
单词 重读
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EMBARRASSED/EMBARRASSING〕Carla felt mortified at the thought of having to repeat another year at school. 卡拉想到要重读一年就觉得很羞愧。!朗文写作活用〔POLITE〕When I re-read my letter I saw that I had written it with a formality that I did not intend. 当我重读自己写的信时,我发现我无意间把信写得很客套。朗文写作活用〔THINK〕As I read the letter again, a number of thoughts came to mind. 我重读这封信时,突然有了一些想法。朗文写作活用〔accented〕The last syllable is not accented.最后一个音节不重读外研社新世纪〔accentuate〕To pronounce with a stress or an accent.重读重读或以重音读出美国传统〔accent〕A mark or symbol used in printing and writing to indicate the stressed syllables of a spoken word.重读符号:用于印刷体或书写体中的记号或符号,来表示所讲单词的重读音节美国传统〔accent〕Accent the word “woman”on the first syllable.“woman”一词在第一个音节重读21世纪英汉〔accent〕Rhythmically significant stress in a line of verse.言语,语调:一诗行中的节奏性重读美国传统〔accent〕To stress or emphasize the pronunciation of.重读:加强或强调…的发音美国传统〔accent〕When you say “before,” you should accent the second syllable. = You should accent the word “before” on the second syllable.读before一词时,应该重读第二个音节。韦氏高阶〔anacrusis〕One or more unstressed syllables at the beginning of a line of verse, before the reckoning of the normal meter begins.非重读音节:诗句音步开始前句首的一个或多个非重读音节美国传统〔arsis〕The accented or long part of a metrical foot, especially in accentual verse.强音节:音步中长的或重读的部分,尤指在重音节诗歌中美国传统〔arsis〕The short or unaccented part of a metrical foot, especially in quantitative verse.弱音节:音步中短的或非重读的部分,尤指在长短步诗中美国传统〔atonic〕A word, syllable, or sound that is unaccented.无重读音节:不重读的单词、音节或单音美国传统〔atony〕Lack of accent or stress.非重音:无重音或重读美国传统〔bear〕The article doesn't bear rereading.此文不值得重读一遍。21世纪英汉〔break〕Give me a break and pass me, or else I'll have to be a freshman again.帮帮忙给我及格分,不然我就得重读一年级了。英汉大词典〔breve〕A curved mark used to indicate a short or unstressed syllable of verse.表示诗行中的短音节或非重读音节的弧形符号美国传统〔classic〕As I grow older, I like to reread the classics regularly.随着年龄渐长, 我喜欢经常重读那些经典著作。外研社新世纪〔classic〕As I grow older, I like to reread the classics regularly.随着年龄渐长,我喜欢经常重读经典著作。柯林斯高阶〔elision〕Omission of an unstressed vowel or syllable, as in scanning a verse.非重读元音或音节的省略,例如在标出诗歌格律时美国传统〔emphasis〕Prominence given to a syllable, word, or words, as by raising the voice or printing in italic type.突出,重读:对于音节、单词或语句的突出,如通过提高音调或用斜体美国传统〔emphasis〕Put the emphasis on the second syllable.重读第二个音节。牛津搭配〔emphasize〕You should emphasize the penultimate syllable.你应该重读倒数第二个音节。外研社新世纪〔enclitic〕Forming an accentual unit with the preceding word, and thus having no independent accent.非重读词的后接词的:与前面构成一个重音单位,而无独立重音的美国传统〔feminine ending〕An extra unstressed syllable at the end of a line of verse.行尾弱音节:附加在诗行末尾不需重读的音节美国传统〔ictus〕The accent that falls on a stressed syllable in a line of scanned verse.强音:格律诗中某一行中重读音节上的重音美国传统〔light〕Of, relating to, or being a vowel or syllable pronounced with little or no stress.不重读的,轻的:属于、关于或是非重读或轻读的元音或音节的美国传统〔long〕Stressed or accented. Used of a syllable in accentual prosody.重音的:重读的或加重音的。用于重音韵律学中的音节美国传统〔outride〕An unstressed syllable or cluster of syllables within a given metrical unit that is omitted from the scansion pattern in sprung rhythm.一音部内的轻音节:跳韵中按轻重韵律念时被省略的一个既定音步里的非重读音节或音群美国传统〔paroxytone〕A paroxytone word.倒数第二个音节重读的单词美国传统〔paroxytone〕Having an acute accent on the next to last syllable. Used of some words in Greek and certain Romance languages, such as French and Portuguese.倒数第二个音节重读的:倒数第二个音节重读的。用于希腊语和包括法语与葡萄语在内的罗曼斯语中一些词语美国传统〔pick〕Read the play again and pick out the major themes.重读剧本,把主题找出来。牛津高阶〔practice〕It's common practice in many countries for pupils to repeat a year if their grades are low.学生如果成绩不好就重读一年,这是许多国家的普遍做法。朗文当代〔re-readable〕His books are indefinitely re-readable.他的著作怎么重读也不会生腻。英汉大词典〔reduce〕Some English vowel sounds which are not given weight in speech become reduced to a rather formless central vowel.英语中有些元音在讲话时没有重读,结果成了相当不定型的中央元音了。21世纪英汉〔repeat〕If you don't pass this exam you'll have to repeat a year.如果你这次考试不及格,你就必须重读一年。麦克米伦高阶〔reread〕We carefully reread the contract.我们仔细地重读了那份合同。韦氏高阶〔returnee〕One who returns, as from a journey or to school after a long absence.归来的旅行者,回校重读生:长期缺席后回到学校的人;旅行回来的人美国传统〔rhythm〕These nouns are compared as they denote the regular patterned ebb and rise of accented and unaccented sounds, especially in music, speech, or verse.当这些名词意为有规律地形式化的重读与非重读音节的降低和升高时,尤其在音乐、演说或韵文中,它们有所区别。美国传统〔secondary accent〕The degree of stress weaker than a primary accent placed on a syllable in the pronunciation of a word.次重音:在单词发音时比重音弱的音节的重读程度美国传统〔secondary accent〕The mark (") used to indicate this degree of stress.次重音素标志:用来提示这种重读强度的标志(")美国传统〔short〕Unstressed; unaccented. Used of a syllable in accentual prosody.非重读的,非重音的:非重读的;非重音的。用于形容根据重音定节奏的诗体中的音节美国传统〔sonant〕A syllabic consonant in Indo-European.浊辅音:印欧语系中的音节辅音(重读辅音)美国传统〔stress〕He tends to put the stress on the wrong words.他常常把不应该重读的单词重读外研社新世纪〔stress〕In the word "engine" you should stress the first syllable.在 engine 这个词中,应该重读第一个音节。剑桥高阶〔stress〕Some people stress the second syllable of “harassment,” while others stress the first.有些人重读harassment一词的第二个音节,而另一些人则重读第一个音节。韦氏高阶〔stress〕Stress the second syllable in “accept”.“accept” 一词的第二个音节要重读英汉大词典〔stress〕The emphasis placed on the sound or syllable spoken most forcefully in a word or phrase.重音:放在词或词组中发音非常有力的声音或音节的重读美国传统〔stress〕The first syllable takes the stress.第一个音节要重读牛津搭配〔stress〕The relative force of sound or emphasis given a syllable or word in accordance with a metrical pattern.重读:在被给的音节或词语中与诗格相适应的声音的相对力量或重点美国传统〔stress〕The word 'machine' is stressed on the second syllable.machine 这个词的第二个音节要重读朗文当代〔stress〕There's a stress on the second syllable.第二个音节重读牛津搭配〔stress〕To give prominence to (a syllable or word) in pronouncing or in accordance with a metrical pattern.重读:在发音中或与诗格相适应的对(音节或词)的重读美国传统〔stress〕We worked on pronunciation, stress and intonation.我们学习了语音、重读和语调。牛津高阶〔stress〕When she said, “We need lots of money,” she stressed the word “lots.” 当她说“我们需要很多钱”时,她重读了“很多”这个词。韦氏高阶〔stress〕You should stress the second syllable in 'computer'.computer 的第二个音节要重读外研社新世纪〔stress〕You stress the first syllable in ‘happiness’.*happiness 一词重读第一个音节。牛津高阶〔strong〕Stressed or accented in pronunciation or poetic meter. Used of a word or syllable.重读的:在发音或诗韵律重读的。用于一个词或一个音节美国传统〔syllable〕We children called her Oma, accenting both syllables.我们小孩子都称她为“奥马”, 两个音节都重读外研社新世纪〔syllable〕We children called her Oma, accenting both syllables.我们这群小孩叫她Oma,两个音节都重读柯林斯高阶〔take〕The word takes an accent on the last syllable.这个词的最后一个音节重读英汉大词典〔thesis〕Music The accented section of a measure.【音乐】 强声部:一个调子中重读的部分美国传统〔thesis〕The long or accented part of a metrical foot, especially in quantitative verse.强音节:尤指在定量诗中韵脚的长或重读部分美国传统〔thesis〕The unaccented or short part of a metrical foot, especially in accentual verse.弱音节:尤指在扬音诗中韵脚的非重读或短的部分美国传统〔tonic〕Stressed, as a syllable; accented.重读的:重读的,例如一个重读音节;重读美国传统〔tribrach〕A metrical foot having three short or unstressed syllables.三短节韵,三短音节的音步:有三个短的或非重读音节的音步美国传统〔unaccented〕Having weak stress or no stress.非重读的:弱重音或无重音的美国传统〔unstressed〕Most words that are made up of more than one syllable have at least one stressed syllable and one unstressed syllable.绝大部分有两个以上音节的单词都有至少一个重读音节和一个非重读音节。剑桥高阶〔unstressed〕The first and third syllables are unstressed.第一和第三音节不重读英汉大词典〔unstressed〕The second syllable of the word “random” is unstressed.单词random的第二个音节不重读韦氏高阶〔weak〕Designating a verse ending in which the metrical stress falls on a word or syllable that is unstressed in normal speech, such as a preposition.弱读结尾的:诗节结尾重读落在正常非重读单词或音节,如介词美国传统〔weak〕Unstressed or unaccented in pronunciation or poetic meter. Used of a word or syllable.非重读的:在发音或诗节中不重读的。用于一个词或音节美国传统〔word〕By emphasizing particular words you can change the meaning.重读特定的词就能改变意思。牛津搭配〔year〕The twins didn't have to repeat their second year at school.这对双胞胎不用重读二年级。外研社新世纪〔year〕The twins didn't have to repeat their second year at school.这对双胞胎不需要重读二年级。柯林斯高阶He desolately re-read her letter, unable to believe that she was leaving him.他孤单单地重读她的信,不能相信她要离开他。剑桥国际In the word ‘engine’, you should stress the first syllable.‘Engine’ 这词,你应该重读第一音节。剑桥国际Stress marks above the line indicate primary stress, while those below the line show secondary stress.在行上的重音符号表示主要重读音节,而在行下的则表示次重音。剑桥国际The interpretation of a sentence can change according to which word is stressed.一句句子的含意会因重读哪个词而改变。剑桥国际The naughty boy had to repeat the fifth grade. 这个顽皮的男孩不得不重读五年级。译典通This chapter is so difficult to digest, I shall have to read it again later.这一章这么难领会,我日后得重读剑桥国际

