
单词 绝缘材料
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MATERIAL〕A layer of insulating material should be placed between the panels and the solid wall. 在嵌板和实心墙之间应该加一层绝缘材料朗文写作活用〔ebonite〕A relatively inelastic rubber, made by vulcanization with a large amount of sulfur and used as an electrical insulating material.硬橡胶:一种用大量硫磺硬化而成的相对无弹性的橡胶,用作绝缘材料美国传统〔fiberfill〕Lightweight synthetic fiber used as filling or insulation, as in comforters, pillows, and outerwear.纤维填料:一种用作填充材料或绝缘材料的轻人造纤维,如做棉被、枕头或外套美国传统〔foam〕Polyurethane foam is a highly efficient insulator.聚氨酯泡沫塑料是一种很好的绝缘材料外研社新世纪〔insulant〕A material used for insulation; an insulator.绝缘材料:用于绝缘的材料;绝缘体美国传统〔insulator〕A material that insulates, especially a nonconductor of sound, heat, or electricity.绝缘体:绝缘材料,特别是声、热、电的非导体美国传统〔loft〕The thickness of an item, such as a down comforter, that is filled with compressible insulating material.羽毛被的厚度:填满了压缩绝缘材料的某种物品的厚度,如尼龙被美国传统〔rosin oil〕A white to brown viscous liquid obtained by fractional distillation of rosin and used in lubricants, adhesives, electrical insulation, and printing inks.松香油:一种通过分馏松香获得的白色至褐色的粘液,用在润滑剂、胶粘剂、电绝缘材料及印刷油墨中美国传统〔spaghetti〕Electricity A slender tube of insulating material that covers bare wire.【电学】 绝缘套管:由绝缘材料制成的裹在裸线上的软管美国传统〔spark〕The luminous phenomenon resulting from a disruptive discharge through an insulating material.电火花:因通过绝缘材料的分裂性放电而产生的发光现象美国传统〔vermiculite〕Any of a group of micaceous hydrated silicate minerals related to the chlorites and used in heat-expanded form as insulation and as a planting medium.蛭石:与绿混石有关的一组含云母的水合硅酸盐矿物质的统称,并以热膨胀形式用作绝缘材料和种植媒介美国传统〔weatherize〕To protect (a structure) against cold weather, as with insulation.保护(某建筑物)使其免受寒冷蚀,如绝缘材料美国传统Glass fibre is often used as roof insulation.玻璃纤维常用作屋顶的绝缘材料剑桥国际They produce insulating materials for the electrical industry.他们生产电力工业用的绝缘材料牛津商务

