
单词 胜负
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕If the final ends in a draw, the game will be decided on penalties. 如果决赛踢成平局,将以点球决胜负朗文写作活用〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕It's a photo finish -- we'll have to bring in the judges to decide the winner. 比赛难分胜负——我们必须请裁判来决定谁是获胜者。朗文写作活用〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕The exit polls suggest that the election may well be too close to call. 投票之后的民意调查表明,选举结果很有可能旗鼓相当,难以决出胜负朗文写作活用〔PROVE〕The team is living proof of the old saying that it's not whom you play that counts, but when you play them. 常言道“比赛的胜负不在对手是谁而在天时之利”,那支队就是个活证据。朗文写作活用〔battler〕In the Cup Final, Leeds battled it out with the old enemy, Manchester United.在足总杯决赛中,利兹联队和宿敌曼彻斯特联队一决胜负柯林斯高阶〔battle〕Contestants battled it out on a desert island.参赛者们在荒岛上一决胜负外研社新世纪〔battle〕The two sides will battle it out in the final next week.双方将于下周决赛中决一胜负牛津高阶〔best〕The contest ended with no clear winner but, of the two, I think George had the best of it.比赛结束时胜负并不明朗,但我认为在两人中乔治稍占上风。麦克米伦高阶〔bracket〕Jones and Smith were bracketed in a tie for the first prize.琼斯和史密斯不分胜负,双双获得一等奖。英汉大词典〔break〕A single break of serve settled the first two sets.前两盘的比赛都是靠破掉对方一个发球局而分出胜负柯林斯高阶〔clear〕The debate failed to establish any clear blue water between the competitors.辩论没能在参赛者之间决出明显的胜负麦克米伦高阶〔cliffhanger〕It looks as if the election is going to be a cliffhanger.这次选举看来胜负难分。剑桥高阶〔clincher〕Sixsmith scored the clincher after 81 minutes.81 分钟后,西克史密斯得了决定胜负的一分。朗文当代〔close〕It was a close game that could have gone either way.那是一场势均力敌的比赛,胜负难料。朗文当代〔close〕It's going to be very close.胜负会在一线之间。外研社新世纪〔close〕The result is too close to call (=so close that it is impossible to know who will win) .比赛结果胜负难料。朗文当代〔contest〕This contest is wide open: any of half a dozen teams could win it.这场竞赛胜负难料,其中 6 个队都有机会获胜。牛津搭配〔cross〕Slang A contest whose outcome has been dishonestly prearranged.【俚语】 欺骗性比赛:胜负已经预先定好的不公正比赛美国传统〔dead heat〕A national poll shows the presidential race in a dead heat.全国民调显示, 总统竞选难分胜负外研社新世纪〔dead heat〕The race ended in a dead heat.赛跑最终不分胜负剑桥高阶〔decider〕This next round will be the decider.下一轮将决出胜负朗文当代〔decide〕It was the penalty kick that decided the match.那个点球决定了比赛的胜负朗文当代〔decide〕The last goal decided the match.最后一次射门得分决定了这场比赛的胜负英汉大词典〔decision〕Sports A victory in boxing won on points when no knockout has occurred.【体育运动】 判定得分:拳击中对手没被击倒时,按得分多少判定胜负美国传统〔doubt〕Ferdinand's second goal put the game beyond doubt.费迪南德的第二个入球决定了比赛的胜负朗文当代〔draw〕A contest ending without either side winning.平手:不分胜负的比赛美国传统〔draw〕England drew their game against France.英格兰队与法国队的比赛未分胜负牛津高阶〔duly〕It was the beginning of the end and Watson duly went on to win his fourth Open Golf Championship.这是一场胜负已定的比赛,沃森不负众望赢得了他第四次高尔夫公开赛的冠军。柯林斯高阶〔either〕A few votes either way may spell the difference between victory and defeat.任何一方多得或少得几票都会意味着胜负之别。英汉大词典〔even〕Analysts say the race is dead even.分析家称这场比赛胜负难分。牛津搭配〔even〕The odds evened before the race.在赛跑前,胜负的可能性变得接近了。21世纪英汉〔even〕The odds evened before the race.赛跑前,胜负的可能性变得接近了。英汉大词典〔fight〕Instead of retaliating, he walks away, leaving his team-mates to fight it out.他没有还击, 而是离开了, 留下他的队友们去决一胜负外研社新世纪〔fixed〕The result of that race was fixed.那场赛跑的胜负是事先安排好的。英汉大词典〔game of chance〕A game, usually played for money or stakes, in which the winner is determined by a chance event, as by drawing numbers or throwing dice.靠运气定胜负的比赛:一种常为钱或赌注而进行的比赛,比赛中获胜者全靠机会决定,一般采用抽签或掷骰子的方式美国传统〔govern〕Chance sometimes governs the outcome of the game.运气有时会决定比赛的胜负英汉大词典〔heat〕Competition was fierce, with a dead heat in one of the races (= with two competitors finishing in exactly the same time).比赛非常激烈,有一组比赛没有决出胜负牛津搭配〔honour〕National honour is at stake in this game.这场比赛的胜负关乎国家的荣辱。牛津搭配〔hustings〕With only days to go before elections in Pakistan, candidates are battling it out at the hustings.离巴基斯坦大选仅剩几天时间了, 候选人正在竞选活动上决一胜负外研社新世纪〔hustings〕With only days to go before elections in Pakistan, candidates are battling it out at the hustings.离巴基斯坦大选只有几天的时间了,各候选人正在竞选活动上一决胜负柯林斯高阶〔in the balance〕The game hung in the balance until the last minute.比赛僵持不下,直到最后一分钟才分出胜负剑桥高阶〔inconclusively〕The first round ended inconclusively, with no clear winner.首轮比赛结束没有决出胜负,没有确切的赢家。韦氏高阶〔inconclusive〕The first two rounds of the boxing match were inconclusive.这场拳击赛的前两局没有决出胜负韦氏高阶〔indecisively〕The conflict ended indecisively.这场冲突未分胜负韦氏高阶〔indecisive〕An indecisive result would force a second round of voting.胜负未分的投票结果将迫使进行第二轮投票。外研社新世纪〔issue〕The game issued in a tie.比赛结果不分胜负英汉大词典〔knife-edge〕The game is poised on a knife-edge. One mistake or one piece of good luck could decide it.比赛形势扑朔迷离。一个失误或是一点运气就有可能决定胜负柯林斯高阶〔leg〕The first round of the cup was decided over two legs.杯赛的首轮以两场分胜负柯林斯高阶〔leg〕The first round of the cup was decided over two legs.锦标赛的首轮以两场分胜负外研社新世纪〔loss〕The team has an equal number of wins and losses.这个队胜负场数相同。韦氏高阶〔margin〕The election is likely to be decided by razor-thin margins.选举很可能会以极微弱的差额决定胜负牛津搭配〔margin〕The winning margin was only 8 seconds.胜负的差距只有 8 秒。牛津搭配〔match play〕A method of scoring golf games by counting only the number of holes won by each side rather than the number of strokes taken.穴数记分:按进穴数而不按挥击次数决定胜负的高尔夫球比赛计分法美国传统〔match〕To flip or toss (coins) and compare the sides that land face up.掷或抛硬币,按正反面打赌决定胜负美国传统〔mid-point〕At its mid-point, the race had no clear winner.赛跑进行到一半时尚难分胜负牛津高阶〔nip〕It was nip and tuck who was going to win the game.这场比赛的胜负难以预测。英汉大词典〔one-horse〕He described the referendum as a one-horse race.他称这次全民公决是一场胜负分明的比赛。柯林斯高阶〔openness〕The competition has been thrown wide open by the absence of the world champion.由于世界冠军缺阵,这场比赛变得胜负难定。柯林斯高阶〔open〕The competition is wide open in the absence of the world champion.由于世界冠军缺阵, 比赛变得胜负难定。外研社新世纪〔open〕The men's race appears wide open (=anyone could win it) .这场男子赛跑胜负未定。朗文当代〔open〕The race is still wide open(= anyone could win).赛跑胜负未定。牛津高阶〔overburdensome〕Too many tasks become overburdensome.太多的任务变得不胜负担。英汉大词典〔photo finish〕Informal An extremely close competition.【非正式用语】 难分胜负的竞赛:一种十分接近的竞赛美国传统〔play for〕It is still all to play for: either team could win.胜负仍然难料:两个队都有可能获胜。外研社新世纪〔play off〕The score was 0∶0,so they are going to play off.比赛打成零比零,所以他们将加赛定胜负21世纪英汉〔play-off〕The Lakers will meet the Bulls in the playoffs.湖人队将和公牛队在季后赛中一决胜负朗文当代〔presuppose〕Without struggle there can be no progress, and struggle presupposes winners and losers.没有斗争就没有进步,有斗争就必有胜负朗文当代〔reck〕What recks it whether they win or lose?他们胜负有什么关系呢?21世纪英汉〔replay〕Drawn matches were replayed three or four days later.没有分出胜负的比赛在三四天后重赛。柯林斯高阶〔rubber〕Let's play a rubber of bridge.我们来按局数定胜负打桥牌吧。韦氏高阶〔shootout〕A means of resolving a tie after overtime in a soccer game, in which five players from each side alternately take individual shots on goal.点球决胜负:在足球比赛中,在决胜期以后决定胜负的一个方法,双方各派五个选手,分别射一次门美国传统〔ski jumping〕A competitive event in which a skier jumps from a ski jump and is judged on both form and the distance jumped.跳台滑雪:一种赛事,竞赛中滑雪者从跳台滑雪助滑道上跳下并根据其动作的形式和跳跃的距离来判断胜负美国传统〔slug〕The army slugged it out with the rebels.该部队与叛军展开激战, 一决胜负外研社新世纪〔sudden death〕Twenty games have gone to sudden death—a new cup record.已经有 20 场比赛是靠突然死亡法决出的胜负——创下了杯赛的一项新纪录。柯林斯高阶〔sweat out〕It was a close game, and the fans were really sweating it out at the end.比赛难分胜负,球迷们简直是一直紧张到比赛结束。韦氏高阶〔swing〕The game could swing either way(= either side could win it).这场比赛胜负未卜。牛津高阶〔tax〕They are taxing government ability to supply necessary services.他们不断使政府在提供必要服务方面不胜负担。英汉大词典〔thing〕The last race was a near thing.上次的比赛几乎胜负难分。 英汉大词典〔tie〕She tied with her competitor.她和对手不分胜负21世纪英汉〔tie〕They have changed the scoring system because there have been too many ties.因为常常出现不分胜负的结果,他们改变了计分制。剑桥高阶〔toss-up〕The election is a toss-up.这次选举胜负难定。韦氏高阶〔war〕The outcome of the war was far from certain.战争的胜负还远未确定。牛津搭配〔win〕Win or lose, I love competitive sports.无论胜负,我都喜欢竞技性的体育运动。朗文当代〔win〕Win or lose, we'll know we've done our best.无论胜负,我们都知道自己已尽了最大努力。牛津高阶Both sides played well--it was a very even contest.双方表现都很好----这是场不分胜负的竞赛。剑桥国际He was extolled as a hero when he scored the winning goal.当他踢进决定胜负的一球,他被捧为一个英雄。剑桥国际If a couple can't settle these matters between them they tend to slug it out in the courts.如果夫妻之间不能自己解决这些问题,他们会在法庭上一决胜负剑桥国际It looks as if the election is going to be a cliffhanger.这次选举看来将会难分胜负剑桥国际Jane and I tied (for first place) in the spelling test.在拼写比赛中简和我不分胜负剑桥国际Newsmen who covered the campaign foresaw a photo finish. 报导这次竞选活动的记者们预见竞争将非常激烈,难分胜负译典通The election is shaping up to be (= seems likely to be) a close contest.竞选看来将会难分胜负剑桥国际The game ended in a tie. 这场比赛结果不分胜负译典通The game had a knife-edge conclusion (= it was uncertain who was going to win).比赛胜负难料。剑桥国际The game was decided by a penalty shoot-out (= in football, a way of deciding who will win a game in which both teams finished with the same number of goals, by each team taking turns to have a set number of kicks at the goal.) 比赛最后以互射点球决定胜负剑桥国际The game wasn't decided until the bottom of (=second half of) the ninth inning.比赛直到第九局的后半局才决出胜负剑桥国际The mistake decided the game (= caused the person or side which made the mistake to lose).那一失误决定了比赛的胜负剑桥国际The race ended in a dead heat.比赛结果不分胜负剑桥国际The two armies converged on the enemy capital for the last battle of the war. 两军聚集在敌方首都,准备一决胜负译典通They have changed the scoring system because there have been too many ties.因为常常出现不分胜负的结果,他们改变了计分制。剑桥国际When the election is over, this will be the party holding the balance of power (= able to give its support to one or other side, and so deciding who will win).选举结束后,这个党派的态度将决定最终胜负剑桥国际

