“speech sound”例句

单词 speech sound
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔articulate〕To utter a speech sound.发音美国传统〔articulation〕A speech sound, especially a consonant.辅音:说话的声音,尤指辅音美国传统〔articulation〕The act or manner of producing a speech sound.发音:发出说话声音的行为或方式美国传统〔aspirate〕A speech sound followed by a puff of breath.送气音美国传统〔aspiration〕A speech sound produced with an aspirate.以送气方式发出的音美国传统〔consonant〕A speech sound produced by a partial or complete obstruction of the air stream by any of various constrictions of the speech organs.辅音:一种由语言器官的收缩所致的部分或完全的气流阻塞产生的语音美国传统〔consonant〕A letter or character representing such a speech sound.辅音字母:代表这样语音的一个字母或文字符号美国传统〔glide〕The transitional sound produced by passing from the articulatory position of one speech sound to that of another.滑音:从一种发音位置到另一种发音位置时的过渡音美国传统〔glottal stop〕A speech sound produced by a momentary complete closure of the glottis, followed by an explosive release.声门塞音:由声门短暂的完全闭塞,然后突然放开而发出的声音美国传统〔hum〕To emit a continuous low droning sound like that of the speech sound (m) when prolonged.嗡嗡声,哼哼声:发出一种持续、低沉的嗡嗡声,类似m被拖长后的声音美国传统〔ingressive〕Linguistics Of, designating, or being a speech sound produced with an inhalation of breath.【语言学】 吸气音:通过吸气而发音的,与此有关的,本身如此的美国传统〔letter〕A written symbol or character representing a speech sound and being a component of an alphabet.字母:一种书写符号或代表一个语音的特征,是字母表的组成部分美国传统〔orinasal〕An orinasal speech sound, such as a French nasal vowel.一种鼻音化元音语音,比如法国鼻元音美国传统〔pharyngeal〕A speech sound produced in the pharynx.由咽喉发出的声音美国传统〔phone〕A speech sound considered without reference to its status as a phoneme or an allophone in a language.音子、音素:在语言中,不考虑其音素或音素的情况的声音美国传统〔phonic〕Of, relating to, or having the nature of sound, especially speech sounds.声音的,语音的:声音的,与之有关的,或具有音质的,尤指语音美国传统〔phonology〕The study of speech sounds in language or a language with reference to their distribution and patterning and to tacit rules governing pronunciation.音系学:在语言或一门语言中,对有关其分类和模式以及为大家所默认的发音规则的研究美国传统〔phonotypy〕The practice of transcribing speech sounds by means of phonetic symbols.表音速记法:通过音标来描述语音的方法美国传统〔resonant〕Speech sounds such as English vowels, nasal or lateral consonants are called resonants.英语元音、鼻辅音或边辅音等语音被称作共鸣音。英汉大词典〔shift〕Linguistics To be altered as part of a systematic historical change. Used of speech sounds.【语言学】 变音:作为整体的历史性变化的一部份而被改变,用于形容语音美国传统〔short〕Linguistics A briefly articulated speech sound or syllable.【语言学】 短音(节):一个发音很短的语音或音节美国传统〔sibilant〕A sibilant speech sound, such as English (s), (sh), (z), or (zh).咝音:发咝声的语音,如英语中的(s)、(sh)、(z)、(zh)美国传统〔sonant〕A voiced speech sound.发浊音的讲话声美国传统〔sonant〕Voiced, as a speech sound.发浊音的,如说话的声音美国传统〔speech〕The study of oral communication, speech sounds, and vocal physiology.言语学:对口头交流、说话声音及发声机能的研究美国传统〔transcription〕Linguistics A representation of speech sounds in phonetic symbols.【语言学】 用音标表示语音美国传统〔trill〕A speech sound pronounced with such a vibration.颤音:讲话器官颤动发出的语音美国传统

