
单词 齿轮
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔REMOVE〕We'll have to take out the engine to fix the gearbox. 我们得取出引擎来修理齿轮箱。朗文写作活用〔TURN〕The gear was going round, but it didn't seem to be catching on anything. 齿轮在转动,但似乎什么也没卡住。朗文写作活用〔action〕The gears meshed with a smooth action.齿轮啮合得很好。韦氏高阶〔backlash〕The play resulting from loose connections between gears or other mechanical elements.齿轮隙:由于齿轮或其它机械装置之间的连接处松动而造成的间隙美国传统〔bevel gear〕Either of a pair of gears with teeth surfaces cut so that they can connect unparallel gear shafts.斜齿轮:用以连接不平行齿轮齿轮的任一对齿面切削美国传统〔boss〕An enlarged part of a shaft to which another shaft is coupled or to which a wheel or gear is keyed.轮毂:一轴与另一轴耦合处或一轴与机轮或齿轮楔合处的增大部分美国传统〔buck〕When she put the car in gear it began to buck wildly.当她把汽车搭上齿轮时,汽车便开始颠簸地行进。21世纪英汉〔channel〕Gear lubricants may congeal and channel in cold weather.天冷时齿轮润滑油可能凝结并形成凹槽。21世纪英汉〔chew up〕The gears got all chewed up.齿轮全都磨损了。韦氏高阶〔churn〕The wheels/gears began to slowly churn.车轮/齿轮开始缓缓转动。韦氏高阶〔clockwork〕A mechanism of geared wheels driven by a wound spring, as in a mechanical clock.钟表机械,发条装置:一种由齿轮组成的机械装置,由弹簧驱动,如机械表内部的装置美国传统〔cogwheel〕A toothed wheel.齿轮:带齿的轮美国传统〔cogwheel〕One of a set of cogged wheels within a mechanism.嵌齿轮:在机构内的一组嵌齿轮之一美国传统〔cog〕A cogwheel.嵌齿轮美国传统〔cog〕One of a series of teeth, as on the rim of a wheel or gear, whose engagement transmits successive motive force to a corresponding wheel or gear.齿轮的嵌齿:一系列齿之一,如在轮或齿轮的边缘上的,其啮合传输连续的运动力到相应的轮或齿轮美国传统〔derailleur〕A device for shifting gears on a bicycle by moving the chain between sprocket wheels of different sizes.脱轨器,转撤器:通过在不同大小的扣链齿轮间移动链条而转换自行车齿轮(换档)的装置美国传统〔differential〕Differential gear.差动齿轮美国传统〔engage with〕The first gear engages with the second.第一齿轮与第二齿轮啮合。21世纪英汉〔engage〕Cog-wheels engage.嵌齿轮是互相咬合的。牛津同义词〔engage〕Engage the gears, then slowly let in your clutch.先使齿轮啮合在一起,然后慢慢地接合离合器。英汉大词典〔engage〕One cogwheel engages with the next.齿轮一个个啮合在一起。牛津高阶〔engage〕The cogwheels are not engaging.齿轮未啮合在一起。牛津高阶〔engage〕The gears engaged.齿轮啮合美国传统〔engage〕The teeth in one wheel engage with those of another.一个齿轮的齿与另一齿轮的齿相啮合。21世纪英汉〔engage〕When the large gear wheel engages (with the smaller one), the mill stone will start to go round.当大齿轮(与小齿轮)啮合时,石磨就开始转动。剑桥高阶〔first〕Of, relating to, or being the transmission gear or corresponding gear ratio used to produce the range of lowest drive speeds in a motor vehicle.头档的,低速齿轮的:限定机动车辆最低驾驶速度范围的传动齿轮或对应齿轮比率的或与之有关的美国传统〔first〕The transmission gear or corresponding gear ratio used to produce the range of lowest drive speeds in a motor vehicle.头档,低速齿轮:限定机动车辆最低驾驶速度范围的传动齿轮或对应齿轮的比率美国传统〔freeze〕My old bicycle was so rusty that the gears had frozen.我的旧自行车锈得太厉害,齿轮都卡住不动了。剑桥高阶〔gear ratio〕The ratio of the speed of rotation of the powered gear of a gear train to that of the final or driven gear.齿轮速比:齿轮传动系的原动件的转动速度与最末件或从动件的速度之比美国传统〔gear train〕A system of interconnected gears.齿轮系:互相连在一起的齿轮组合美国传统〔gear up〕The driven part should be geared up.从动齿轮的速度应该提高。21世纪英汉〔gearbox〕A protective casing for a system of gears.齿轮箱:一种保护性的箱子,用来存放一套齿轮美国传统〔gearing〕A system of gears and associated elements by which motion is transferred within a machine.传动装置:一组齿轮和连在一起的部件,通过它们实现运动在一机器内传送美国传统〔gearing〕The act or technique of providing with gears.齿轮连接,啮合:配备齿轮的动作或技巧美国传统〔gearshift〕A mechanism for changing from one gear to another in a transmission.变速器,换档装置:在一传送过程中从一个齿轮变到另一个齿轮的一种机械装置美国传统〔gear〕A toothed machine part, such as a wheel or cylinder, that meshes with another toothed part to transmit motion or to change speed or direction.齿轮:有齿的机器部件,比如一个车轮或汽缸,与另一个有齿部分相啮合,以传送运动或改变方向、速度美国传统〔gear〕The cogs gear smoothly.该组齿轮运转灵活。21世纪英汉〔gear〕To connect by gears.以齿轮连接美国传统〔gear〕To equip with gears.以齿轮装配美国传统〔gear〕To put into gear.把齿轮装进去美国传统〔grit〕He gritted his gears when shifting into high.他在换快挡时把齿轮弄得吱嘎响。英汉大词典〔gum up〕Some dirt got inside the gears and gummed up the works.齿轮里进了尘土,转不动了。韦氏高阶〔hob〕A tool used for cutting the teeth of machine parts, as of a gearwheel.滚锐刀,元阳模:用于切断机器齿轮的工具美国传统〔idle wheel〕A gear, wheel, or roller interposed between two similar parts to convey motion from one to the other without change in speed or direction of motion.惰轮,空转轮:位于两个相似部分之间,把运动不改变速度和方向地从一个传到另一个的齿轮、轮子或转轴美国传统〔low〕The low gear configuration of a transmission.低速齿轮:传动的低速齿轮构造美国传统〔match up〕If the teeth on the cogs don't match up correctly (= if they are not in the correct place), the mechanism will jam.如果齿轮上的轮齿不能啮合到位,机器就会卡住。剑桥高阶〔mate〕The gears mate well.齿轮啮合紧密。英汉大词典〔mesh with〕There is something wrong with this machine, the wheels aren't meshing properly with each other.这台机器出了毛病,齿轮相互间啮合不当。21世纪英汉〔mesh〕If the cogs don't mesh correctly, the gears will keep slipping.如果嵌齿不能完好啮合,齿轮就会脱落。牛津高阶〔mesh〕The car's gears aren't meshing correctly.汽车的齿轮没有啮合好。剑桥高阶〔mesh〕The engagement of gear teeth.啮合:齿轮的互相咬合美国传统〔mesh〕The gears are in (out of) mesh.齿轮相互(不)啮合。英汉大词典〔mesh〕The gears weren't meshing properly.齿轮啮合得不太好。韦氏高阶〔mesh〕This toothed wheel should be meshed with that one.这个齿轮应该与那个相吻合。21世纪英汉〔mesh〕To cause (gear teeth) to become engaged.使(齿轮)相啮合美国传统〔neutral〕A position in which a set of gears is disengaged so that power cannot be transmitted.空档:一套齿轮在此处脱开,使动力不能传送的位置美国传统〔overdrive〕A gearing mechanism of a motor vehicle engine that reduces the power output required to maintain driving speed in a specific range by lowering the gear ratio.(汽车的)超速档:机动车辆的一种齿轮装置,通过降低齿轮比率来减少为将车速保持在一定范围内而需要的输出力美国传统〔pawl〕A hinged or pivoted device adapted to fit into a notch of a ratchet wheel to impart forward motion or prevent backward motion.掣爪,棘爪:一种枢轴或转轴器械,能与齿轮缺口或齿间吻合来前进或防止后移美国传统〔pinion〕A small cogwheel that engages or is engaged by a larger cogwheel or a rack.小齿轮,齿杆:啮合大齿轮或被大齿轮或齿条啮合的小齿轮美国传统〔planet wheel〕One of the small gear wheels in an epicyclic train.行星齿轮:周转轮系中的小齿轮之一美国传统〔planetary〕Being or relating to a gear train consisting of a central gear with an internal ring gear and one or more pinions.行星齿轮的:作为或关于包含一个中心齿轮,一个内环形齿轮和一个或多个小齿轮齿轮系列的美国传统〔quill〕A hollow shaft that rotates on a solid shaft when gears are engaged.套管轴:齿轮啮合时,在一固定机轴上旋转的中空轴美国传统〔race〕To cause (an engine with the gears disengaged, for example) to run swiftly or too swiftly.空转:使(如带有空齿轮的发动机)快速或过于快速地运转美国传统〔rack and pinion〕A device for the conversion of rotary and linear motion, consisting of a pinion and a mated rack.齿轮和小齿条:一种用于旋转运动和直线运动互相转换的装置,由一个齿轮和与之咬合的齿条组成美国传统〔rack〕A toothed bar that meshes with a gearwheel, a pinion, or another toothed machine part.齿条:与齿轮、锥齿轮或其它带齿的机器部件咬合的带齿的棒条美国传统〔ratchet〕A mechanism consisting of a pawl that engages the sloping teeth of a wheel or bar, permitting motion in one direction only.棘轮,棘爪:一种包含合于转轮或长条倾斜性齿轮中的爪状物的机械,使轮仅向一个方向运动美国传统〔reverse〕A mechanism, such as a gear in a motor vehicle, that is used to reverse movement.倒退装置:用来逆转运动的机械或结构,如电动运输工具中的齿轮美国传统〔revolve〕As the gear revolves, it turns the other gears.当这个齿轮转动时,它就带动了其他齿轮韦氏高阶〔rotate〕As the gear rotates, it turns the other gears.这个齿轮转动时,会带动其他齿轮韦氏高阶〔rowel〕A sharp-toothed wheel inserted into the end of the shank of a spur.齿轮,靴刺轮:嵌入踢马刺的柄头的尖齿轮美国传统〔second〕Having the second-highest ratio. Used of gears in a sequence.(机动车)二档的:有第二最高速度的。用于齿轮的传送装置美国传统〔shot〕It's no good - these gears are shot.没用了——这些齿轮已经磨坏了。剑桥高阶〔skew〕Distorted or biased in meaning or effect.斜的:有一部分偏离的,如在齿轮安装上美国传统〔slip〕The gear slipped.齿轮滑脱了美国传统〔snug〕To prepare (a vessel) to weather a storm, as by taking in sail or securing movable gear.为(船)作好防备:使(船只)做好抗风暴的准备,如收帆或固定可移动的齿轮美国传统〔spur gear〕A gear with teeth radially arrayed on the rim parallel to its axis.正齿轮:牙状齿按辐射形安置在与轴平行的边缘上的齿轮美国传统〔strip〕Change another gear,it has been stripped.换个齿轮吧,有个齿断掉了。21世纪英汉〔strip〕He was careless and stripped the gears of his bike.他不小心把自行车齿轮的齿折断了。英汉大词典〔strip〕To damage or break the threads of (a screw, for example) or the teeth of (a gear).折断:破坏或折断 (如螺杆的)螺纹或(齿轮的)齿美国传统〔synchromesh〕A gear in such a system.同步齿轮:这样系统中的一个齿轮美国传统〔synchromesh〕An automotive gear-shifting system in which the gears are synchronized at the same speeds before engaging to effect a smooth shift.同步齿轮系:一种自动的齿轮转动系统,在齿轮接合以产生顺利的转动之前齿轮以同样速度运转美国传统〔tooth〕A projecting part resembling a tooth in shape or function, as on a comb, gear, or saw.类齿物:在形状或功能上与牙齿相近的突出部分,例如梳子、齿轮或锯子上的美国传统〔tooth〕The front cog has 44 teeth.前齿轮有 44 个齿。柯林斯高阶〔turn〕The cog wheels started to turn.齿轮开始转动起来。外研社新世纪〔unstuck〕The gear just would not come unstuck.齿轮就是松不开。英汉大词典〔whack〕You can use Carol's old bike - the gears are out of whack, but it still goes.你可以骑卡罗尔的旧自行车——齿轮可能有点问题,但还能骑。剑桥高阶〔wheelwork〕An arrangement of gears or wheels in a mechanical device.齿轮装置:机械装置中的一套齿轮及轮子装置美国传统〔work〕The gears work against each other.齿轮互相磨损美国传统〔worm gear〕A gear consisting of a spirally threaded shaft and a wheel with marginal teeth that mesh into it.蜗轮装置:一种由刻有螺纹的轴和一个带有边缘轮齿的齿轮与之啮合的齿轮传送装置美国传统〔worm gear〕The toothed wheel of this gear; a worm wheel.蜗轮:这种装置的齿轮;蜗轮美国传统〔worm wheel〕The toothed wheel of a worm gear.蜗轮:蜗轮装置的齿轮美国传统It's no good--these gears are shot.没有用了----这些齿轮不行了。剑桥国际My old bicycle was so rusty that the gears had frozen.我的旧自行车生锈生得太厉害了,以至于齿轮都卡住不动了。剑桥国际The cogs gear smoothly. 齿轮啮合得很好。译典通The gears are in mesh. 齿轮相互啮合。译典通The gears mesh with each other. 齿轮相互啮合。译典通The sprocket chain on my motorcycle broke loose, and I am trying to fix it. 我的摩托车上的扣链齿轮松脱了,我正在想办法修理。译典通This factory makes high speed gear shapers. 这个工厂制造高速齿轮造形机。译典通To drive a vehicle backwards you must put it in/into reverse (gear).倒车必须挂上倒车档(齿轮)。剑桥国际When the large cog wheel engages (with the smaller one), the mill stone will start to go round.当大齿轮(与小齿轮)啮合时,石磨就开始运转。剑桥国际

