
单词 重型
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONTROL/NOT CONTROL〕He was having trouble controlling the heavy truck on the slippery road surface. 他在湿滑的路面上驾驶重型卡车有困难。朗文写作活用〔MACHINE〕The package says you shouldn't drive or operate heavy machinery after taking these pills. 包装上说服用此药片后不可开车或操作重型机器。朗文写作活用〔UNSUITABLE〕The road is not suitable for heavy vehicles. 这条路不适合重型车辆行驶。朗文写作活用〔armour〕The troops were backed by tanks, artillery, and other heavy armour.部队有坦克、大炮以及其他的重型装甲战车作后盾。剑桥高阶〔artillery〕Using tanks and heavy artillery, they seized the town.他们倚仗坦克和重型火炮占领了这个镇。柯林斯高阶〔artillery〕Using tanks and heavy artillery, they seized the town.他们倚仗坦克和重型火炮占领了这座城镇。外研社新世纪〔ballista〕An ancient and medieval engine of warfare used to hurl heavy projectiles at a target.弩炮:一种古代和中世纪的战争器具,用于向目标猛投重型射弹美国传统〔battery〕A set of guns or other heavy artillery, on a warship, for example.(如战舰上的)枪或其它重型大炮美国传统〔bulldozer〕A heavy, driver-operated machine for clearing and grading land, usually having continuous treads and a broad hydraulic blade in front.推土机:用来清除和平整土方的重型的,驾驶操作的机器,常有连续的履带,前部有宽的液压铲刀美国传统〔butcher knife〕A heavy-duty knife with a broad, sharp blade used for cutting meat.屠刀:刀身宽而刀刃锋利的重型刀,用于切割肉类美国传统〔cab〕The covered compartment of a heavy vehicle or machine, such as a truck or locomotive, in which the operator or driver sits.驾驶室,司机房:重型交通工具或机械的封闭舱, 如卡车或火车头的操作者或驾驶者乘坐的地方美国传统〔cannonade〕An extended, usually heavy discharge of artillery.炮轰:连续的、通常是重型的火炮射击美国传统〔cannonade〕To assault with heavy artillery fire.连续炮轰:用重型火炮的火力进行攻击美国传统〔cannonade〕To deliver heavy artillery fire.重创:以重型火力打击美国传统〔cannon〕A large, mounted weapon that fires heavy projectiles. Cannon include guns, howitzers, and mortars.大炮:一种发射重型抛射物的大型有支架武器。包括火炮、熘弹炮和迫击炮美国传统〔close〕The road is closed to heavy motor traffic.这条路禁止重型机动车辆通行。英汉大词典〔cosh〕A weighted weapon similar to a blackjack.铅棒:与包着黑皮的铅头棍棒相似的一种重型武器美国传统〔cut〕The new lawn was cut up by the heavy truck.新草地被重型卡车碾得条痕累累。英汉大词典〔dig〕The tunnel was dug with the aid of heavy machinery.在重型机械的帮助下,隧道挖通了。剑桥高阶〔disturb〕Heavy truck traffic disturbed the neighbourhood.重型卡车的来来往往扰乱了这一带的安宁。英汉大词典〔dray〕To haul by means of a low, heavy sideless cart.用板车装运:用低矮无帮的重型车拉美国传统〔dreadnought〕A heavily armed battleship.无畏级战舰:一种重型武装战舰美国传统〔dump truck〕A heavy-duty truck having a bed that tilts backward to dump loose material.自倾货车:车底板可向后倾斜卸下散货的重型货车美国传统〔firebase〕A military base or site from which heavy fire is directed against the enemy.重火力点:向敌方发射重型炮火的军事基地美国传统〔flatbed〕An open truck bed or trailer with no sides, used to carry large objects such as heavy machinery, cars, or houses.平板载货车:一种用于载运重型机器、轿车或房屋等大型物体的开放式载货汽车或平板式挂车美国传统〔furrow〕The wheels of the heavy tractor furrowed the soft ground.重型拖拉机的轮子在柔软的土地上压出了车辙。剑桥高阶〔grader〕A piece of heavy equipment used to level or smooth road or other surfaces to the desired gradient.压路机:用来平整道路或其它表面以达到预期的坡度的一种重型设备美国传统〔grind〕Heavy tanks ground down the road.重型坦克轧轧地沿着马路开过去。21世纪英汉〔grind〕Heavy trucks ground down the road.重型卡车轧轧地沿着马路开过去。英汉大词典〔grind〕The grind of heavy machines could get on their nerves.重型机器发出的刺耳的摩擦声会让他们心烦意乱。柯林斯高阶〔grind〕The grind of heavy machines could get on their nerves.重型机械的碾磨声会使他们心神不定。外研社新世纪〔heavy〕Do not operate any heavy machinery while taking these medicines.服用这些药期间不要操作任何重型机械。麦克米伦高阶〔heavy〕He flew heavy bombers in World War II.他在第二次世界大战中驾驶重型轰炸机。韦氏高阶〔hgv〕You need an HGV licence for this job.从事这项工作得有重型货车驾驶执照。牛津高阶〔hoy〕A heavy barge used for freight.运货驳船:用来运货的重型驳船美国传统〔infantry〕It's a light/heavy infantry unit.这是一个轻/重型步兵团。剑桥高阶〔juggernaut〕The peace of the village has been shattered by juggernauts thundering through it.轰隆隆开过的重型卡车打破了村庄的平静。剑桥高阶〔leave〕In their withdrawal, much of the heavy equipment had to be left behind.他们在撤退中被迫舍弃了许多重型装备。英汉大词典〔machinery〕The use of heavy machinery has damaged the site.使用重型机器毁坏了工地。朗文当代〔match〕Hand-held guns proved no match for heavy armor.手持枪械根本无法同重型装甲抗衡。外研社新世纪〔match〕Hand-held guns proved no match for heavy armor.结果证明,手持枪械无法同重型装甲抗衡。柯林斯高阶〔mortar〕They could not move their heavy mortars over the swampy ground.他们无法把重型迫击炮移过那片沼泽。牛津搭配〔motorcycle〕A two-wheeled motor vehicle resembling a heavy bicycle, sometimes having two saddles and a sidecar with a third wheel.摩托车:形似重型自行车的两轮机动车,有时有两个车座和一个带单轮的边车美国传统〔music〕Heavy music thundered from the basement.地下室传来重型音乐的轰隆声。牛津搭配〔passage〕The bridge isn't strong enough to allow the passage of heavy vehicles.那座桥不够坚固,无法让重型车辆通过。朗文当代〔passage〕The passage of heavy guns had left deep ruts in the field.重型大炮碾过,在地上留下了深深的车辙。麦克米伦高阶〔plant〕The sign by the roadworks said "Slow - heavy plant crossing".道路工程旁边的告示牌上写着“减速——前方有重型施工机械”。剑桥高阶〔plough〕They need two horses to pull these heavy ploughs.他们需要两匹马拉这些重型犁。牛津搭配〔prime mover〕Any of various heavy-duty trucks or tractors.牵引车,推进器:任何一种重型卡车或拖拉机美国传统〔qualify〕The test qualifies you to drive heavy vehicles.通过这一考试就有资格驾驶重型车辆。牛津高阶〔rail〕We ought to transport more heavy goods by rail.我们应该通过铁路运送更多的重型货物。麦克米伦高阶〔silently〕The heavy guns have again fallen silent.重型枪炮的声音又一次安静了下来。柯林斯高阶〔skidder〕A heavy, four-wheel tractor used to haul logs, especially over rugged terrain.运材拖车:用于拖运木材的重型四轮拖车,尤指用于崎岖地带美国传统〔sledge〕A vehicle mounted on low runners drawn by work animals, such as horses or dogs, and used for transporting loads across ice, snow, and rough ground.重型运输雪车:用役力动物(如马或狗)拉的一种装有低矮的滑行装置的车辆,用于在冰面、雪地或不平整的地面上运输货物美国传统〔smokestack〕Car manufacturing and other smokestack industries need to adapt to the global economy.汽车制造业和其他重型制造业需要适应全球经济的发展。韦氏高阶〔smokestack〕She invested in smokestack stocks.她投资了重型制造业的股票。韦氏高阶〔speed by〕Other drivers, in cars and heavy trucks, sped by.其他司机开着小汽车和重型卡车飞驰而过。外研社新世纪〔surrender〕Gen. Morgan's troops yesterday surrendered their heavy weapons to Belgian and US troops.昨天, 摩根将军的部队向比利时和美国军队交出了他们的重型武器。外研社新世纪〔surrender〕Gen. Morgan's troops yesterday surrendered their heavy weapons to Belgian and US troops.昨天,摩根将军的部队被迫向比利时和美国军队交出了他们的重型武器。柯林斯高阶〔thud〕Heavy trucks went thudding by.重型卡车一辆辆隆隆驶过。英汉大词典〔thunder〕Heavy trucks kept thundering past.重型卡车不断地隆隆驶过。牛津高阶〔torpedo-boat destroyer〕A large, heavily armed torpedo boat used in combat especially against other torpedo boats.鱼雷驱逐舰:一种装备着大量武器的重型鱼雷舰艇,用于战斗中,特别是用在与其它鱼雷艇作战美国传统〔traffic〕Most long-distance traffic of heavy goods is done by ships.大多数重型货物的长途运输都使用轮船。朗文当代〔truck〕A convoy of heavy trucks rumbled past.一队重型卡车轰隆隆地驶过。牛津搭配〔truck〕Any of various heavy motor vehicles designed for carrying or pulling loads.卡车:各种用于运载或搬运货物的重型机动车辆美国传统〔truck〕They heard the roar of a heavy truck.他们听到了一辆重型卡车的轰鸣声。外研社新世纪〔warring〕The warring factions have not yet turned in all their heavy weapons.交战各方尚未交出所有重型武器。外研社新世纪〔warring〕The warring factions have not yet turned in all their heavy weapons.敌对双方尚未将其重型武器悉数上缴。柯林斯高阶〔waterproof〕Designed to be completely waterproof, the lights are manufactured from heavy duty plastic.为了彻底防水,这些灯具均采用重型塑料制成。柯林斯高阶Day and night heavy trucks roared past their houses. 重型卡车日夜不停地从他们家呼啸而过。译典通HGV drivers 重型卡车司机牛津商务Heavy tanks ground through the square. 重型坦克嘎嘎地穿过广场。译典通If more goods were transported by rail, the country's roads would be less overloaded with heavy vehicles.如果更多的货物通过铁路来运输的话,这个国家的公路就不用承载过多的重型车辆。剑桥国际In the manufacturing industries heavy materials handling is often done by robots.在制造行业,重型材料的装卸常常是由机器人来进行的。牛津商务Local residents are concerned about the number of heavy lorries that drive through their village.当地居民因大量驶经村庄的重型卡车而不安。剑桥国际Producers of custom-built goods, such as heavy machinery, generally use job costing.如重型机械之类按顾客要求订做的产品的生产商一般采用分批成本计算法。牛津商务The company manufactures a wide range of heavy machinery.这公司生产各种重型机械。牛津商务The heavy-duty trucks were rutting the road. 重型卡车在公路上留下车辙。译典通The peace of the village has been shattered by juggernauts thundering through it.村庄的平静被轰隆开过的重型卡车打破了。剑桥国际The scatter diagram clearly shows that heavier vehicles use fuel less efficiently.这幅散点图清楚地显示出重型车辆的能耗效率较低。牛津商务The test qualifies you to drive heavy vehicles.通过这一考试就有资格驾驶重型车辆。牛津商务The troops were backed by tanks, artillery and other heavy armour.部队有坦克、火炮和其他重型装甲武器作掩护。剑桥国际The tunnel was dug with the aid of heavy machinery.隧道在重型机器的帮助下挖成。剑桥国际The two companies have a duopoly in the heavy aircraft market.这两家公司对重型飞机市场实行了双头垄断。牛津商务The wheels of the heavy tractor furrowed (=made deep hollows in) the soft ground.重型拖拉机的车轮在软软的地面上留下车辙。剑桥国际This is a heavy duty turret lathe. 这是一台重型转台车床。译典通

