier in the artillery; a gunner.炮兵:火炮部队的士兵;炮手美国传统〔cannonry〕A battery of cannons; artillery.火炮部队;炮兵美国传统〔cannon〕A large, mounted weapon that fires heavy projectiles. Cannon include guns, howitzers, and mortars.大炮:一种发射重型抛射物的大型有支架武器。包括火炮、熘弹炮和迫击炮美国传统〔cannon〕In this castle there are cannons from the 15th century.这个城堡里有15世纪的各种火炮英汉大词典〔cascabel〕A rounded projection behind the breech of a muzzleloading cannon.尾座:在前装式火炮炮尾后的一圆状突出物美国传统〔destroyer〕A small, fast, highly maneuverable warship armed with guns, torpedoes, depth charges, and guided missiles.驱逐舰:一种小型、快速、高度武装的战舰,装备着火炮、鱼雷、深水炸弹和制导导弹等美国传统〔disorganize〕Heavy shelling by the enemy disorganized the army's retreat.敌人的火炮猛轰,打乱了部队的撤退步骤。英汉大词典〔engage〕The mob did not venture to engage against musketry and cannon with their knives.那群暴徒不敢以刀剑来对抗滑膛枪和火炮英汉大词典〔field artillery〕Artillery other than antiaircraft artillery that is light enough to be mounted for use in the field.野战炮:火炮而不是高射炮,这种炮轻得足以在野外发射使用美国传统〔gunnery〕During the Second World War the area was used for gunnery practice.二战期间,该地区被用来操练火炮射击。柯林斯高阶〔gunnery〕The science dealing with the techniques and procedures of operating guns.火炮制造与射击学:研究枪枝技术和操作程序的科学美国传统〔haul at〕They hauled at the cannons onto the top of the hill.他们拼命拉动大炮,把火炮全都拉上了山顶。21世纪英汉〔limber up〕They limbered up and set out.他们把火炮系在前车上后出发了。21世纪英汉〔limber〕He ordered the troop to limber up and move out.他命令部队把火炮挂上前车并出发。英汉大词典〔limber〕The colonel ordered the soldiers to limber up.上校命令士兵们把火炮系在前车上。21世纪英汉〔linstock〕A long forked stick for holding a match, formerly used to fire cannon.火绳针:一种用于夹火柴的分叉长杆,原用于点燃火炮美国传统〔machine gun〕The two sides joined battle once again using artillery, mortars and heavy machine guns.双方使用火炮、迫击炮和重机枪再次交战。柯林斯高阶〔machine gun〕The two sides joined battle once again using artillery, mortars and heavy machine guns.双方动用了火炮、迫击炮和重机枪再次交战。外研社新世纪〔match〕An easily ignited cord or wick, formerly used to detonate powder charges or to fire cannons and muzzleloading firearms.导火线:一种过去用于引爆雷管或点燃火炮和火器的易燃绳索美国传统〔salvo〕We were driven back by a salvo of cannon fire.一通火炮齐射把我们驱赶了回来。韦氏高阶〔sloop of war〕A small, armed vessel larger than a gunboat, carrying guns on one deck only.小军舰:一种小型的武装船只,比炮艇大,在一层甲板上装有火炮美国传统〔stabilize〕The gyroscope in tank is used to stabilize the aim system of the gun.坦克中的陀螺仪用于稳定火炮的瞄准系统。21世纪英汉〔swivel〕The gun on the turret could be swivelled once in a minute.炮塔的火炮可在一分钟内旋转一周。21世纪英汉〔swivel〕The gun was mounted on a swivel.火炮置于转环上。韦氏高阶The troops were backed by tanks, artillery and other heavy armour.部队有坦克、火炮和其他重型装甲武器作掩护。剑桥国际

