
单词 snare
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bash〕A stand-in drummer bashes on a single snare and a pair of cymbals.一名临时顶替的鼓手使劲敲着一根响弦和一对铙钹。柯林斯高阶〔decoy into〕The policemen decoyed him into a snare.警察诱他落网。21世纪英汉〔gin〕A snare or trap for game.狩猎用的陷阱或圈套美国传统〔hook〕Informal To snare.【非正式用语】 诱捕,引诱美国传统〔lime〕To catch or snare with or as if with birdlime.用粘鸟胶捕捉,用粘鸟胶诱捕:用粘鸟胶或似用粘鸟胶捕捉、诱捕美国传统〔net〕Something that entraps; a snare.罗网,陷阱:用于包裹的东西;罗网美国传统〔noose〕A snare or trap.套结或圈套美国传统〔snare〕A snare drum.小军鼓美国传统〔snare〕A motorcyclist was seriously injured when she was snared by a rope stretched across the road.一个骑摩托的女子被横扯在马路上的一根绳子给绊倒了,伤势严重。柯林斯高阶〔snare〕A rabbit was caught in the snare.一只兔子被套索套住了。朗文当代〔snare〕Any of the wires or cords stretched across the lower skin of a snare drum to increase reverberation.响弦:横跨在小军鼓底部用来增加震动的线或弦中的任一根美国传统〔snare〕Beauty and charm often prove a snare.美貌和魅力常使人上当入彀。英汉大词典〔snare〕Given data which are free from bias there are further snares to avoid in statistical work.即使数据本身不存在偏差在统计工作中仍需要避免其他陷阱。柯林斯高阶〔snare〕He found himself snared in a web of intrigue.他发现自己中了圈套。牛津高阶〔snare〕He'd snared a rabbit earlier in the day.那天早一点的时候,他设套捉了一只兔子。柯林斯高阶〔snare〕He'd snared a rabbit earlier in the day.那天早些时候他用套索捉到了一只兔子。外研社新世纪〔snare〕He's snared into coming by her.她把他诱骗来了。21世纪英汉〔snare〕Her one thought was to snare a rich husband.她一心要攀住一个有钱的丈夫。牛津高阶〔snare〕How did you snare the job?你是怎样弄到这份工作的?外研社新世纪〔snare〕I didn't want to fall into the same snare again.我可不想再落入同样的圈套。朗文当代〔snare〕Most of all I want to snare a husband.最重要的是我要网罗一个丈夫。外研社新世纪〔snare〕Most of all I want to snare a husband.最重要的是,我想钓得一个金龟婿。柯林斯高阶〔snare〕Police snared the thief outside the bank.警方在银行外面布控逮住了窃贼。韦氏高阶〔snare〕She grew up in the days when a woman's main aim was to snare a rich husband.在她所处的那个时代,妇女的主要目标就是要俘获一个富有的丈夫。剑桥高阶〔snare〕She's hoping to snare a wealthy husband.她希望能钓到一个金龟婿。朗文当代〔snare〕The boys snared a rabbit.男孩们网住了一只兔子。英汉大词典〔snare〕The boys set snares to catch rabbits.男孩们张网捕捉兔子。英汉大词典〔snare〕The legal system is full of snares for those who are not wary.法律制度对那些不谨慎的人而言充满了陷阱。剑桥高阶〔snare〕The shortstop snared a high throw from the outfield.游击手跃身而起,接住了外场过来的高抛球。韦氏高阶〔snare〕They snared first place in the contest.他们在比赛中幸运夺冠。韦氏高阶〔snare〕They caught fish and snared seabirds.他们捕鱼,也用罗网捕海鸟。韦氏高阶〔snare〕Unfortunately, the nets also snare turtles.不幸的是,这些网也会困住海龟。韦氏高阶〔snare〕We used to snare small birds such as sparrows and robins.我们过去常常用罗网捕捉麻雀、知更鸟等小鸟。剑桥高阶〔snare〕Worldly success could prove a snare unless used for the good of others.若不用于为他人谋福祉,俗世的成功到头来不过是个枷锁而已。柯林斯高阶〔snare〕Worldly success could prove a snare.世俗的成功可能会成为一个陷阱。外研社新世纪〔springe〕A trap or snare.陷井或圈套美国传统〔take〕To kill, snare, or trap (fish or game, for example).杀,设陷阱捕捉:杀死,设陷井捕获或诱捕(如,鱼或猎物)美国传统〔trepan〕A trick or snare.诡计或圈套美国传统〔wirer〕A trapper who uses wire traps to snare game.捕兽者:用铁丝网来诱捕猎物的捕兽者美国传统He shoots rabbits and he sets snares for them.他射杀兔子,也安放陷阱。剑桥国际He was snared by the wicked. 他中了恶人所设置的圈套。译典通It is a snare for him. 这是给他设置的圈套。译典通The boys made snares to catch rabbits. 这些男孩子设置陷阱捕捉兔子。译典通The hunter snared a skunk. 猎人捕得一只臭鼬。译典通We used to snare small birds such as sparrows and robins.我们曾常用罗网捉麻雀、旅鸫等小鸟。剑桥国际

