
单词 讲演者
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔argue〕The speaker argued that more immigrants should be admitted to the country.讲演者举出理由证明应该允许更多的移民入境美国传统〔assail〕The students assailed the speaker with questions.学生反复质问讲演者21世纪英汉〔barrack〕Chiefly British To jeer or shout at a player, speaker, or team.【多用于英国】 喝倒彩:对表演者、讲演者和队员嘲笑或大嚷美国传统〔bodily〕The audience rose bodily to cheer the speaker.听众们全体起立向讲演者欢呼致意。英汉大词典〔bore by〕We are bored by the speaker's tedious talk.讲演者那冗长乏味的讲话使我们感到厌烦。21世纪英汉〔chord〕The speaker had obviously struck a chord with his audience.讲演者显然已引起了听众的共鸣。牛津高阶〔drive ... home〕The speaker drove home his point.讲演者把他的论点讲得很透彻。21世纪英汉〔fluent〕As a lecturer, she is fluent, witty, but also scholarly.作为一位讲演者,她熟练自如,聪明机智,而且具有学者风度。麦克米伦高阶〔inane〕He bombarded the lecturer with inane questions.他向讲演者提了一连串无比愚蠢的问题。麦克米伦高阶〔introduction〕Our speaker this evening needs no introduction.我们今晚的讲演者大家都很熟悉,就不用介绍了。韦氏高阶〔laugh〕The audience laughed the speaker down.听众用讪笑声把讲演者轰下了台。英汉大词典〔lecturer〕One who delivers lectures, especially professionally.讲演者:发表演说的人,尤指职业的美国传统〔put〕The audience is now invited to put questions to the speaker.现在请听众向讲演者提问。牛津高阶〔rhetorician〕An eloquent speaker or writer.雄辩的讲演者或作家美国传统〔start〕The speaker started with a description of her journey to China.讲演者讲述了她的中国之行作为开场白。剑桥高阶〔thread〕The lecturer brought all the threads together.讲演者把所有的细节都联系起来。英汉大词典〔turn〕Unable to leave my seat, I turned off the boring speaker and thought about vacation.不能离开我的座位,我对那个令人厌烦的讲演者置之不理,开始考虑假期美国传统〔wander〕The speaker's eyes wandered round the whole house.讲演者的眼睛环视了整个房屋。21世纪英汉〔whip ... into〕A good speaker can whip the crowd into a fever of excitement.她的讲演者可以使听众群情激奋。21世纪英汉〔work ... into〕The speaker worked his new book into his talk.讲演者巧妙地提到他新写的书。21世纪英汉After the presentation the speaker invited questions which caused an animated discussion.讲演者作完报告后请大家提问,讨论非常活跃。剑桥国际I was very disappointed with the lecture -- the lecturer seemed to pass over the most important points.我对这个讲座很失望----讲演者似乎把最重要的问题略去不谈。剑桥国际The lecturer temporarily digressed from what she was saying to answer a question from a member of the audience.讲演者暂时岔开她正在说的,回答来自一位听众的问题。剑桥国际The lecturer was a middle-aged man. 讲演者是个中年男人。译典通The speaker was boring everybody -- you could see it on their faces.讲演者令每个人讨厌----你可从他们的脸上看出这一点。剑桥国际These debates have made a successful series, mostly because of well-chosen speakers and lively topics.这些辩论形成了一个成功的系列,主要是因为其精心挑选的讲演者与生动活泼的话题。剑桥国际

