
单词 间接的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PERSONALLY/YOURSELF〕Many people enjoyed the vicarious thrill of military victory. 许多人从军事胜利中享受到间接的兴奋之情。朗文写作活用〔by-blow〕An indirect or chance blow.间接的一击:非直接的或偶然性的打击美国传统〔by-path〕An indirect or rarely used path.小路:间接的或很少使用的路美国传统〔coded〕There was coded criticism of the government from some party members.一些党员对政府进行了间接的批评。牛津高阶〔evidence〕The evidence against him was largely circumstantial.不利于他的证据大多是间接的旁证。英汉大词典〔hand〕Until now, information has been second or third hand, but this news comes from someone who was there.之前只有间接的消息,这却是来自现场的消息。朗文当代〔hint〕To indicate or make known in an indirect manner.暗示:以间接的方式表明美国传统〔indirection〕The quality or state of being indirect.间接性:具有间接的性质或状态美国传统〔indirectly〕I cannot take a life, even indirectly.我不能剥夺别人的生命, 哪怕是以间接的方式。外研社新世纪〔indirectly〕So far the evidence is only indirect.目前的证据仅仅是间接的柯林斯高阶〔indirect〕He gave only vague, indirect answers to our questions.他对我们的提问仅给出了含糊的、间接的回答。韦氏高阶〔indirect〕Not proceeding straight to the point or object.间接的:不是直接达到目的或终点的美国传统〔indirect〕The benefits from pure research are often indirect.纯理论研究带来的益处常常是间接的剑桥高阶〔indirect〕They used indirect methods of investigation.他们采用了间接的调查方式。韦氏高阶〔insinuation〕Something insinuated, especially an artfully indirect, often derogatory suggestion.影射:影射的事情,特别是巧妙地间接的,通常是贬义的暗示美国传统〔is linked to/with〕He argues that poverty is directly/indirectly linked to/with certain health problems.他提出理由说明贫穷与某些健康问题有着直接/间接的联系。韦氏高阶〔mediate〕Acting through, involving, or dependent on an intervening agency.间接的:通过一中间媒介进行活动的,牵涉到中间媒介的,依赖于中间媒介的美国传统〔necessity〕Negotiations between the enemies are of necessity indirect.敌手之间的谈判必定是间接的柯林斯高阶〔oblique〕Grammar Designating any noun case except the nominative or the vocative.【语法】 间接的:由除主格或宾格的名词表示的美国传统〔repercussion〕The collapse of the company will have repercussions for the whole industry.这家公司的垮台将会给整个行业造成间接的负面影响。牛津高阶〔route〕Researchers are trying to get at the same information through an indirect route.研究人员正试图通过间接的途径获得相同的信息。柯林斯高阶〔secondhand〕In an indirect manner; indirectly.以间接的方式;间接的美国传统〔secondhand〕Most of our knowledge is secondhand.我们的知识大部分是间接的英汉大词典〔sidelight〕A piece of incidental or contrasting information.间接的说明:一条非主要的或显明的信息美国传统〔squint〕An oblique reference or inclination.间接的提及或倾向美国传统〔suggest〕These verbs mean to convey thoughts or ideas by indirection.这些动词的意思是用间接的方式传达思想或观点。美国传统Benefits from pure research are often indirect, and it is usually impossible to predict what they will be.纯研究的益处常常是间接的,通常不可能预见。剑桥国际Dating of fossils is often confirmed by indirect evidence (=that with a different, but related, cause), for example by dating the soil they were found in.化石的年代通常是通过间接的证据确定的,比如通过确定它们被发现时所在土壤的年代。剑桥国际Freedom of speech has been controlled, whether directly or indirectly (=in some way), by the secret police.言论自由被秘密警察以直接的或是间接的方式限制了。剑桥国际

