
单词 面临饥荒
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔RISK〕Once again the people of Sudan face the threat of famine. 该国人民再次面临饥荒的威胁。朗文写作活用〔failure〕After three crop failures in a row, the people face starvation.连续3年庄稼歉收,老百姓面临饥荒剑桥高阶〔famine〕Four million people are now facing famine.400 万人正面临饥荒牛津搭配〔horizon〕Famine is on the horizon for this nation.这个国家将面临饥荒英汉大词典〔large〕The population faces starvation this winter without large-scale emergency food aid.今年冬天由于没有大规模的紧急食品援助,人们将面临饥荒剑桥高阶〔ration〕Once these latest rations run out, the country will again face hunger and starvation.最后这批口粮一旦用完,国家又要面临饥荒牛津高阶The population faces starvation this winter without large -scale emergency food aid.没有大规模紧急食品援助,人们今年冬天将面临饥荒剑桥国际

