
单词 配备
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHOOSE〕The school is staffed with handpicked educators and psychiatric specialists. 这所学校配备有精英教员和精神科专家。朗文写作活用〔INCLUDE/NOT INCLUDE〕Most new cars now come with a driver's airbag as standard. 现在大部分新汽车都配有一个驾驶员气囊作为标准配备朗文写作活用〔MIRV〕To provide with multiple independent warheads.给…配备多弹头分导再入飞行器弹头美国传统〔QWERTY〕Most computers come equipped with a monitor and a full QWERTY keyboard.大多数计算机都配备显示器和标准键盘。韦氏高阶〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕To be successful, agencies must have in place a first-rate financial management system. 代理机构若想取得成功,必须配备一流的财务管理系统。朗文写作活用〔a sign of the times〕Having metal detectors in schools is a sign of the times.学校里配备金属探测器是时下流行的做法。韦氏高阶〔accouterment〕Ancillary items of equipment or dress.装备,配备:装备或服饰的附属物美国传统〔accouterment〕Military equipment other than uniforms and weapons.配备:除军服和武器外的军事装备美国传统〔against〕The police have to arm themselves against attack.警察必须得配备武器以防受到攻击。剑桥高阶〔aid〕Colonel Hardy would like to see every tank with a computerized aid.哈迪上校想让每辆坦克都配备计算机辅助设备。外研社新世纪〔air-to-air〕The planes were armed with air-to-air missiles.那些飞机都配备有空对空飞弹。文馨英汉〔arm out〕The ship was armed out.那只船已配备好武装。21世纪英汉〔armamentarium〕The complete equipment of a physician or medical institution, including books, supplies, and instruments.全套设备:一个医生或医疗机构的全套配备,包括图书,药品和器械美国传统〔armament〕The weapons and supplies of war with which a military unit is equipped.火力装备:一军事部队所配备的作战用武器和装备美国传统〔armored car〕A lightly armored vehicle, usually mounted with a turret, used for military reconnaissance, combat support, and security.装甲车:配备炮塔的轻型装甲车,用于军事侦察、战斗支持以及安全保护美国传统〔arm〕We armed ourselves with the tools we would need to survive in the forest.我们给自己配备了在森林生存所需的各种工具。韦氏高阶〔bells and whistles〕The car was equipped with all the bells and whistles you could ask for.这辆小车配备了你想要的所有装饰部件。韦氏高阶〔bell〕It's got a fast modem, video card...all the bells and whistles.它还配备了高速调制解调器、视频卡等各种附加设备。麦克米伦高阶〔bristle〕To furnish or supply with bristles.配备或提供刺毛状物美国传统〔bucket truck〕A truck equipped with a cherry picker.起重机车:配备活动起重机的卡车美国传统〔car seat〕A small removable seat, usually equipped with safety straps, that fastens to the seat of a vehicle and is used for securing young children.可移动的小座位:一种可移动的小座位,通常配备有拴在车座上用以确保小孩安全的安全带美国传统〔circuit training〕A method of physical conditioning in which one moves from one exercise to another, usually in a series of different stations or pieces of equipment.循环训练:锻炼身体的方法,其间一个人从一个运动转移到另一个,通常在一系列不同的位置或配备美国传统〔complement〕The full crew of officers and enlisted personnel required to run a ship.船上定员:行驶船舶所要求配备的全体官员和在编士兵美国传统〔complete〕The house comes complete with swimming pool and sauna.这栋房子配备有游泳池和桑拿浴设备。朗文当代〔computerize〕The office is being computerized.这个办公室正在配备电脑。韦氏高阶〔computerize〕To furnish with a computer or computer system.配备电脑:用计算机或计算机系统装备美国传统〔containerport〕A port equipped to handle containerized cargo.集装箱货港:配备有装卸集装箱货物设备的港口美国传统〔costume〕To design or furnish costumes for.为…设计或配备服装美国传统〔crest〕To decorate or furnish with a crest.加上顶饰:用冠状饰物装饰或配备美国传统〔crew〕Arrangements had been made for the crewing of the ship.船上人员的配备已安排就绪。英汉大词典〔cut〕Staffing levels had already been cut to the bone (=reduced to the lowest level possible) .人员配备已经削减到了最低限度。朗文当代〔dialyzer〕A machine equipped with a semipermeable membrane and used for performing dialysis.渗析器:配备有半透膜并用来进行渗析的机器美国传统〔doodad〕The car has all the latest electronic doodahs.这辆车配备有所有最新的电子装备。外研社新世纪〔doodah〕The car has all the latest electronic doodahs.这辆车配备有所有最新的电子装备。外研社新世纪〔enquiry〕The enquiry ruled that the cars should be fitted with bigger bumpers.检测结果认定那些汽车应该配备更大些的保险杠。牛津搭配〔equipment〕The rolling stock especially of a transportation system.配备:尤指某一种交通系统中的车辆美国传统〔equipped〕Owners of restaurants would have to equip them to admit disabled people.餐厅老板将必须在餐厅里配备能够接纳残疾人的设施。柯林斯高阶〔equipped〕The office will be equipped with a brand-new computer.办公室将会配备一台全新的计算机。外研社新世纪〔equip〕Owners of restaurants would have to equip them to admit disabled people.餐厅老板将必须在餐厅里配备能够接纳残疾人的设施。外研社新世纪〔equip〕There is not enough money to equip investigators with the latest computer systems.没有足够的钱为调查者配备最新的电脑系统。麦克米伦高阶〔equip〕They spent a lot of money equipping the school with new computers.他们给学校配备新计算机花了很多钱。朗文当代〔escort〕The army provided a small armed escort for the delegation.军方为代表团配备了小型武装卫队。牛津搭配〔few〕This hospital is one of the few that are equipped to provide transplant surgery.这是少数配备了外科移植手术设备的医院之一。朗文当代〔fighting chair〕A chair, often padded and equipped with a harness, used on a boat by a saltwater angler for support while landing a large fish.搏斗椅,钓鱼椅:装有垫子且配备马具的椅子,当捕获大鱼时支持海上钓鱼者而用于船上美国传统〔fit〕We fitted them out with wet suits and surf boards.我们为他们量了尺寸以便配备湿式潜水服和冲浪板。麦克米伦高阶〔fully〕The house is fully furnished.这房子配备了全部家具。韦氏高阶〔furnished〕She's looking for a furnished flat/apartment.她正在找配备家具的公寓。剑桥高阶〔furnish〕He didn't have enough money to furnish the room.他没有足够的钱给房间配备家具。外研社新世纪〔furnish〕To equip with what is needed, especially to provide furniture for.装备,摆设:尤指配备家具等所需之物美国传统〔furniture〕The movable articles in a room or an establishment that make it fit for living or working.家具:房间或机构内为起居或工作方便而配备的可移动物品美国传统〔gadget〕The kitchen is equipped with all the latest gadgets.厨房里配备了所有最新式的小设备韦氏高阶〔glove〕To furnish with gloves.配备以手套美国传统〔helmet〕The combat troops have been helmeted.所有的作战部队均已配备了头盔。21世纪英汉〔inadequate〕The problem lies with inadequate staffing.问题在于人员配备不足。外研社新世纪〔instructional〕We need more instructional materials in our classrooms.我们需要为教室配备更多教材。韦氏高阶〔kit〕Mark was kitted up in skis, boots, and equipment.马克配备了滑雪板、靴子和器材。朗文当代〔lighten〕Getting a new assistant will lighten (= reduce) the workload considerably.配备一名新助手会极大地减轻工作压力。剑桥高阶〔make for sth〕Having faster computers would make for a more efficient system.配备速度更快的计算机会提高系统的工作效率。剑桥高阶〔mandate〕The law mandates that every car have seat belts.法律要求每辆车都必须配备安全带。韦氏高阶〔mod cons〕The kitchen is fully equipped with all mod cons including a dishwasher.这间厨房配备了齐全的现代化生活设施,包括一台洗碗机。剑桥高阶〔mount〕The warship mounted ten guns.战船配备了十支枪美国传统〔personal digital assistant〕A lightweight, hand-held, usually pen-based computer used as a personal organizer.个人数字助理:轻巧的手持计算机,通常配备手写笔,用作个人管理器美国传统〔pick〕Accountants can take their pick of company cars.会计师可以任选配备的公车。外研社新世纪〔plus〕The apartment isn't perfect, but the fact that it has new appliances is a plus.这个公寓并不完美,但它的优势是配备了新家电。韦氏高阶〔purify〕The rooms are fitted with systems that purify the air and water.房间里配备了净化空气和水的系统。麦克米伦高阶〔pursuant〕The boy was provided with an interpreter, pursuant to the Individuals with Disabilities Act.依据《残疾人法》,为那个男孩配备了一名翻译。朗文当代〔regulation〕To comply with government hygiene regulations, there must be a separate sink for hand washing.按照政府的卫生管理条例,必须专门配备一个洗手池。牛津搭配〔remount〕The regiment must be remounted.全团必须重新配备战马。英汉大词典〔roughly〕You won't be roughing it; each room comes equipped with a telephone and a 3-channel radio.你不会过得太艰苦;每个房间都配备了一部电话和一台可以接收3个频道的收音机。柯林斯高阶〔seating〕The stadium has been fitted with seating for over eighty thousand spectators.这个体育场配备了8万多个观众座席。柯林斯高阶〔situation〕This situation has arisen as a result of our serious staffing shortages.出现这种情况是因为我们人员配备严重不足。朗文当代〔special〕The car has a number of special safety features.这辆汽车配备有一些特别的安全装置。剑桥高阶〔staffed〕The center is staffed with highly trained physicians.该中心配备了训练有素的医生。柯林斯高阶〔staffing ratio〕The staffing ratio is good.员工配备率不错。外研社新世纪〔staff〕The charity provided money to staff and equip two hospitals.这个慈善机构提供资金装备了两家医院并配备了人员。牛津高阶〔staff〕The labs are staffed by (或with) engineers and physicists.实验室配备了工程师和物理学家。英汉大词典〔staff〕The outer office must be fully staffed at all times.配备足够人员的麦克米伦高阶〔staff〕The ward is now fully staffed.病房现在人员配备齐全。牛津搭配〔staff〕They staff the clinics with nurses.他们为诊所配备护士。外研社新世纪〔staff〕We'll need 300 workers to properly staff the hotel.我们需要给宾馆配备300名工作人员。韦氏高阶〔stay〕An experienced Indian guide is provided during your stay.在你逗留期间为你配备了一名有经验的印度导游。柯林斯高阶〔stipulate〕The law stipulates that new cars must have seat belts for the driver and every passenger.法律规定新车必须为驾驶员和每位乘客配备坐椅安全带。剑桥高阶〔tool up〕The factory was not tooled up for this type of production.这家工厂没有配备生产这种产品的机器。韦氏高阶〔tool〕The factory was tooled up to produce light weapons.这家工厂配备了设备生产轻武器。朗文当代〔torpedo boat〕A small, fast, thinly plated warship equipped for firing torpedoes.鱼雷艇:一种装甲较轻,行动迅速的小型舰艇,配备鱼雷攻击美国传统〔underofficer〕In respect to her Bishops, the Church of England is underofficered.就主教而言,英国国教会配备不足。英汉大词典〔wallop〕Each Trident sub is said to pack more wallop than the combined fleets of all navies in World War II.据说,每艘三叉戟潜艇配备的打击力比第二次世界大战中所有海军舰队的打击力总和还大。英汉大词典〔well balanced〕The team was not well balanced.这个队的队员配备得不是很均衡。牛津高阶〔yawl〕A ship's small boat, crewed by rowers.船载小艇,配备有划船手美国传统Bands of armed toughs roamed the city.种种配备着武器的暴徒在这座城市里闯来闯去。剑桥国际Bobbies on the beat in Cambridgeshire have called on police chiefs to arm them with pepper gas.剑桥郡的巡逻警察要求警长给他们配备胡椒气弹。剑桥国际Employees were supplied with home computers.给雇员配备了家用计算机。牛津商务Having faster computers would make for a more efficient system.配备速度更快的计算机将提高系统效率。剑桥国际I bought the caravan complete with contents--kitchen stuff, bed linen, everything.我买了辆配备齐全的活动住房车----厨房用具、床单枕套以及其他一切东西。剑桥国际In the future, cars equipped with on-board computers will be able to detect and avoid traffic jams automatically.将来配备了车载电子计算机的汽车能够自动发现、并避开交通堵塞。剑桥国际Staffing is still a relatively unimportant issue compared to the other problems that we're encountering.与我们遇到的其他问题相比, 配备员工问题仍是一个相对来说不足道的问题。剑桥国际The car comes supplied with stereo equipment, sunroof, electric windows, and more.这辆车配备有立体声设备、活动车顶、电动车窗以及其他各种设备。剑桥国际The kitchen of this delightful cottage is fully equipped with all mod cons including a dishwasher.这个令人愉快的小屋的厨房配备了包括洗碗机在内的齐全的现代化生活设备。剑桥国际They have been tireless in raising money for guide dogs for the blind.他们一直坚持不懈地筹款给盲人配备导盲犬。剑桥国际You have to be fairly high up in the company in order to be given a car.你必须在公司里担任相当高的职务才能配备一辆轿车。剑桥国际

