“stick up”例句

单词 stick up
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACCEPT〕You shouldn't always give in to other people -- stick up for yourself more. 你不该老是迁就别人一多为自己想想。朗文写作活用〔DEFEND〕You're her husband - you should stick up for her. 你是她丈夫—你应当支持她。朗文写作活用〔angle〕His hair was sticking up at all angles.他的头发都竖了起来,乱蓬蓬的。牛津高阶〔anyhow〕He looked a complete mess - dressed anyhow with his hair sticking up.他那样子邋遢透顶,衣衫不整,头发翘着。剑桥高阶〔cock〕To turn or stick up.转动,竖立美国传统〔obey〕My hair's still sticking up – I just can't get it to obey me.我的头发依旧往上翘,我就是没办法让它服帖。麦克米伦高阶〔owe〕Thanks for sticking up for me—I owe you one(= I owe you a favour).谢谢你支持我,我欠你一个情。牛津高阶〔sprout〕Your hair is sticking up - it looks like you're sprouting horns! 你的头发竖起来了——看上去跟长了角似的!剑桥高阶〔stick up for sth/sb〕It's sweet the way he sticks up for his little brother.他维护他小弟弟的样子真讨人喜欢。剑桥高阶〔stick up for〕Dad spoils me. He loves me. He sticks up for me.爸爸很宠我,很爱我。他总是护着我。柯林斯高阶〔stick up for〕Dad spoils me. He loves me. He sticks up for me.爸爸很宠我, 很爱我。他总是护着我。外研社新世纪〔stick up for〕He always sticks up for me.他总是支持我。21世纪英汉〔stick up for〕He has shown a great deal of courage in sticking up for democracy and civil liberties.他在捍卫民主和公民自由上表现出巨大的勇气。柯林斯高阶〔stick up for〕He has shown courage in sticking up for democracy.他在捍卫民主方面展示了勇气。外研社新世纪〔stick up for〕I can stick up for myself.我能捍卫自己的权利。柯林斯高阶〔stick up for〕I can stick up for myself.我能捍卫自己的权利。外研社新世纪〔stick up for〕Many men began to stick up for the rights of women and children.许多男士也开始支持维护妇女、儿童权益了。21世纪英汉〔stick up〕A large rock was sticking up in the middle of the river.一块巨大的岩石在河中间拱起。韦氏高阶〔stick up〕He has nowhere to stick up his posters.他没地方贴海报了。外研社新世纪〔stick up〕He was asked to stick up for the victims of the earthquake.有人请他为地震灾民捐款。21世纪英汉〔stick up〕Her hair was sticking up at the back.她脑后的头发支棱着。外研社新世纪〔stick up〕His hair sticks up in half a dozen directions.他的头发胡乱支棱着。外研社新世纪〔stick up〕The drifter was charged with sticking up a bank.这个流浪汉被指控持枪抢劫银行。外研社新世纪〔stick up〕There were some large rocks sticking up out of the water.有一些大石头突出水面。剑桥高阶〔stick up〕These plants stick up vertically from the seabed.这些植物从海底向上垂直生长。外研社新世纪〔stick up〕When I get up in the morning, my hair is always sticking up.我早上起床的时候,头发总是竖着。剑桥高阶〔stick〕Stick up for what you believe.你相信什么,就要捍衞它。牛津高阶〔stick〕Stick up your hand if you know the answer.知道答案的就举手。英汉大词典〔stick〕Aerials stick up above the chimney.天线高高竖立在烟囱上方。英汉大词典〔stick〕Don't worry, the family will stick up for you.不要担心,家人会支持你。麦克米伦高阶〔stick〕Don't worry—I'll stick up for you.别担心,有我呢。牛津高阶〔stick〕His hair sticks up.他的头发竖起来。文馨英汉〔stick〕I don't need any help, thanks. I can stick up for myself.我不需要任何帮助,多谢。我会为我自己辩护的。麦克米伦高阶〔stick〕Part of the boat was sticking up out of the water.部分船体伸出水面。朗文当代〔stick〕Quit sticking up for him! 别再护着他了! 英汉大词典〔stick〕She taught her children to stick up for themselves at school.她教育子女在学校要勇于自衞。牛津高阶〔stick〕She's always known how to stick up for herself.她总是知道如何捍卫自己。朗文当代〔stick〕The branch was sticking up out of the water.树枝从水下伸了出来。牛津高阶〔stick〕The spire sticks up above the trees.塔尖在树丛之上突出来。牛津同义词〔stick〕You're supposed to be sticking up for me! 你应该支持我的!朗文当代〔stick〕You've got a bit of hair sticking up at the back.你后面的头发有点翘。麦克米伦高阶A few pale green shoots are sticking up out of the ground.一些嫩绿的幼苗冒出了地面。剑桥国际A pair of seemingly disembodied legs stood on a chair, the upper half of the soldier sticking up through the hole in the roof.一双好像是脱离了躯体的腿站在椅子上,士兵上半身从屋顶的洞口伸出去。剑桥国际He looked a complete mess--hair sticking up on end and clothes dragged on just anyhow.他看上去不成个样子----头发横七竖八,衣服邋里邋遢。剑桥国际I can stick up for myself.我能保护我自己。剑桥国际The cathedral spire can be seen from miles away, sticking up into the sky.教堂那直指天空的尖顶在数英里外便能看见。剑桥国际There were some large rocks sticking up out of the water.有一些大石块突出水面。剑桥国际They will stick up for their beliefs. 他们将捍卫自己的信仰。译典通When I get up in the morning, my hair is always sticking up.我早晨起床时,头发总是竖着。剑桥国际You use a plunger by putting the rubber piece over the opening of a blocked pipe, and moving the stick up and down, which produces pressure and suction alternately, dislodging whatever is blocking the pipe.将手压皮碗泵的皮碗放在被堵塞的管道的口上,上下拉动手柄,这样就会交替产生压力和吸力,疏通管道任何被阻塞的地方。剑桥国际

