“soon after”例句

单词 soon after
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Fascist〕The League of Nations collapsed soon after the Italian Fascists occupied Ethiopia.意大利法西斯分子占领埃塞俄比亚之后不久, 国际联盟就土崩瓦解。外研社新世纪〔HIDE〕He went into hiding soon after the government denounced him. 政府谴责了他以后,不久他就躲了起来。朗文写作活用〔JOB〕No-one thought they would make him manager so soon after joining the company. 没有人想到他们在他加入公司后没多久就提升他为经理。朗文写作活用〔No sooner said than done〕She found a job soon after graduation.她毕业后不久就找到了工作。韦氏高阶〔SOON〕They set off soon after breakfast. 他们吃完早餐不久就出发了。朗文写作活用〔after〕Soon after, he began his research.不久之后,他开始他的研究。文馨英汉〔answer〕The home team scored first but the visiting team answered quickly. [=the visiting team also scored soon after the home team scored] 主队率先进球得分,但客队很快也回敬一球。韦氏高阶〔begin〕She began feeling dizzy soon after the accident.事故发生后不久,她开始感到头晕。韦氏高阶〔concessionary〕Soon after, they were invited to start a concessionary store in Perth.不久以后, 他们就被邀请在珀斯租场地开设一家商店。外研社新世纪〔conspiracy theory〕Conspiracy theories sprung up soon after the leader's assassination.那位领袖人物被暗杀后,各种阴谋论就马上传开了。韦氏高阶〔cramp〕He went swimming too soon after eating and got cramps.他一吃完就去游泳,因而抽筋了。英汉大词典〔decamp〕He decamped to/for Europe soon after news of the scandal broke.丑闻曝光后不久,他便逃往欧洲。韦氏高阶〔decent〕It's not decent to get married again so soon after your husband has died.你丈夫死了没多久就要再结婚,这是不合适的。麦克米伦高阶〔demonstrate〕Research has demonstrated that babies can recognize their mother's voice very soon after birth.研究表明,婴儿出生后很快就能辨识母亲的声音。剑桥高阶〔fall〕She fell ill soon after and did not recover.不久后她就病倒了,而且未能痊瘉。牛津高阶〔hiccup〕A young baby may frequently get a bout of hiccups during or soon after a feed.小婴儿进食过程中或刚刚进食后经常会打嗝。柯林斯高阶〔hiccup〕A young baby may frequently get hiccups during or soon after a feed.小婴儿经常会在哺乳过程中或哺乳后不久打嗝。外研社新世纪〔interpolation〕The interpolation appears to have been inserted soon after the original text was finished.增加的东西看来是原文完成不久后插入的。外研社新世纪〔interpolation〕The interpolation appears to have been inserted very soon after the original text was finished.插补文字似乎是在原文完成后不久被补充进来的。柯林斯高阶〔legal tender〕Soon after France adopted the euro, the French franc ceased to be legal tender.法国使用欧元后,很快法国法郎便不再是法定货币。韦氏高阶〔loss〕Soon after her loss, Marie spent several weeks in America with her sister.亲人亡故后, 玛丽同她妹妹在美国度过了几星期。外研社新世纪〔lover〕He and Liz became lovers soon after they first met.他和利兹认识后不久就成了情侣。外研社新世纪〔milk fever〕A disease affecting dairy cows and occasionally sheep or goats, especially soon after giving birth.家畜生乳热:奶牛,有时指绵羊或山羊所生的疾病,尤其发生在刚刚生育之后美国传统〔missing link〕Those documents provided the missing link, and the police were able to make an arrest soon after they discovered them.这些文件提供了必要的证据,警察发现之后很快就实施了逮捕。剑桥高阶〔offstage〕Their offstage relationship ended soon after the play closed.这部戏结束不久,他们的幕后恋情就终结了。韦氏高阶〔on the spot〕She was on the spot reporting on the fire soon after the alarm was sounded.警报响起后不久,她就赶到现场报道火灾情况了。韦氏高阶〔pretty〕He left pretty soon after my arrival.我到之后, 他很快就走了。外研社新世纪〔readmit〕He was readmitted soon after being discharged.他出院后不久又再次住院。韦氏高阶〔risk〕It's not wise to risk traveling so soon after surgery.手术后没多久就冒险旅行是不明智的。韦氏高阶〔settle〕It settled in to snow soon after daybreak.黎明后不久,雪开始下个不停。英汉大词典〔shaky〕Soon after it was born, the calf got up and tried to stand on its shaky legs.小牛出生不久,就起身摇摇晃晃地想站住了。剑桥高阶〔soon〕Danny supposedly showed up at the party soon after we left.丹尼大概是在我们离开后不久在聚会上露面的。麦克米伦高阶〔soon〕I want to go to Europe as soon after christmas as possible.我想在圣诞节后就尽快去欧洲。英汉大词典〔soon〕The plane was returning to the airport soon after takeoff when it burst into flames.飞机起飞后便突然起火, 于是掉头返回机场。外研社新世纪〔split〕A serious split in the ruling coalition appeared soon after the election.选举后执政联盟很快就出现了严重分裂。牛津搭配〔spring〕A strong wind sprang up soon after we left the harbour.我们出港后不久就刮起了大风。英汉大词典〔start〕She started to feel dizzy soon after the accident.事故发生后她就开始觉得眩晕。韦氏高阶〔thereafter〕He left the priesthood in 1970 and settled in the Washington area shortly thereafter (= soon after that).他在1970年结束牧师生涯,不久以后在华盛顿地区定居。剑桥高阶〔trimming〕They were married with all the trimmings, soon after graduation.他们毕业后不久就大操大办地结婚了。柯林斯高阶〔trouble〕The plane developed engine trouble soon after taking off.飞机在起飞后不久发动机就出了问题。柯林斯高阶〔water〕At 3 a.m. her waters broke, and the baby was born soon after.凌晨3点,她的羊水破了,婴儿也很快就出生了。剑桥高阶Soon after arriving from Russia, he learned the streetwise ways of the multi-ethnic culture that was developing in New York.从俄罗斯来后不久,他便学会了在纽约的多民族文化环境中巧妙生活的办法。剑桥国际Soon after it has laid its eggs the mayfly dies.蜉蝣产卵后很快即死去。剑桥国际He flaked out soon after the film began. 电影开始不久他就睡著了。译典通He spent ages negotiating for a pay increase, only to resign from his job soon after he'd received it.他花了好多时间谈判要提高工资,不料他得到后不久却辞职了。剑桥国际I think it would be inappropriate ( for you) to invite her to a party so soon after her husband's death.我认为在她丈夫刚死之后邀请她参加晚会是不适当的。剑桥国际It cleared up soon after the rain. 雨后天气迅速放晴。译典通My wife got out of shape soon after marriage. 结婚不久之后我太太的健康就不好。译典通Research has demonstrated that babies can recognize their mother's voice very soon after birth.研究显示,婴儿出生后不久即能辨认母亲的嗓音。剑桥国际She struck up a relationship with an artist soon after she arrived in Paris.她到巴黎不久就和一名艺术家建立了关系。剑桥国际

